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OFFICIAL Sonic thread. (Keep it Brawl related, or suffer Xsy's/Xii's wrath!)

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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Arrh! I don't even like tails but the idea of having Sonic with at least one of his crew seemed even a little appealing


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
So, now that we have accomplished 10,000 posts, is our next target gonna be 1,000 pages?

I thought it would have been better with Sonic on his own, and Tails being an AT if he got in. if Sonic was to be similar to an Ice Climbers model, then I'd be a little upset.

if Eggman were to appear, he'd be a boss and boss only.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Hmmm. If anyone else from the Sonic series should be playable, it should be Knuckles. I mean, Shadow should be an Alt costume, and that's it. And maybe some others as assist trophies. But the only other one with original player quality is Knuckles IMO.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
So did we get any info on what his neautral B attack was yet?

With the whole character inclusion thing, I think if Sonic did get another playable character it would have to be tails only because of this:

yeah, after believing that prank (I was so young and nieve) I better get it as truth someay somehow.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
Yeah. In fact i think i saw Sonic make a tornado after Link in the Sonic VS. Link Gameplay. Sonic Wind perhaps? And i really doubt Tails's chances as a Playable. AT Perhaps? That would be sort of be called favoritism to Sega in front of the other companies that couldd have more characters. Like Megaman for example.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yeah. In fact i think i saw Sonic make a tornado after Link in the Sonic VS. Link Gameplay. Sonic Wind perhaps? And i really doubt Tails's chances as a Playable. AT Perhaps? That would be sort of be called favoritism to Sega in front of the other companies that couldd have more characters. Like Megaman for example.
That tornado is part of Link's gale boomberang.


Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2007

Oooooh, I remember that! Gather 'round boys and girls, cause Brads gonna tell a story....

I was 10, I was hyper, and I was in the 5th grade. I opened up my newest issue of EGM, and with shock and glee, found out Sonic and Tails are in Smash Bros Melee. The next day, I told my freinds at school (all two of them) that Sonic was in Melee, bringing evidence with me. They believed me.

The next day, I came to school expecting my freinds to praise me for my discovery. But no, instead I was pointed to and called a liar, due to my supposed joke of Sonic being in Melee.

Like an injured wolf of a clan, I was left, alone.

So yeah.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
as said by another person in the thread, it's doubtful that Sakurai would fill the rest of the third party slots with Sonic characters. as ATs, Costumes and bosses, yes, otherwise, no.

the prank pulled by EGM with Sonic in melee got to me earlier this year. I knew it was a fake, but it gave me something to do for a while. I've never managed the 20 kos that I needed, so i gave up after a while. but he's in brawl now. it is now just a matter of patients


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2007
While it is a strech that another sonic character would be filling the last spot for brawl, I think that Nintendo will make a Tails skin, Knuz skin, and Shadow skin for sonic, instead of just different colors, but if another sonic character was in it, It should be tails. period.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2007
Spear Pillar
It would be Tails or Knuckles if there was a chance for another Sonic character to be playable. But Sakurai is not gonna give two third party slots to SEGA, we already went through enough getting Sonic in as it is. So as it stands now, i can see other Sonic characters making it in as collectible trophies at the least, and AT's at best.

Oh, and Sonic rocks my socks.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
In a house... in Miami,Fl Close to MD South Campus
Knuckles would make a great AT. think about it. he would come out and glide all around the stage then before he leaves he throws a huge bolder(ala Sonic Battle) or maybe a storm of rocks and metals and stuff. Tails would be better off as a trophie (collectible) cause he just plain suks! sorry if i doubled.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
sucks how i live close to LA but i cant go...freakin school day...AWWW i really want to play that game right now...theyre making Sonic playable
yea shouldve said that yesterday.
for the dude who was asking wut Sonic's B was, its Homing Attack it seems. theres a gameplay vid on gamespot.com and Sonic's fighting Link, jumps and flies directly at Link. so it's Homing Attack.

Edit: d*** really need to change that pic on my sig...


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
sucks how i live close to LA but i cant go...freakin school day...AWWW i really want to play that game right now...theyre making Sonic playable
yea shouldve said that yesterday.
for the dude who was asking wut Sonic's B was, its Homing Attack it seems. theres a gameplay vid on gamespot.com and Sonic's fighting Link, jumps and flies directly at Link. so it's Homing Attack.

Edit: d*** really need to change that pic on my sig...
Yea, that was me who asked. I'm gonna have to go find that video.

