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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
That's completely different. A comic doesn't hurt anyone or anything, except for super fanboys like you apparantly are.

Look, I don't want to fight with you. I just don't appreciate you bashing SiegK. He's done nothing wrong, he's a good poster, he's made comics to post in the SONIC THREAD that were funny to us, and were made in good fun. So back off, please.


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
"O look I stabbed you but it was only a joke"
Screw you. Lawl.

I just read the past few pages and you have some issues dude. I dont think their even with me. You just need some "me" time with yourself to see what crawled up and got stuck in your @$$. Cause its not my Comics and its not the OLD Flame War That DIED Out alog time ago.

That's completely different. A comic doesn't hurt anyone or anything, except for super fanboys like you apparantly are.

Look, I don't want to fight with you. I just don't appreciate you bashing SiegK. He's done nothing wrong, he's a good poster, he's made comics to post in the SONIC THREAD that were funny to us, and were made in good fun. So back off, please.

Thanks, SiD.

Come on, guys, it's all in the past.

Ridley + Sonic = gewd. :)
I 2nd this post.



Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Screw you. Lawl.I just read the past few pages and you have some issues dude. I dont think their even with me. You just need some "me" time with yourself to see what crawled up and got stuck in your @$$. Cause its not my Comics and its not the OLD Flame War That DIED Out alog time ago.
Its about the fact that you thought it was smart to post those comics in anyway... what if we made a comic about Sonic where we talked about how he was an old washed up character who doesn't even deserve to be in Brawl?

I mean we just had an entire war and you actually post a comic... about Ridley... where he becomes a boss. How would that in anyway be a smart move? Why didn't you make a comic about Sonic and not Ridley which had nothing to do with you?

And then you start bumping that other thread and reply to me whit "Huh?" or something.

No screw YOU. Lawl.


Smash Ace
May 10, 2007
Dude, that was hundreds of pages ago. OLD. NEWS. It was DURING the war. SiegK did not make anymore boss jokes after that.


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2007
Big, spooky castle in eastern europe.
Its about the fact that you thought it was smart to post those comics in anyway... what if we made a comic about Sonic where we talked about how he was an old washed up character who doesn't even deserve to be in Brawl?

I mean we just had an entire war and you actually post a comic... about Ridley... where he becomes a boss. How would that in anyway be a smart move? Why didn't you make a comic about Sonic and not Ridley which had nothing to do with you?

And then you start bumping that other thread and reply to me whit "Huh?" or something.

No screw YOU. Lawl.
. . .And I thought NSider had flametards. . .

If you wanna make a comic like that, go ahead. This is America. You can say you cut his head off and fed it to Satan for all we care. We don't give a flying ****.

What we do give a flying **** about is you coming over here and *****ing your eyes out at us over something with a the relevance of a supermarket tabloid. It's annoying. And you obviously don't seem to like Sonic, so I can't imagine you having any reason for being in this subforum other than to be an all-purpose pain in the ***. If you want to vent some frustration, go find someone that'll agree with you and vent it to them.

Otherwise, all you're going to do is make us anti-Ridley. (note the sig.)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Yeh seriously dude, just don't post here again. If you don't like Sonic and all you've come here for is to argue, then go away before people start reporting you.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
(Sigh) Now I just wish that Sakauri could confirm Ridley so we don't have to worry about such flame skirmashes again. How about for good relations just imagine Sonic & Ridley working together pwning. Sonic & Ridley against the World...


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
(Sigh) Now I just wish that Sakauri could confirm Ridley so we don't have to worry about such flame skirmashes again. How about for good relations just imagine Sonic & Ridley working together pwning. Sonic & Ridley against the World...
Unfortunately, the Sonic and Ridley fanbases hate each others' guts.

Plus, we all know Ridley is a shoe-in for Brawl, so there's no need for arguments between the two clans.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Hmm yes I also thought that he would be a great choice to put in, but his size would be a little awkward...:ohwell:


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Oh please do not say that. You know Lego would sooner or later find this and point out the argument that is said on the 1st post of the new ridley thread.

