Does everyone realize this mode is just for practice/ honing your skills? You all realize that it isn't the mode by which all tournaments must be conducted? Listen, I agree, it should have FD *and* BF, it really should, and should simply alternate between the two. But this idea that matching players up online based on skill level and having no-items, competitive stage(s) is not only *not* Sakurai catering to us in ways we only dreamed of, but is somehow some sort of belligerent insult to us? As if he spat in our faces? How much crack have you people been smoking?
I agree we should contact him with requests for Battle Field, and believe we should absolutely only request battlefield. Given the purpose of this mode, there is no reason to send him the convoluted itinerary list of criteria that must be met for a stage to be 'competitive' and demand all of these be included in FG mode. Come on, we can't even come to an agreement on this matter ourselves and it's been 15 years. The mode is simple, stipped-down, pick up and practice against other players to *prepare* for actual tournaments. FD, BF, and optional 1v1, that's all it needs to be, all we should want, and all we should ask for. If we ask for too much, he'll ignore us.
We're not directing and creating this video game, he is, show some respect. He went out of his way on several accounts to cater to competitive players, and it's been nothing but piss and moan. He doesn't have to do anything for us what-so-ever, he could have long since went full 'Mario Party' on this series, but hasn't. If I remember correctly, aggregate reviews on the games have Brawl as the highest rated of the three, and has the greatest amount of sales. What does that tell you? The global gaming community and media aren't judging these games on the same standards we are, and despite that, Sakurai has continued to enable and foster tournament-rich conditions and mechanics into the series. We're lucky we even *so much* as got Melee. If it weren't for the integrity and respect for the competitive elements of the series Sakurai has, if he cared only about pushing units and lazy, chump production, we would have "Super Smash Party" for the gamecube, a new title every year or two, and it would never have went back. Be thankful.