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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
Where did everybody go? This place has been pretty dead for two weeks.

Well, I guess it is nearing the end of the semester,... so yeah...


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
This thread HAS gone down the drain in Posts recently. But I think it's fine, I mean too much posting could lead to spam. Not that we have to worry too much, this isn't the ol' regular character discussion back on '07 or the General Brawl Discussion (Which IMO, should be the most ignored section on this site).

Anyways, I may never play you guys but I might be able to prove that I'm the best Sonic (Maybe even the best in general) in my hometown. I don't think others have the advantage of knowing skills that go to their chosen character. Anyways, it might be at a library. They have Brawl, (will have later) Mario Kart Wii, and more. And I know skills that all of them will most likely fail at knowing. I think I might be the only person in Chelsea that is active on these boards. Thus, this gives me the knowledge on what to do on certain situations.

All the players there are newbies that don't know anything about advanced play. This will mean I will have to play with Items and weird stages. But I'm used to that (I always have Items on, just on low >_>). But I can still show them Sonic's overwhelming skills in the game. I will probably face alot of Pits, and other characters people will think thhey will be instantly good.

I will pwn, I'll bet most if not all even knows Smashboards exists ;)

And as for the thread having less discussion. Maybe SiegK wiil (If your here, can you?) drop in with a comic or two unless he is busy. Maybe just a random scenario about Sonic's days fighting in Brawl.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
^^Ive got like the best Sonic in MD! lolz I friggin rock

Hello Clan(s)! You have been invited to join the clan tournament. This tournament will be between all clans from the Brawl characters. The winner gets full bragging rights, and a secret prize (it's not too great so don't get overexcited). Hers how it will work. After all clans that are going to participate have signed up, there will be a week for the clan to pick it's representative (it doesn't matter how you pick them, it could be a mini tournament or whatever, but it doesn't matter, as long as you pick one) The representatives will be representing the clan, and all it stands for, so pick wisely.
Then any clans with the same character will face each other, until there is one representative for each character (and their clan). Finally the main tournament begins. Random brackets will be made with each representative still in the tournament. The next part will act very similar to an average tournament. The winner will get mega bragging rights for their character and clan. We will make a thread on Smash boards.com, on the Online Tournaments section to keep a list of all participating clans, and we will keep track of the matches, and keep an up to date bracket board. To enter, have either the clan leader, or a high official PM me at Brawler1432 at Smash Boards (you can post your acceptance here, but I may not see it ), no entry fee required. Please tell other clans about this, we want everyone in.
The matches are online so make sure to supply your representatives Brawl Code.

I dont know when this is but if I cant try I recommend Daisy-Fan!

If I CAN make it...I say we have a lil tourney with those that want to participate lolz



Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
^^Ive got like the best Sonic in MD! lolz I friggin rock

Hello Clan(s)! You have been invited to join the clan tournament. This tournament will be between all clans from the Brawl characters. The winner gets full bragging rights, and a secret prize (it's not too great so don't get overexcited). Hers how it will work. After all clans that are going to participate have signed up, there will be a week for the clan to pick it's representative (it doesn't matter how you pick them, it could be a mini tournament or whatever, but it doesn't matter, as long as you pick one) The representatives will be representing the clan, and all it stands for, so pick wisely.
Then any clans with the same character will face each other, until there is one representative for each character (and their clan). Finally the main tournament begins. Random brackets will be made with each representative still in the tournament. The next part will act very similar to an average tournament. The winner will get mega bragging rights for their character and clan. We will make a thread on Smash boards.com, on the Online Tournaments section to keep a list of all participating clans, and we will keep track of the matches, and keep an up to date bracket board. To enter, have either the clan leader, or a high official PM me at Brawler1432 at Smash Boards (you can post your acceptance here, but I may not see it ), no entry fee required. Please tell other clans about this, we want everyone in.
The matches are online so make sure to supply your representatives Brawl Code.

I dont know when this is but if I cant try I recommend Daisy-Fan!

If I CAN make it...I say we have a lil tourney with those that want to participate lolz

it'd be cool if we could know when it is. I'd recommend myself and then daisy-fan. simply because I beat his ass?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
i would do that too sounds fun my favrite part is the bragging rights lol we should play damax that is if you want too


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
Sonic Unleashed

I was gunna post earlier. But Omg I passed out. Sonic Unleashed kicks so much ***. Everyong is going to forget about Sonic 06.