(sigh) I never wanted the S.S.S. to have such a problem with R.I.D.L.E.Y. All I wanted was to have our own clan. I'll have to admit it, but it was R.I.D.L.E.Y. that inspired me to make the S.S.S. The only conflict I permitted was the Sonic VS. Ridley online matches when Brawl comes out (or more closely, when members of each have unlocked their respective characters. Or if it's like MSC and all the secret characters are avaialble during Wi-Fi >_>)

So can anybody tell me what started this supposed flame war if it wasn't the comics?


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Its about the fact that you thought it was smart to post those comics in anyway... what if we made a comic about Sonic where we talked about how he was an old washed up character who doesn't even deserve to be in Brawl?

I mean we just had an entire war and you actually post a comic... about Ridley... where he becomes a boss. How would that in anyway be a smart move? Why didn't you make a comic about Sonic and not Ridley which had nothing to do with you?

And then you start bumping that other thread and reply to me whit "Huh?" or something.

No screw YOU. Lawl.
Actually, not a single person here would care if you made an anti-Sonic comic, because we have a sense of humor. But something you can't seem to understand, is that those comics weren't anti-Ridley. It was poking fun at the situations some people think are possible.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square

There was talk in the last 2 pages that there was one before the comics started when it became a cease-fire sort of and then SiegK posts the comics and it starts again. But maybe It's just my foolish 15-year old brain :/


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
We're already at peace dude, Lego is just being a dumbsas.

Umm... I make people angry, its what I do. Anyway, jk. PEACE!

The comics were just funny. Even though they were the root, I believe what started the wars were people and their anti-humor. ya know what Im sayin, SiD? haha.

How about instead of talking about a peace thing or the old wars or whatever. We just dont talk about it? ....Ehh nvm. That would mean we dont have a sense of humor. JOKE ALL-ROUND!


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Yeah. Besides, RIDLEY did make at least one comic that poked fun at Sonic, but we didn't get mad about it, we all thought it was funny.

Whatever, Lego doesn't speak for all of them. Most of them are cool with us and our comics.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I don't think the flame wars would end, whether or not Ridley was confirmed as either a boss or a character. Sure, the anti Ridley as a character arguement is that he's too big or too flimsy. but the size arguement may have come from Meta-Ridley's size in the Prime games, which could be a major contrast to Ridley's real size while he was around

the for Ridley arguement stands on the grounds that he's come back and fourth in almost every Metroid game and a Space Pirate is too generic, so their leader would be the most wanted.

I think that if:

Ridley was confirmed as a boss, extreme fans of ridley would become sour, and continue to flame this thread

Ridley was confirmed as a PC, then it would be a constant "Turf war" on the forums before the game's release, and constant Ridley vs Sonic battles after the games release on Wi-Fi

personally I see no sense in it. they're both good characters, but taking it to the degree that they would be offended by a little humour is just silly. I'm a big Link fan, but I still read stories and comics, and watch machinimas and flash movies which portray link as a moron, and find them very funny.


ahwell. hopefully there will be a ceasefire at some point and we can all be friends

Also: SiegK, I'm now starting to wonder what would have happened to your comics if you were a Ridley fan instead of a Sonic one... *thinks about the alternate reality...* *cue twilight zone music*


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
Also: SiegK, I'm now starting to wonder what would have happened to your comics if you were a Ridley fan instead of a Sonic one... *thinks about the alternate reality...* *cue twilight zone music*
What would happen to my Comics? What Would Happen To My Life!?!?!?
I Wouldnt be me anymore! AHHHHHHHHH *Goes Boom*

Well. The Flame War wil end when Brawl Comes out.

If Ridley is a character.
___a) We're all happy.
___b) Yay and this was all pointless.
___c) My comics become fictional.
___d) New "Who is the higher Tier" War. I dub, The Top Tier Wars.

If Ridley isnt a character.
___a) S.S.S. Wins Flame War.
___b) many people are sad. (from both sides)
___c) Many "I told you so"'s

Ridley is a Boss.
___a) My Comics become Predictions
___b) R.I.D.L.E.Y. is mildly P|ssed Off.
___c) Many "I told you so"'s

Ridley is an AT.
___a) Now, that wouldnt do that to us? Would they? Thats just mean.

(No need for caps, just felt like it)

The Flame Wars will end, as for a new War starting up... Thats for another day.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
I'm guessing Ridley will be in it one way or another, but I never thought of the AT possibility =S

It COULD happen....I guess....

