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Official "Ask Cort Stuff... about Stuff" Thread


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
Cort, I too main Peach and I do fairly well in most match ups. However, there is one match up that gives me more trouble than any other and that is a match against a campy Fox.
My question to you is, what is the most effective way to deal with them? What is the best approach? How can I keep the fox from camping?

I've tried the turnip to FC approach (mainly FC Fair) but the Fox sees it coming and manages to get away and attack me/grab me when I miss. I've tried dashdancing to trick the Fox to come to me but that only manages to go so far. It seems to me I have to use more mindgames than ever just to keep the match at an even level. Approaching the fox is not the best idea since Peach's are not that good in approaching and Fox outclasses them in approaching. It's just really hard for me and I was curious to hear what you would do against a campy Fox.

Thank You :)


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
in which style does he camp ?
drill shyne from the edge.... or
just jumps over u

what makes him so hard to get ?

oh sorry cort its your job here ^^'


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2007
I have a question:

It must have been hard as hell to get to the level you are now. Are you able to play as usual (really good) or tournament Play ( I assume you switch it up and play smarter than usual. Thats what I do I dont play the same in tournaments. I play different.) If something is bothering you or something happen (could be anything) And its bothering you or its something your mad about, etc?

I'm Finding it really hard to play My best cause of depression. And me being Bi-polar. so something may just come out of nowehere and it affects how I play. (wether the match is a friendly, MM or tournament.

I find it really fustrating. Really when it counts the most like tournaments. So You ever had days where something happen and whatnot and it really got to you and kinda screwed up how you play? And if sop How do you deal with it to get yourself back on track. What kind of mindset do you use?

I was gonna make a thread like this in the pool room but I thought I come here cause Its not easy being top players and I know its not alays a godly day for them. Oh and its not only with This game, other things I do as well, but I guess I'll save that for the pool room if I decide to make it.
I call that just a bad day...
every one has some times like that.... dont let it go under ur skin or dont let it go to ur mindgames xDDD
but I try to get it off with music when I play tournamnetz
oh an chewing gum helps sometimes too ^^


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2007
after a weekend of tourneying i've learned that:
I do a lot better against marth (but not well enough if the marth is a good player)
Foxes still **** me all over the place, even if they're nothing special (up-throw up-air on flatish levels being the main killer)
I've improved very much vs sheik.
People will continuously run into you in doubles when 85% of what you do is CC to dress. and they will pain.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
What are the best stages to counterpick vs. Sheik?
Mute City/Dreamland

I don't like DK64 because of all the platforms she gets to camp, as well as being able to recover on the bottom ledge or top platforms. Peach just isn't mobile enough to get to Sheik depending on what she chooses, and is forced to guess instead.

Hey Cort, was is an effective way of edgeguarding Samus?
Snipe Samus or the bombs she makes with turnips. If they're prone to sweet spotting the ledge with grapple, edge hog and wait, or maybe even throw a turnip down.

Mostly turnips with a few situational bairs.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Mute City/Dreamland

I don't like DK64 because of all the platforms she gets to camp, as well as being able to recover on the bottom ledge or top platforms. Peach just isn't mobile enough to get to Sheik depending on what she chooses, and is forced to guess instead.
i prefer dk64 b/c sheik has a hard time pinpointing the ledge. if she tries to recover on the top ledges, its usually obvious and u can follow up. yea peach suffers from immobility, but if sheik camps on the platforms, i find it harder for her to hit me b/c her needles are fired at an angle. this is jus me. i dont like pickin dreamland because most ppl are used to neutral stages and have an idea of how to play them over the counterpick stages

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
i prefer dk64 b/c sheik has a hard time pinpointing the ledge. if she tries to recover on the top ledges, its usually obvious and u can follow up. yea peach suffers from immobility, but if sheik camps on the platforms, i find it harder for her to hit me b/c her needles are fired at an angle. this is jus me. i dont like pickin dreamland because most ppl are used to neutral stages and have an idea of how to play them over the counterpick stages
unless sheik has her name tag on, if she asplodes and you are on the bottom part of the stage or edge hogging, I don't think you can react to her recovering to the top platforms fast enough to do anything, esp w/peach's garbage vertical movement. maybe you could hit w/a nair or something, but >_>...


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Uh.. that's if the Sheik is bad, trademark.

