Why make it a top 20? It takes longer to update, and no matter how long it is there will always be someone saying "Lets make the list longer". Besides, the top 10 is the only one that matters...
1) " it takes longer to update"- that is such a minute problem to bring up when you're considering making this a serious list. it's like saying "why make ssbb better by adding some new characters and features when its going to take longer to make?" that example applies to any great game that took a longer time to make because they kept fine tuning it to make it better but the end result was godly * The Legend of Zelda :TP* i really believe this is an extremely inadequit (i spelled that wrong) reason to not make it top 20.
2) no matter how long it is there will always be someone saying "lets make the list longer"- so your saying you don't want to make it top 20 because your scared of someone saying "let's make it top 30!!!1!11!"??? we have to be responsible on how big we make it obviously. if you make it to top 30 it will be impossible because at that level the smashers are too close in skill to separate. top 20 still is small enough that we can solidly pick a top 20.
3) besides, the top 10 is the only one that matters" - yeah because; rock, col bol, skratch, the law, derf, fenrir, johnny, sighrax, exarch, many other great players just don't matter. who gives a **** about them, right? and again, the fact that no one cares is opinion.
I was just suggesting expanding it to a tier 2 like GA has. We wouldn't have to rank in the tiers, so it wouldn't be so hard to update. We could also change to a voting system instead of this overall agreement we get ourselves to go with.
And we should at least have a legends section for bygone smashers.
this could definitely work and i like the idea that you agree with having more than 10 people on the list or atleast considering having more than 10 people.
Top 10 is fine. Final tournament placings show where people stand against others so top 10 is fine for me
this is only some what true and no where as detailed as having a top 20 list would be. and since a lot of the smashers from the different regions don't play as often as we'd like we don't truly know how they all rank against each other based on tourney brackets. also, brackets have too much randomness, and its too often to see players getting knocked out in early rounds because maybe that opponent is just a bad match up for them or something. going by tournament results alone is dumb because there are too many variables to take into account.
Is the point of the power rankings to let people in florida know what the people on the panel think of them? or is it to let other areas know who to look for if they come to florida?
you make a really good point and i would have to say both. yeah its so that the smashers of florida can officially know how its own smashers are ranked against each other, but it's also so other people can see how we are ranked, because they might come here and would want to play some of our best. although the 2nd part doesn't have much supporting it considering the lack of OOS and the fact that these days a lot of the CFL tournies will have atleast 1-3 of the top smashers from other regions. So if an OOS comes to a tourney they will most likely see more than one of the top players there.
Basically , I still haven't seen a solid answer as to why we can't, or shouldn't have a top 20...peace