*ducks from an incoming petrol bomb*



Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Hey the only reason this got brought up was because someone asked me why I had a grudge against you and I told then and they made a big deal about it.

Also It was because he was stupid enough to make a comic where Ridley gets bad **** happen to him even though he has nothing to do with Sonic right after an entire war with R.I.D.L.E.Y.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Hey the only reason this got brought up was because someone asked me why I had a grudge against you and I told then and they made a big deal about it.

Also It was because he was stupid enough to make a comic where Ridley gets bad **** happen to him even though he has nothing to do with Sonic right after an entire war with R.I.D.L.E.Y.

Christ. I know it's part of R.I.D.L.E.Y.'s mission to defend Ridley's character, no matter what place and what time it may be. However, there is a certain point where you have to be somewhat MATURE. I don't think anybody here in the S.S.S. loathes Ridley or even the Metroid franchise as a whole; in fact, alot of the members (if I recall) actually like Ridley and wish he was apart of the game.

You see, the thing that really grabs me by the balls is the fact that we can't really kid around with the whole lot of you. If you came into this thread and started badmouthing Sonic, we wouldn't give a ****. As SiD pointed out, we have a great sense of humor. Take me, for instance. I love Sonic, but I hate the current games. SA1, SA2, Sonic Heroes, SatSR, Sonic '06...all of them. Everybody else in the S.S.S. likes them. Here and there, I make jabs and jibes about how crappy the franchise has become with its entrance into 3-D. Y'know what the rest of the S.S.S. does? They make it a big joke. SiD actually edited my profile on the S.S.S. forums (I will frequent there more often guys, I swear) to make it say "...and I love Shadow the Hedgehog" after a particularly vicious rant against the character. I'm willing to wager that everybody had a good laugh; I know that I sure as hell did. I couldn't stop laughing for minutes on end.

It's not that way with Ridley, though. Oh, no. If we paint the purple lizard in some unfavorable light we get flamed to high hell for our transgressions. I mean, c'mon! So what if we declare Ridley emo in a fictional reality? So what if he's deconfirmed IN A COMIC. Fact of the matter is this: IT IS A JOKE.

And if you try to give me the whole "well, you don't know the whole situation" and the "they started it" sermon, I am gonna roll my eyes and ignore your post entirely. Seriously. I don't have the compunction or time to double back and read about some petty squabble that concerns two video game characters. The arguments are moot and all affronts against the characters should be taken LIGHTLY. Y'know, something that we strive to do over here.

I like Ridley, **** it, and ya'll are right to place me in as a fanboy over in R.I.D.L.E.Y. Hell, I'm even working on a short story involving Samus and Ridley for you guys. I just don't like the fact that we can't have a little fun every once in a while. Ya'll shouldn't take things so **** seriously over there.

There's end of my rant. Therapeutic writing FTW.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006

Christ. I know it's part of R.I.D.L.E.Y.'s mission to defend Ridley's character, no matter what place and what time it may be. However, there is a certain point where you have to be somewhat MATURE. I don't think anybody here in the S.S.S. loathes Ridley or even the Metroid franchise as a whole; in fact, alot of the members (if I recall) actually like Ridley and wish he was apart of the game.

You see, the thing that really grabs me by the balls is the fact that we can't really kid around with the whole lot of you. If you came into this thread and started badmouthing Sonic, we wouldn't give a ****. As SiD pointed out, we have a great sense of humor. Take me, for instance. I love Sonic, but I hate the current games. SA1, SA2, Sonic Heroes, SatSR, Sonic '06...all of them. Everybody else in the S.S.S. likes them. Here and there, I make jabs and jibes about how crappy the franchise has become with its entrance into 3-D. Y'know what the rest of the S.S.S. does? They make it a big joke. SiD actually edited my profile on the S.S.S. forums (I will frequent there more often guys, I swear) to make it say "...and I love Shadow the Hedgehog" after a particularly vicious rant against the character. I'm willing to wager that everybody had a good laugh; I know that I sure as hell did. I couldn't stop laughing for minutes on end.

It's not that way with Ridley, though. Oh, no. If we paint the purple lizard in some unfavorable light we get flamed to high hell for our transgressions. I mean, c'mon! So what if we declare Ridley emo in a fictional reality? So what if he's deconfirmed IN A COMIC. Fact of the matter is this: IT IS A JOKE.

