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Official Japanese Everything Thread: Sakurai Famitsu Interview - Translators needed!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 12, 2002
Gotemba, Japan
Oh my gosh ShortFuse!!!

If I could, I would reach through my monitor, grab you by your shirt, and slap you around a couple of times.

Thats it, Hold on. I'm going to resort to Photoshop to make you see how much gullible you really are. Just hold on.

Do it man. Show him the light!!!


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta
You don't get it. Don't put up non-proven information on a thread that is supposed to be 100% facts.
Exactly. Here. Wanna know JUST HOW EASY IT IS? Sorry for the caps. But here, it's this easy~

"Japanese Everything: Final Roster (???)"

You'd be amazed at how just a few question marks could clear up so much madness in debates. Do us all a favor, please; and at least grant us a title change for the newcomers to this thread, so that you're not exactly raising their hopes to only potentially be dashed.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2007
pandemonium has officially ensued.

does anyone else think these reactions are a little TOO much like reactions to the melee roster leak?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
If you had the game you wouldn't be posting pics on the internet.... right?

The guy has the game.
He took a photo of the starting roster.
The whole world is looking at him.
And then he spends his time sitting around playing the game giggling.

If he already took the first step to inform us that he's the great messiah who can leak ****, he would bask in the attention and make himself as believable as possible by showing things that can't easily be faked, and by showing off to everyone how great the game is that only he can play.

So seriously what u all are going to give me when it is proven that I'm right and this roster is the REAL DEAL!?
If it's false, I'm going to slap you in the face for being an idiot.
If it's true, I'm going to slap you in the face for being an idiot.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 24, 2006
Yorba linda
Back Ground is lame

I really want to say that, that is our final chars ect ect. but that Background is way to lame they wouldnt do that sorry guys wait 9 more days and you will see


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Walnut Creek, CA
He WILL give us more, can't you just be patient? He's propably playing the game just now, or maybe mapping it in the PC.
C'mon the leak has what, 1 hour? Just wait and see.
It's been 4 hours since the initial post.
Right now it's 7.45 PM in Japan. Assuming he got it this afternoon, he probably posted those pictures for insurance as soon as he got it, and has been been playing since then.

I don't think it's the validity of the 2ch post we should be contesting, but rather the insinuation that the mock-up roster is the final roster.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
If you had the game you wouldn't be posting pics on the internet.... right?
I would.. it would make me famous.
I would even show my face.
I would of uploaded videos already..
showed the coin launcher game..


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2008

Alright, let's pretend this 35 roster "leak" is real.

Are you really satisfied with this? Sakurai has stated that this will be his last Smash game.
If/When Nintendo makes another one, it won't even be for 5+ more years. Would you want to wait that long just to get 3+ new characters that could have been in this game?

Also, balancing issues would be able to help a lot (come on, Mewtwo is supposed to be the strongest pokemon).

Well, it doesn't matter anyway because they won't ever do that (even though most people do only play multiplayer).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2008
If you suddenly decided not to buy this game based on 10 EXTRA characters added to an already excellent roster, you're a ******. Every time a poster like Card and Aeris defends you people intelligently, you just post afterwards proving how idiotic people can truly be.

"Wow, this roster has Sonic, Snake, and all these other characters, and this game's awesome... WHAT?! RIDLEY IS NOT IN IT?! THERE ARE STAR FOX CHARACTERS!" Which by the way let me take a second to address.

Johnknight, You're acting like an ungrateful prick, and every post you make is just proving it more. Not only is your knowledge about starfox ludicrously misinformed, but you're stupid enough to think that Fire Emblem is a series that doesn't sell. Apologize to Card, it's people like you who he takes time out for to defend, and you repay him by making dumb comments.

Honestly? The people who are pissing me off are the idiots going "I'm not going to buy the game" when with 25 characters alone they were screaming they'd jump for it.

Kudos to Card though. At least he can explain rationally.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
So seriously what u all are going to give me when it is proven that I'm right and this roster is the REAL DEAL!?
I'd say congratulations. Your success is about equal to someone's favourite team winning the super bowl. I honestly wouldn't care less if someone's picked the winning superbowl team neither would I this.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Oh my gosh ShortFuse!!!

If I could, I would reach through my monitor, grab you by your shirt, and slap you around a couple of times.

Thats it, Hold on. I'm going to resort to Photoshop to make you see how much gullible you really are. Just hold on.
ShortFuse=OWNED! That theory of yours ShortFuse doesn't even add up. Why does Wario slip all the way down there=??? Why does the list have to be PERFECT=??? It doesn't...Melee's was far from perfect. Zelda characters on two diffrent rows, Pikachu slides, Luigi goes from one side of Mario to the other with Doc and Pichu and whatnot. You can't prove any of this, because character icons slide all over the god d*** place in Melee. Get over it, it's a rumor and nothing more.

