I agree, I did say all of this:
Yeah I've been realizing more and more recently how much Ally is an outlier. That said I don't think any other Snakes (not just looking at how they place but the players themselves) can be considered top level players atm, and that isn't just because Ally's way better than the rest.
I don't think that counts as picking fights/firing shots though XD
Fatal beat Nairo once recently, yeah. He also lost their next encounter.
Same goes for against Vinnie. I hear his overall record against Vinnie is like 13-2 or some **** but I've only seen them play twice recently, with those 2 sets going 1-1. All the other wins could be very old.
He's also gotten 2-0'd by JBand's DDD and Tin Man's Olimar. So much for that whole 'consistently doing very well' thing, right?
I already pointed out how many times Fatal gets 1st.if you deny that 1st isn't clearly the definition of "doing very well" then you're certifiable.
So this falls under the 'consistency' criterion, sure. Falling under "very well"? That's debatable.
Getting first at a large tournament like Apex/SKTAR/SRT, or even a local in NJ/NY with all of their big names (or maybe a local in Japan with a bunch of big names) definitely fall under 'very well'.
Winning locals in NE? I wouldn't say so. Definitely a good performance, falls under 'well', not trying to insult the NE players cause I think (their better ones anyway. Fatal Koolaid BC Bizkit MikeRay Pelca) are definitely high-level players, but not exactly the creme-of-the-crop.
Btw I know the next part of yours that I'm going to quote is referring to this so I'll clarify
unless you get absolutely bodied by a few others at the top, because top players tend to go back and forth with a few exceptions
This statement
is fairly ambiguous because of the word 'get'. What I meant was that they consistently/habitually 'get bodied', not a one-time occurrence. ie the difference between "Do you
get bodied by M2K?" and "Did you
get bodied by M2K?"
So yeah I can't completely blame you for misinterpreting that because of the wording but I hope now you know what I meant.
and yeah Otori was giving Nairo the business game 5 (the one that determined the winner). M2K ragequit vs Salem.
Taking the person who's possibly the best/2nd best MK in the world and arguably top 5 players in the world to game 5?
Doesn't sound like getting 'bodied' to me. Even if he was getting 'bodied' one game, he also managed to win 2 games.
M2K is 2-3 with Salem atm. Sure, he ragequit in their last set (Rescue 2 iirc) but he also managed to 3-1 and then 3-0 Salem in WFs and GFs of Winter Brawl.
In total games, he's gotten 2-3'd twice, won 3-1 and then 3-0, and then lost 1-2 iirc. So he's 11-9 with Salem in games if I'm not mistaken XD