Smash Master
HELLOOOOOOO MY BELOVED MEMBERS OF THE S.S.S.!!! It's me!!! Dyce!!! Did y'all miss me as much as I missed you?
Like I said yesterday, great work, SiegK. Anyway, I'm sure that Shadow will make some sort of appearance, he's practically a staple to the series by this point.
I mean, he wasn't in SatSR's main story, but he WAS in the multiplayer (then again, so was Silver...?)
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
All I'm hoping for is some Knuckles playability. I freakin' love that echidna.
'ello dyce, probably haven't seen me as well for a while
SiegK had the best reply to itHere's hoping it doesn't suck there is very little non-running activities NO HUMANS (eggman ok) and hopefully the good voice cast (or at least a Japanese option) I don't want another Sonic06.
I'm with ya Sieg.Don't worry, this wont be another Sonic06. They actually said something about wanting to forget that game ever happened.
This game has No Silver, and is not related to the Sonic06 story line in anyway what-so-ever.
Plus, the new Hedgehog Engine made just for this game, 3 years in the making.
No, sir. This game cannot fail. Cause we have already seen what a 'new age' Sonic game can become and now we set a new course. To awesomeness.
Oh and btw, i may be less often here. I have other sites that i am apart of, any most of my posts here might be multi quotes with too late replys. But then again it just make my posts more epic sometimes.