No one has disproven it yet, but no one has proven it right. We're missing a character series icon, we might get more character series icon, and Sakurai WANTS Krystal in Brawl. NOT WOLF! Krystal is in the game, and accept that. Same goes for Ridley. Wolf isn't as unique, and Sakurai has shown NO intrest in him, especially next to Krystal.

Until then, good night all, and stop being more idiotic then the idiots who believed the "Ice Climbers, Game and Watch and Doc won't return; Bowser Jr. and Ridley confirmed; Wind Waker Link replaces Young Link" rumor. Congratz on failing, AGAIN! :laugh:

You all are so hyped for this game, you believe the first thing you see. I look forward to reading this later on on how Card owned you all further. And Card, you the man! :)


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Hey hey, don't try to gut me and throw me to starving wolves, i don't blieve(at least i try not to) in this roster, i'm just saying that if i had brawl i would be posting pics on the internet.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I called the title "I think" not "zOMG ROSTER CONFIRMED!"
Same way that the Marth, Ness, and Roy Deconfirmation thread was worded in a form of a question, but you know how easily people are convinced on Smashboards. Same way with the Ness thing in general.

So it's best not to mention it in this thread, at least. Where this thread is about fact. Not speculation.


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007

here's my point. lucas and olimar are in the WRONG positions and the franchises are stick aligned. i can find a couple more variations.

this is the correct order according to 2chan leaks


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Walnut Creek, CA
ShortFuse=OWNED! That theory of yours ShortFuse doesn't even add up. Why does Wario slip all the way down there=??? Why does the list have to be PERFECT=??? It doesn't...Melee's was far from perfect. Zelda characters on two diffrent rows, Pikachu slides, Luigi goes from one side of Mario to the other with Doc and Pichu and whatnot. You can't prove any of this, because character icons slide all over the god d*** place in Melee. Get over it, it's a rumor and nothing more.

No one has disproven it yet, but no one has proven it right. We're missing a character series icon, we might get more character series icon, and Sakurai WANTS Krystal in Brawl. NOT WOLF! Krystal is in the game, and accept that. Same goes for Ridley. Wolf isn't as unique, and Sakurai has shown NO intrest in him, especially next to Krystal.

Until then, good night all, and stop being more idiotic then the idiots who believed the "Ice Climbers, Game and Watch and Doc won't return; Bowser Jr. and Ridley confirmed; Wind Waker Link replaces Young Link" rumor. Congratz on failing, AGAIN! :laugh:

You all are so hyped for this game, you believe the first thing you see. I look forward to reading this later on on how Card owned you all further. And Card, you the man! :)
No. Just... no. You're acting incredibly immature. And your support for Card, most likely the most intelligent poster against the mock-up roster, only makes him seem less credible.


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta
I called the title "I think" not "zOMG ROSTER CONFIRMED!"
Not once did I claim that you said that (and I'm not being a technical smart@$$ about this either).

However, look at it from a person about to enter the thread's perspective. What sounds more like a debate and still in question. And BE HONEST.

"I think we have our final roster!!!" or something more authoritive that leads more room for speculation such as, "Final Roster (???)"


"Final Roster (Details on Speculation Inside)"

It really helps instead of jumping to extreme conclusions, especially when both sides of the argument bring up valid points. Think is still speculation, but it's your opinion that leaves a biased mark rather then just merely adding some question marks or trying to take a neutral stature on this matter UNTIL it's 100% confirmed.

Just saying. Take it or leave it, but it'd be healthier for others to just alter the title a little bit to not be so misleading.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2001
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

here's my point. lucas and olimar are in the WRONG positions and the franchises are stick aligned. i can find a couple more variations.
Why is it wrong?

The Supposed Real Screenshot shows Lucas and Olimar in the 3rd Row
In the Fake Mock-Up you made, Lucas and Olimar slide wherever they want in the 4th Row.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2007
Well Fawriel, so, whoever is wrong will make a post excusing for... well, being wrong. OK? Just it.

Edit: woot sup with the slap in face thing? It's just because i'm not in your side or you have some issue with me?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 19, 2007
If you suddenly decided not to buy this game based on 10 EXTRA characters added to an already excellent roster, you're a ******. Every time a poster like Card and Aeris defends you people intelligently, you just post afterwards proving how idiotic people can truly be.