And if you try to give me the whole "well, you don't know the whole situation" and the "they started it" sermon, I am gonna roll my eyes and ignore your post entirely. Seriously. I don't have the compunction or time to double back and read about some petty squabble that concerns two video game characters. The arguments are moot and all affronts against the characters should be taken LIGHTLY. Y'know, something that we strive to do over here.

I like Ridley, **** it, and ya'll are right to place me in as a fanboy over in R.I.D.L.E.Y. Hell, I'm even working on a short story involving Samus and Ridley for you guys. I just don't like the fact that we can't have a little fun every once in a while. Ya'll shouldn't take things so **** seriously over there.

There's end of my rant. Therapeutic writing FTW.

Smooth Criminal
What the **** is wrong with you people? I never said it was the joke its self I mean I found the comic funny its that HE after a massive war where tensions were high and everything was shaky and on ice decided to make a comic depicting Ridley in a bad way which only spurred the flame war on.

Christ! Yhea I had a laugh out of it I'm not saying I didn't I'm just saying that it was stupid to actually post the comic...

What the hell is wrong with you people? don't you actually read into my post?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Couldn't agree more with Smooth Criminal's post. He's said his bit, Lego has said his, now I think we can all leave it and get back to general Sonic in Brawl discussion. :)


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
What the **** is wrong with you people? I never said it was the joke its self I mean I found the comic funny its that HE after a massive war where tensions were high and everything was shaky and on ice decided to make a comic depicting Ridley in a bad way which only spurred the flame war on.

Christ! Yhea I had a laugh out of it I'm not saying I didn't I'm just saying that it was stupid to actually post the comic...

What the hell is wrong with you people? don't you actually read into my post?
That doesn't make any sense dude. So it was funny, but it shouldn't have been posted...

You know it was a joke, but still got offended by it....

Are you ****ing serious?


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Im Just Wondering...if Ridley isnt real why are people getting offended??? Its not like its about your mom its Like YOU MAKE GODS ANGRY BY ANGERING RIDLEY But I'd Have to say.....I Like the Radiata Stories Ridley as opposed to the Metroid purple dinosaur Ridley.




Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2006
Huntington Beach, SoCal. Wanna Smash? PM me.
Lego just makes me laugh. Maybe I should make a comic about him.
Ya know, Funny little Skit about SiD, myself a few others and Lego just keeps talking.
It would be great!

The comix were 1st posted because of the Flame War. Yes. I will admit to that.
But the 1st had nuthing to do with either of them being in Brawl. it was Just Sonic Vs Ridley cause of the S.S.S. Vs R.I.D.L.E.Y.

Whoopy, BIG deal.

Then there was a big fight, flameing, blah blah. It was worked out.
S.S.S. And R.I.D.L.E.Y. talked in each others forums and we found out wich RIDLEY members could take a joke.

The next comic I made having to do with Brawl itself. Sonic getting in and Ridley not thinking he would but at the end of the comic he was what most SSS members thought he would be and what RIDLEY members wouldnt like. A Boss. Ya know why? Cause it was funny and no Harm was ment.

After all, its just a comic, right?

Anyway, Then some RIDLEY laughed and some still didnt understand, the ones that did told those who didnt to get a grip and calm down cause no1 wanted another war. They *Caugh*gypsy*caugh* didnt let up. So I made a 3rd Comic in spite. Alright? It was funny, Clone of Charizard. People got over it.

Just to keep my comics alive and to add a real fight I made another one. a Turny to see who newcomers would be in Brawl.
I stuck to my old ideas and Had Ridley fight (cause I want him as a character too) but took him out and made him into a REALLY strong Boss. I had been around the Mega Man thread during that time to I made Sonic and Mega Man win.

No Harm. We already worked all of this out. I dont know where you were Lego. But Lego-My-Comics.
(Omg that would be an awesome title for the comic about making fun of you...but I wont. Not yet. keep nagging this subject and you might be the subject of my next comic.)


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
I don't know... you tell me.
Because Ridley is Barney's Older Brother??? I dunno Dyce Lets ask LEGOS!!!


BTW What is da S.S.S??? If its not a gang and about Sonic I wanna Join! lolz
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