Smash Master
Wow, everytime you post its like everyone on smashboards gets stupider.but emilio is a sub god. just look at him lol not its your fault cuz your just like chadd you justr cant stand the fact that people suck on emilio's c0ck lol so you try your best to talk him down lol.i never said i was god and i only say emilio is good cuz i train him lol so get your facts str8 ***** when i lose i dont jon like you do I admit dat i get owned and take it like a man not like a b*tch.the only thing i say that makes me look cocky its that im gonna win a tourney cuz im confident so gtfo of here with that garbage.
oh and btw do you still wanna buy my stupid white dog?
LOL, you're right, I can't stand people who blindly follow scrubs.
It annoys this shiz outta me.
And yes you think you're a God.
When you and Emilio are together it is like the Falco player and his laggy: the Ganon player.
"I'm good at this game huh, Emilio?"
"Yes you are, your C0ck is huge"
It's those 2 statements reworded the whole tournament, every tournament.
And when the hell do I john?
I never John.
Emilio was saying **** about him beating me the last couple tourneys, so I wrecked him and shut him and you up.
3 Stock NIGGAH.
You're next Chops.
And, uh I do want your dog, but I wanna goto the beesh first and eat some shicken.