And at least you live close to LA, I live in friggin' Jersey. Everything cool involving video games seems to happen on the west coast. West side gets all the fun... :urg:

And about your sig... I say keep the same one, but at the end of the animation have a big "NOT!" pop up, and then say "2/10/08". :chuckle: Sick, cruel, funny stuff.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I doubt we'll see another Sonic character besides Eggman. Eggman, believe it or not, would make the perfect boss battle in the Subspace mode. Simply because Eggman was made for 2D plane battles and IMO, he's a perfect fit as a boss. As for ATs, Tails and Knuckles are possible but still unlikely.

Oh and how about music? Think with the two month delay we'll be getting more music than expected? I'm pulling for, at the very least, all the vocal endings from the 3D Sonic games and some nice orchestrated classics. The vocals: Live & Learn (obviously), Open your Heart, What I'm Made of, His World (all three versions plz plus orchestrated version!!), and Seven Rings in Hand. Orchestrated classics I'm hoping for are: Green Hill, Ice Cap, Dead Battery (I think that's what it was called, the second Zone in S&K after Mushroom Forest), and of course a Casino Night song.

It'd be nice to see all those songs and maybe more than that represent Sonic. But, I have a doubt about all those vocals. Probably only the best ones will get in (in this case, Live & Learn and Open your Heart). I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Seven Rings in Hand. :p

What do you guys think?


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
No, no, no to all three versions of "His World". The Zebrahead version blows chunks, first of all. Crush 40 only does a half-way decent job with their vocals. I think that the instrumental version is the best by far.

Oh, and "Seven Rings in Hand"... is a very annoying song. They can put it in, though. It's catchy and fun for a little while. (After playing SatSR for a few weeks, I still can't make out one word they're saying.)
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
Yea, that was me who asked. I'm gonna have to go find that video.

And at least you live close to LA, I live in friggin' Jersey. Everything cool involving video games seems to happen on the west coast. West side gets all the fun... :urg:

And about your sig... I say keep the same one, but at the end of the animation have a big "NOT!" pop up, and then say "2/10/08". :chuckle: Sick, cruel, funny stuff.
yea. sucks that i cant go tho...i wish i knew someone that was going...and some of the fun stuff happens in the West coast, all the hella crazy a** is always in friggin' Japan
thatd be funny: i'll put Borat says "NOT!" then put 2/10/07 *crying face* hahaha. i stole this from someone tho. i actually dont know how to do those little flash things...I FAIL!
I doubt we'll see another Sonic character besides Eggman. Eggman, believe it or not, would make the perfect boss battle in the Subspace mode. Simply because Eggman was made for 2D plane battles and IMO, he's a perfect fit as a boss. As for ATs, Tails and Knuckles are possible but still unlikely.

Oh and how about music? Think with the two month delay we'll be getting more music than expected? I'm pulling for, at the very least, all the vocal endings from the 3D Sonic games and some nice orchestrated classics. The vocals: Live & Learn (obviously), Open your Heart, What I'm Made of, His World (all three versions plz plus orchestrated version!!), and Seven Rings in Hand. Orchestrated classics I'm hoping for are: Green Hill, Ice Cap, Dead Battery (I think that's what it was called, the second Zone in S&K after Mushroom Forest), and of course a Casino Night song.

It'd be nice to see all those songs and maybe more than that represent Sonic. But, I have a doubt about all those vocals. Probably only the best ones will get in (in this case, Live & Learn and Open your Heart). I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Seven Rings in Hand. :p

What do you guys think?
Eggman would be pretty sick as a Boss in Adventure Mode.
Tails and Knuckles as AT's i really want to see more of tho.
the music: for one Live and Learn is already in. i really liked It Doesnt Matter from SA2, but i think Live and Learn is the SA2 song. maybe a remix of Green Hill Zone, which i hope is the stage, or something.
other things like items could be a Ring which makes u temporarily stronger and heals a bit of your life would be cool. if he has a stage in AM, maybe a longer version of Green Hill Zone with the little Badniks.
now all we have to do is wait for Snake to get AT's, a Boss, an AM stage with enemies, an Item, and another song. then it means Megaman could get the same too! XD

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
I really want Knux to be a PC, but as long as he makes an actual appearance in the game(AT) I'm fine with it.
Oh please, if Sonic was to get another playable character (very unlikely) it would be Tails. Anyone who would deny that in favor of another Sonic character is obviously a fanboy and not judging a character on franchise importance.

Regardless any other Sonic character would be regulated into an AT.

Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
Eh, maybe ur right. But, u hav to admit, Knuckles would be a heck of Brawler!
u have to remember, Sonic is 3rd party. He's the only one from his game who can be PC. the only way Knuckles could appear would be if he's ATd (which i hope) or some stage hazard/ background character.

