@Dark peach: Mind if I contribute here? I don't usually take a stance but I think what's the point of MU information if it's not accurate? Sure you can go to a character and analyse his/her opportunities but the fact is that sometimes it's just not practical/too risky, etc etc. Basically it's possible to have your method but only if everyone revamped how they play Brawl. Otherwise your MU chart would be based on 'on-paper' theoretics rather than what usually happens. I personally think that at the moment we should be looking at what currently happens and drawing off that because sometimes the theory just doesn't work.
An example would be Ness vs. MK. This is a MU that says Ness is just plain bad against MK but in reality he doesn't do so badly and many people argue this to be a -1 or call him to be one of the top 10 chars against MK, non-ness mains included. Player error means that this MU isn't as bad as it should be.
You could even say this applies to Marth in many MUs: He's an incredible character in theory but there's just so much to him practically that a player will mess up one way or another. It's possible that this is your problem with peach (this is only a possibility, i'm not presuming!): That you're so in to what she can theoretically do that you sometimes just can't execute, you know? The only reason I say this is because i recall you used to say that you thought how you played her was the way to go, you just couldn't pull it off.
Correct me if i'm wrong there. But anyway, on to my point.
Basically, i'm saying that your method isn't 'wrong', just it would require a total revamp of how Brawl is played (basing how we do MUs on what the theory says we can do, which we do to some extent but not all), which I dunno.... I think it might just be a bit too much for the community atm. But hey, who am i to judge?
Also, why did you say 'why does everyone mis-read/not read my posts' and then attack SPF for telling you what he thinks the reason is? Personally I usually read your posts but I why someone wouldn't. You can't have it both ways though; either you feel fine with your posting and keep it that way or say 'I can make this better/here's what i'm doing wrong' and change it. Either way is fine (going your own way is a good thing sometimes!) but I think you're tryign to have your cake and eat it too.
is it just me?
Sorry dark peach, I don't mean to be offensive or anything... I do respect you and i'm a nobody, this is just kinda what I see... I guess...
Also, Iota is a talented player. I wish online wasn't so bad between countries, I enjoyed versing him when we did play.