Im going to quote Dyce on this one, via AIM, cause I dont want to word it any other way.

Dyce: i had no idea
Dyce: i saw the trailer and said "**** this looks just like satsr
Dyce: then i realized how much *** it kicked
Dyce: theyre back to the old sonic
Dyce: 2D to 3D transitions
Dyce: new engine
Dyce: gameplay looks insanely cleaned up
Dyce: the music... i ****ing love the music, so reminiscant of the good old genesis days
Dyce: omg im in love

And so am I,

Sonic Unleashed

My views​

- In case this has been posted already, I'm sorry and don't feel like looking back at all the pages to find out. So deal. But if not, here ya go.
- Some are calling it Sonic Adventure 3, but then again a lot of people called Sonic Heroes Soinc Adventure 3, so who knows.
- Seems like we're going back to the old style of Sonic (YES!) Not freaky tall Sonic anymore and Eggman is back to his old self again, fat.
- To me it looks like the same town as in Sonic 06 is used but changed a bit and is used as a Level not a walking around town.

Sonic Unleashes Teaser, Werehog!

Sonic Unleashed Gameplay, love the music

Sonic Unleashed Images!

Before Sonic 06 came out, we thought "oh yeah, this is the game we have been waiting for", but no, Sonic unleashed is the game we have been waiting for.

Sonic 06 was a Sonic games that was tried to be mixed with a new age style of graphics which had Sonic characters in it. Even Eggman looks more human, at the time was cool but looking back. It didn't suit him.

Now with Sonic Unleashed, we finally have a Sonic game in his true form but with Great Graphics not some new added style.
- To me, this game gives on something that says Sonic Rush style made for a Console.

Also, the already well known
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
developed by BioWare, is on its way! And that will be bringing something new to the Sonic Universe, RPG ownage.
Small Look at the game


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Pardon!? c'est du hard mon cher, pas easy.
with lag I can't even do my sonic infinite, which is bad, I think kirt had a glimpse of it. else, lag just kill it.

I never said you were so bad, I dont play on wifi very often and I'm not used to manage the lag like you are.

Also, I don't play as often as you do, I'd say 100 times less than you, curse university. When we played, I had not played for at least half a month. Wait till summer I'll 2 stock you real time.


Smash Cadet
Mar 26, 2008
@ SiegK:

Sonic Unleashed started as Sonic Adventure 3. The City that looks like the Sonic 06 one is based of an actual city, I think it's in Greece (Anyone know the exact one?)

It still isn't the Sonic 4 I was hoping for. Sonic Adventure was basically a reboot, And I'm still hoping for them to de reboot Sonic.


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
@ SiegK:

Sonic Unleashed started as Sonic Adventure 3. The City that looks like the Sonic 06 one is based of an actual city, I think it's in Greece (Anyone know the exact one?)

It still isn't the Sonic 4 I was hoping for. Sonic Adventure was basically a reboot, And I'm still hoping for them to de reboot Sonic.
I don't wanna break your dreams, but.... it is not based of an actual city... at all. They barely copied the architectural culture of http://www.antoine.tv/commun/lettre/2007/04/03_grece.jpg GRECE!

For the other part other place we see (the one that looks like a bunch of sand) is actually arabia, the style comes from Sonic and the secret rings. Finaly the forest seems to be influenced by africa, specially since there's those little house at the start of the video.

finally a sonic game? still the gameplay video seems EXTREMLY easy... I saw him jump like 3 times? also what the **** no rolling? dude, Sonic was cool cuz he was rollin. Rock and rollin, the essence of Sonic. its seems to be out since he bash some robots by accelerating (Wtf seriously I run rawr) I'm sad.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Sonic's ability to truck through badguys and other objects appears to need to be built up before using. It will probably take a while.

And I'm sure that the 2D will take use of jumping on your opponents and the 3D will take use of the famous homing attack.

Also, it's been mentioned that there's a combat aspect to the game. Punches, kicks, and other rolling-attack related abilities? Hopefully!


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
So, I was playing my friends yesterday and I decided to take them to Luigi's Mansion while I was playing as Sonic. That level was a crazy awesome counterpick! I had all the space I needed to run around and destroy their game. Plus, since there are multiple levels, Sonic can control almost the entire stage because he is so friggin fast. Has anyone else tried out the Mansion? You should, cause it's great (and so is the music).


Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
I just have to say those 2 new sonic games look absolutely amazing and im hoping they can revitalize this once awesome series. Plus sonic I love playing as sonic in brawl, i just wish he had more of a role in the subspace.
he has the most important role seriously. everyone else would have been toast.

Luigi mansion is a bad stage for sonic imo. can't do the sonic infinite in that one..
Jun 26, 2007
koopa cape located at the end of rainbow road
yeah but to me it seems like he was just thrown in at the last second (like he was) I would have liked to unlock him earlier in the story. Like maybe Mario and Pit stumble into green hill zone and are confronted by sonic. Sonic and mario then have an epic battle, but soon agree to work together to beat the subspace army.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
yeah but to me it seems like he was just thrown in at the last second (like he was) I would have liked to unlock him earlier in the story. Like maybe Mario and Pit stumble into green hill zone and are confronted by sonic. Sonic and mario then have an epic battle, but soon agree to work together to beat the subspace army.

Nah. Too cliche :p (Anyways, you shouldn't even be complaining. At least Sonic got a role, unlike Toon Link, Jigglypuff, and Wolf.) If it were me to put in those characters in, I'd either have Toon Link or Jigglypuff team up with Sonic (Preferably Toon Link) and then Wolf tries to get either of the 3 sometime in the story. Then somehow Jigglypuff, Toon Link, and Wolf are seperated from Sonic somehow. Sonic becomes alone again, and at a later cinema Sonic sees the Subspace sphere (after ther heroes have already got there AND being turned into trophies) and then goes up a mountain ramp and enters it Sonic CD (as in when he was heading toward the death egg in the intro) style (Maybe even with Sonic Boom playing in the meantime). And that is how he meets up with Taboo :bee:

Anways, this Brawl v Melee crap in the General Brawl is driving me nuts. If it weren't for the fact I have you guys and Stryk's comic. I would have left this place right now. The section is calming down a little, but if there are still Brawl v Melee threads by summer. I officially proclaim that section the "Iraq" of the Smash Community (As in no seeable solution to the problem).


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
I see a solution! Vote Malak the CharmeR!

But really Im goin to PA on Sundaqy to help O'bama win lolz SSL HOURS!!!!!!




Smash Lord
Oct 16, 2005
Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, QC, CA
Nah. Too cliche :p (Anyways, you shouldn't even be complaining. At least Sonic got a role, unlike Toon Link, Jigglypuff, and Wolf.) If it were me to put in those characters in, I'd either have Toon Link or Jigglypuff team up with Sonic (Preferably Toon Link) and then Wolf tries to get either of the 3 sometime in the story. Then somehow Jigglypuff, Toon Link, and Wolf are seperated from Sonic somehow. Sonic becomes alone again, and at a later cinema Sonic sees the Subspace sphere (after ther heroes have already got there AND being turned into trophies) and then goes up a mountain ramp and enters it Sonic CD (as in when he was heading toward the death egg in the intro) style (Maybe even with Sonic Boom playing in the meantime). And that is how he meets up with Taboo :bee:

Anways, this Brawl v Melee crap in the General Brawl is driving me nuts. If it weren't for the fact I have you guys and Stryk's comic. I would have left this place right now. The section is calming down a little, but if there are still Brawl v Melee threads by summer. I officially proclaim that section the "Iraq" of the Smash Community (As in no seeable solution to the problem).
true, melee vs brawl debates sucks.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
^^Lolz That being said many people DO play the game that hate it...I just play both...its two different styles



Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
They play it because if they don't they'll be left behind from most of the "Moolah Competitions" (If you have no idea what Moolah is, it means Money). I try to avoid being involved, if I just put "Melee" and "Suck" in the same post there I would get flamed. I also resist the urge of making Flamebait threads: By playing Brawl lol.

But anyway, talking about this has no relation to Sonic whatsoever unless the Extremist (lol) Melee players randomly start attacking the character boards like the Sonic one.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Andover, Minnesota
Should be done any time between the middle of May to end of June.I'll put it here or the Sonic boards and maybe the video boards etc.
What kind of music should I use?I really like the music in the trailer (Solaris Phase 2 from Sonic 06) but what else?I'm looking for everything to be around 6-8 minutes.Opinions are appreciated.I would like them to be Sonc songs too.
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