ParamoreRiot: nice ideas dude. although Tails and Knux are enough. Big is cool i guess, but he's more of a minor character who only helped get the Chaos Emeralds like twice. and Tail's in the Tornado is cool, but i think he'd be kicking more a** without it, just to be more original XD


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
So I think it's pretty likely that any other Sonic chars to appear in the game will be Assist Trophies. (That is, if any more even get in)

Personally, I think that they will have 1 person as an Assist Trophy (Maybe Robotnik, flying about in his hovercraft thing, swinging that big sphere about just like in StH1) and other characters such as Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, etc as collectable Trophies and/or stickers.

That seems pretty plausible from where I'm standing.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Oh please, if Sonic was to get another playable character (very unlikely) it would be Tails. Anyone who would deny that in favor of another Sonic character is obviously a fanboy and not judging a character on franchise importance.

Regardless any other Sonic character would be regulated into an AT.


That's a bull**** statement, it's easy to argue that Knuckles is more important to the franchise than Tails. The only thing Tails has in his favor there is he appeared one game sooner; that doesn't make him more important.

Hell, I could easily argue Shadow is most important after Sonic, just look at the recent games.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
That's a bull**** statement, it's easy to argue that Knuckles is more important to the franchise than Tails. The only thing Tails has in his favor there is he appeared one game sooner; that doesn't make him more important.

Hell, I could easily argue Shadow is most important after Sonic, just look at the recent games.
Tell me right now without a shadow of a doubt that Tails is not important to the Sonic franchise. Tails has more franchise importance than Knuckles. Of course you could use personal fanboy bias to give Knuckles a bit more leway over Tails. I wouldn't say the statement that I said was bull****.

Of course Shadow is the most popular character after Sonic; no one can deny that. I wonder though what move Sega would make; Tails or Shadow?

Regardless it doesn't even matter it's stupid to talk about a 2nd Sega character slot that most likely won't happen, so I'm really not going to waste my time arguing about it. You got Sonic so be happy with that.



Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Tell me right now without a shadow of a doubt that Tails is not important to the Sonic franchise. Tails has more franchise importance than Knuckles. Of course you could use personal fanboy bias to give Knuckles a bit more leway over Tails. I wouldn't say the statement that I said was bull****.

Of course Shadow is the most popular character after Sonic; no one can deny that. I wonder though what move Sega would make; Tails or Shadow?

Regardless it doesn't even matter it's stupid to talk about a 2nd Sega character slot that most likely won't happen, so I'm really not going to waste my time arguing about it. You got Sonic so be happy with that.

See, you're wording that in a way that I can't argue without you just claiming "I'm a fanboy". I don't think Tails is more important than Knuckles, not at all. I think they're both just as important. Sure, Tails was there first. But he didn't even get fleshed out till the next game, where Knuckles came in already fleshed out, and S3&K is regarded by alot of people as the best Sonic game. So no, I don't think I'm being a fanboy, you are. You love Tails so much, you refuse to accept that I can argue otherwise. Tails and Knuckles are just as important as one another. So in some parallel universe where we would get one more Sonic char, it would be anyone's guess who'd be in.

Oh and by the way, if it were up to Sega, I bet they would choose Shadow. Sakurai wouldn't, but that's not what you asked.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
See, you're wording that in a way that I can't argue without you just claiming "I'm a fanboy". I don't think Tails is more important than Knuckles, not at all. I think they're both just as important. Sure, Tails was there first. But he didn't even get fleshed out till the next game, where Knuckles came in already fleshed out, and S3&K is regarded by alot of people as the best Sonic game. So no, I don't think I'm being a fanboy, you are. You love Tails so much, you refuse to accept that I can argue otherwise. Tails and Knuckles are just as important as one another. So in some parallel universe where we would get one more Sonic char, it would be anyone's guess who'd be in.

Oh and by the way, if it were up to Sega, I bet they would choose Shadow. Sakurai wouldn't, but that's not what you asked.
I don't love Tails, and you can argue as much as you want. I frankly don't really care about the Sonic franchise and how it's gone down hill. Sega should be thanking god that Sonic will be in a good game for once in a long while.

There is no point in arguing, unless of course you think Sega is going to get another playable rep.




Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2007
i dont see the point to the argument, i doubt theyll be more than assist trophies anyways.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
i dont see the point to the argument, i doubt theyll be more than assist trophies anyways.
Why end their fun? It's all in good fun anyway...

So what if it doesn't have a great chance...
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