Against bad Sheiks, it doesn't matter where you counterpick. LOL


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Cort, where would you counterpick someone who plays Marth, Sheik, and Fox all pretty well?
I don't know. Probably a stage he's unfamiliar with. Pokefloats and turnip camp? Dreamland and just play it safe?
k. then whats ur opinion on taking sheiks to FoD?
I like FoD as Peach in basically every matchup. You get gay dsmashes there somewhat more often than other stages.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
I like FoD as Peach in basically every matchup. You get gay dsmashes there somewhat more often than other stages.
But they crouch so looww... ;_; I always get mauled whenever I try to cheap dsmash ._.

I'd take fox/marth/sheik to DK64 and KJ. :3 Pokefloats is a fun stage, but peach loses to laser spam fox there if the fox knows what he's doing. >_> DK64 has high ceiling, ledges that make sweetspotting ****ty for them, slants for dsmash damage... dunno bouth marth matchup here though. Kongo Jungle also has high ceiling, you can camp like biatch here, clap trap ftw (turnip to clap trap KO at low% ftw) and the small platforms make a good dsmash places. Cons are that fox can camp here as well and can use illusion on some parts to escape your edgeguard. The middle top platform also discourages cg, but uair comboes and likes are still possible. I think on the middle platform against sheik things like dtilt to dash attack could give you like 3 uairs, first rising to the platform, immediate land onto it and two other hits.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Hey Cort, What's the best approach to use against a decent marth. and what are good mindgames to use with peach in general?


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
My mii maintains mad mindgames by maining marth.

How do you practice the timing for nair out of shields against shield pressuring falcos =x
I seem to miss the timing a lot and eat a dair.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
But they crouch so looww... ;_; I always get mauled whenever I try to cheap dsmash ._.
i thought it was a good thing when they crouch....
My mii maintains mad mindgames by maining marth.

How do you practice the timing for nair out of shields against shield pressuring falcos =x
I seem to miss the timing a lot and eat a dair.
u do it after the shine i believe


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Hey Cort, What's the best approach to use against a decent marth. and what are good mindgames to use with peach in general?
get the **** out of my thread. Also, check the first post because I covered a lot of things vs Marth
mindgames is a bad word? ok how about "moves to do to mess with your opponents mentality"
That's basically asking me "how do I play SSBM?"
My mii maintains mad mindgames by maining marth.

How do you practice the timing for nair out of shields against shield pressuring falcos =x
I seem to miss the timing a lot and eat a dair.
no m-word -.-

I donno how to practice, I just do it extremely well and I tend to just wait for shines.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
If you uthrow a character (like Fox) and they land on a platform, what do you do with the tech chase? I've only been following up with nairs as soon as possible.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I usually full jump up and try to extend it as long as possible, to see if I can get them to perform an action. If they tech, usually I either nair or dair (to grab) as soon as I see it'll hit.

This is a very good lesson for Peach in general. You don't have to completely guess on platform tech chases! You can look for signs and react to what they do, just requires practice. Since she can't tech chase normally, she benefits a lot from these platform tech chases. It's another reason why I don't like FD that much with Peach (unless its Fox/Falco/yadda)

Hope this helps


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
On certain stages like FoD and YS I like to go and uair them since they tech later on lower platforms than higher ones, leaving peach a bit more time to capitalise. If they don't cc or manage to shield it, you can quickly land onto the platform and perform another one into nair. :3 If they know this trick and try to cc, you can go and float below the platform and uair them, sh uair or djc. Also sometimes fair will hit them regardless if they cc and the angle they fly off should be easy to intercept with edgeguard. Also if you're more on the middle and they tech away, full jumped fair has enough range and hits them right after they tech. Of course, against someone that cc's or shield you could be devious and use quick double jump landing onto the platform to grab/dsmash/dash attack. ^^


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Wait, try to CC? Could you predict that by waveland/djc landing onto the platform and dsmashing?


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Wait, try to CC? Could you predict that by waveland/djc landing onto the platform and dsmashing?
Yea, falco for example has a good cc and if peach full jump uairs and they cc it, they can attack you with something nasty. Uair is unfortunately not anti-cc move. :/ You can also waveland, but double jump landing on some cases might be quicker, I think YS, FoD and PS (you jump and then use the downward dip on your double jump to land onto the platform with only landing lag). I don't really use djl cause it requires timing and in the haste I can't pull it off that well. >_>


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2006
Houston, Texas
Cort, is your peach going to be at Final Smash 2?

(The best way to ask while including peach that I could come up with)

DJC reverse turnips anyone?
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