Hey remember when me and a bunch of other posters (@
PizzaWenisaur ) said Little Mac would be fighting at a huge advantage in For Glory mode and a bunch of other near-sighted and quite frankly naive and simple minded posters said we were being crazy? Remember how we argued that platforms were a crucial element to balancing and at the very least battle field should have been included in that mode? Yeah. Good times. I patiently await @
's response.
First off, I can't believe you'd hold a vendetta about this for what is about three quarters of a year at this point, and the fact that even now, you are more concerned about what I think about this, rather than taking some proper action to make the change you desire (such as making sure Nintendo hears your sentiment), proves that you just have this petty vendetta and that you absolutely have to feel like you're right in a discussion and will not let it go until someone concedes.
Secondly, tone down the condescending "well of course I'm always right" attitude.
Thirdly (and to add extra justification to my second point), you couldn't be more wrong about Little Mac having a huge advantage on FD. It's his best stage, yes, but as LancerStaff has said, it's not making him broken, it's arguably the only thing keeping him around. The general consensus is that most Little Mac players in For Glory are beginners, and use him to take down other beginners who don't understand how Little Mac plays (such as people who don't understand his Super Armour).
However, most solid players won't have a hard time against Little Mac at all. He may not ever have to jump on FD, but sticking to the ground means he can always be outwitted and knocked to the side (keeping in mind that he will always be at the lower half of the stage, as in, closer to the bottom boundary), and subsequently chased off with aerials. You don't even have to K.O him at the side boundary, just push him off and let him fall to the bottom. Plus, the fact that Little Mac has no reason to jump makes him an AWFUL lot more predictable than most other characters, since he is never going to attempt to fight in the air, effectively making his move pool a lot shorter. Also, he's completely vulnerable to being spiked off stage.
I've only fought one really good Little Mac, and did so in With Friends mode (which I did because, again, like I suggested, you can always do this if you really want to play online in stages other than FD, with custom rulesets and all). He was admittedly tough for my Rosalina to deal with, but that was due to my own inexperience with fighting Little Mac. I did get the match up down though, and now he's a lot easier to deal with. Plus, the player commented that I "play Rosalina like a pro", indicating that I must have gave his Little Mac a hard time too. It should also be noted that a third player, primarily playing as Pac Man and Sonic, was in the mix too, so this also had an influence on how both of us played for most of the matches (which were 5 stock without a timer).
And I only had trouble with him on FD to begin with. Little Mac was hopeless against me on any other stage. And I did get better at fighting him on FD eventually, to the point where I was starting to win more matches.
I've even seen more than one topic on this very website, specifically complaining about the abundance of Little Macs in For Glory. Not because they are difficult, but because they are too easy and therefore uninteresting to fight.
While I have not experienced an abundance of Little Macs in For Glory myself (my most common opponent is probably Greninja), I'm sure it's just a phase, much like how Ike was extremely common in Brawl's online in the early days.
And like I said before, I actually am not against Battlefield being added to For Glory, I just don't particularly care either way. If anything, having Battlefield would potentially make things a cake walk for me online, because having platforms is an excellent thing for Rosalina, makes her arguably broken.
Also, please don't pretend the meta has been defined in a weekend of the game's online mode, that's probably you're most glaring slip up here.