"Wow, this roster has Sonic, Snake, and all these other characters, and this game's awesome... WHAT?! RIDLEY IS NOT IN IT?! THERE ARE STAR FOX CHARACTERS!" Which by the way let me take a second to address.

Johnknight, You're acting like an ungrateful prick, and every post you make is just proving it more. Not only is your knowledge about starfox ludicrously misinformed, but you're stupid enough to think that Fire Emblem is a series that doesn't sell. Apologize to Card, it's people like you who he takes time out for to defend, and you repay him by making dumb comments.

Honestly? The people who are pissing me off are the idiots going "I'm not going to buy the game" when with 25 characters alone they were screaming they'd jump for it.

Kudos to Card though. At least he can explain rationally.

Very true. If you read the posts there are two kinds of idiots. The first kind is the people who believe the final roster to be true based on what we have been given.
The second kind of idiot is the one who do not believe it just because they dont like the roster. Why are we deciding if this is true or false right now again? just so some people can say "HAH I TOLD YOU SO." Thats really the only reason I can think of. Why dont we all just get along and agree that nothings been proven yet but wow thats a pretty interesting find, i cant wait to see what happens in the next few days!


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Why is it wrong?

The Supposed Real Screenshot shows Lucas and Olimar in the 3rd Row
In the Fake Mock-Up you made, Lucas and Olimar slide wherever they want in the 4th Row.
this is the order from the 2chan leak.

i keep trying to emphasize this. olimar and lucas come after everyone else.

sonic, caption falcon, snake, olimar and game&watch are all single-character franchise on the mock up. you can jumble it a bunch of ways.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2007
Ugh 8 more days then we will know all about SSBB..and by the looks of it we are desperate for new info. :p


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Davis, CA
Card is right. Someone could have completely made up a roster to fit with what that starting roster.


that took me all of 5 minutes. it's not that hard. now you try!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
hmm, this is getting really redundant. 'Night all i hope for some clerification in the mrning.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
Very true. If you read the posts there are two kinds of idiots. The first kind is the people who believe the final roster to be true based on what we have been given.
The second kind of idiot is the one who do not believe it just because they dont like the roster. Why are we deciding if this is true or false right now again? just so some people can say "HAH I TOLD YOU SO." Thats really the only reason I can think of. Why dont we all just get along and agree that nothings been proven yet but wow thats a pretty interesting find, i cant wait to see what happens in the next few days!
Aye, rationaly you should believe the roster false until we have conclusive evidence that it is true that's all there is to it. Just like Innocent until proven guilty, or how we don't assume theer are little green men buzzing about until we have proof they do exist.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Walnut Creek, CA
Card is right. Someone could have completely made up a roster to fit with what that starting roster.


that took me all of 5 minutes. it's not that hard. now you try!
That mock-up was made BEFORE the leak.

What Card is saying is that it is easy to anticipate what the starting roster will be, based on screenshots from Whobby and Jump Festa, and make a mock-up that corresponds to it. He also says that Short Fuse and others moved several characters around in order to make their theory work.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2008
Considering how many people are disappointed I think the roster is 100% true.

Yes, I base all my assumptions on how disappointed people are. The more excited a leak gets people the less I think it's true. So obviously since very few people are excited about this roster this has to be true. EVERY fake leaker would succumb to fandom and try to please everyone to make it 'believable.' Not this one.

Look at it this way. This game has been in development for only a little over a year. There hasn't been that much time to add OMGMEGACHARACTERROSTER. Get over it. If this is true at least you're getting over your disappointment with doubt making the real final roster a little less of a hit since it'll probably be the same thing.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2001
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
this is the order from the 2chan leak.

i keep trying to emphasize this. olimar and lucas come after everyone else.

sonic, caption falcon, snake, olimar and game&watch are all single-character franchise on the mock up. you can jumble it a bunch of ways.
Did you just read what I said?

Read it again please, I don't think you did.

2ch = Olimar and Lucas in the THIRD ROW
Fake = Olimar and Lucas in the FOURTH ROW

That means they can slide anywhere
That means they can slide to the side if they want

Man.. ShortFuse what the heck?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
Considering how many people are disappointed I think the roster is 100% true.

Yes, I base all my assumptions on how disappointed people are. The more excited a leak gets people the less I think it's true. So obviously since very few people are excited about this roster this has to be true. EVERY fake leaker would succumb to fandom and try to please everyone to make it 'believable.' Not this one.

Look at it this way. This game has been in development for only a little over a year. There hasn't been that much time to add OMGMEGACHARACTERROSTER. Get over it. If this is true at least you're getting over your disappointment with doubt making the real final roster a little less of a hit since it'll probably be the same thing.
A more rational approch than most, but still ultimately flawed...
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