Ground moves:
Standard A-A-A combo. swings his blades forward end ends with an upper swing. He can go into a rapid hit by pressing or holding A. The rapid attack is the one seen in the 2007 Nintendo World Trailer.
F-tilt- Pit crosses his arms forward to slash
D-tilt- A swipe, nothing special
U-tilt- Pit volts himself on his Bow and kicks up
Neutral Air: Pit spins his blades in a circular verticle fasion.
Forward Air: Pit does a clean, quick horizontal swipe at the opponent
Up Air: Pit spins his blades above his head like a helicopter
Back Air: Pit thrust his blades between his ebows backwards. It has a times sweet spot for more damage and knock back.
Down Air: Pit swipes his bow down quickly
Here is my first match playing as Pit aginst Gimpyfish. I used most of his aerials.