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Offical TNR Recruitment Page... Also Welcomes L@wl!

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K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006

Yay, even TNR likes me <3 >_> Yeah just be calling out my name and run over to coach/trashtalk/scream/throw a fit.

I'm gonna stop using marth vs doc. So boring, all I do is fsmash....

well, that's all I do anyway ^_^


Can't resist Dopefish!!!
That's a scary fish man... idk why it scares me but it does.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005

Yay, even TNR likes me <3 >_> Yeah just be calling out my name and run over to coach/trashtalk/scream/throw a fit.

I'm gonna stop using marth vs doc. So boring, all I do is fsmash....

well, that's all I do anyway ^_^


Can't resist Dopefish!!!

ahhhhhggg.. its scary... *wimpers in corner*

EDIT: I hate Shiri. I thought he would be cool and all considering he played Yoshi. But then it turned out that he wasn't even that great with Yoshi! and he didn't pound me! Gosh! What would happen if I told hova that? (Quoted from EE)


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
Look.. KC. All i have to go on is others opinions, and the fact that @ EGL i saw you lose 2-1 to Gfizzle.. and i proceded to 3 stock his Marth. KC you are good [note, i've said this like 5 times] but posting videos of you owning someone i've never heard of doesn't mean you have good mindgames.. just insane [and i mean insane] tech skill. I used to main Falco, and he+fox+IC's are the only 3 characters that you can get by with having ****ty mindgames, and great tech.. due to combo-->death. After much consideration.. how is this-

1. ChozenOne
2. AlphaZealot
3. Korn
4. SmashGod
5. FOB$
6. Masa
7. K.C. Cloud
8. 5%Tax
9. Smash God's Little Bro
10. DOSV
11. EEvisu
12. Nurok
13. Boss
14. Zeps
15. Jigg
16. Da Shizzi
17. Baily
18. Mood4Food

*i find it very entertaining that many of you feel like saying "i'm better than this person", but not giving any reasonable proof, or posting a power-rankings of your own feel like that solves anything. You seriously sound like children. Some of you would like to be left out, others are quitting. I don't know what to expect anymore..

Fob- Your sig is even better than mine.

Mr. God- where is tech new sigzorz??

Everyone- does anyone have a laptop to record matches onto for teh videozorz??

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Look.. KC. All i have to go on is others opinions, and the fact that @ EGL i saw you lose 2-1 to Gfizzle.. and i proceded to 3 stock his Marth. KC you are good [note, i've said this like 5 times] but posting videos of you owning someone i've never heard of doesn't mean you have good mindgames.. just insane [and i mean insane] tech skill. I used to main Falco, and he+fox+IC's are the only 3 characters that you can get by with having ****ty mindgames, and great tech.. due to combo-->death. After much consideration.. how is this-

1. ChozenOne
2. AlphaZealot
3. Korn
4. SmashGod
5. FOB$
6. Masa
7. K.C. Cloud
8. 5%Tax
9. Smash God's Little Bro
10. DOSV
11. EEvisu
12. Nurok
13. Boss
14. Zeps
15. Jigg
16. Da Shizzi
17. Baily
18. Mood4Food

*i find it very entertaining that many of you feel like saying "i'm better than this person", but not giving any reasonable proof, or posting a power-rankings of your own feel like that solves anything. You seriously sound like children. Some of you would like to be left out, others are quitting. I don't know what to expect anymore..

Fob- Your sig is even better than mine.

Mr. God- where is tech new sigzorz??

Everyone- does anyone have a laptop to record matches onto for teh videozorz??
Who is gfizzle?I am 100% sure about this. I only played a few people outside of the tournament other than Redd, CK, Fob, Korn, Greg, Omni and Kirbstir.

KenJT is in BRK he's a crew mate of mine

I refuse to believe you can see mindgames by watching a video of people fight. not small detailed ones anyway.

wait, wtf? I'm confused? He played me once and I beat him in a falco ditto?


Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Look.. KC. All i have to go on is others opinions, and the fact that @ EGL i saw you lose 2-1 to Gfizzle.. and i proceded to 3 stock his Marth. KC you are good [note, i've said this like 5 times] but posting videos of you owning someone i've never heard of doesn't mean you have good mindgames.. just insane [and i mean insane] tech skill. I used to main Falco, and he+fox+IC's are the only 3 characters that you can get by with having ****ty mindgames, and great tech.. due to combo-->death. After much consideration.. how is this-

1. ChozenOne
2. AlphaZealot
3. Korn
4. SmashGod
5. FOB$
6. Masa
7. K.C. Cloud
8. 5%Tax
9. Smash God's Little Bro
10. DOSV
11. EEvisu
12. Nurok
13. Boss
14. Zeps
15. Jigg
16. Da Shizzi
17. Baily
18. Mood4Food

*i find it very entertaining that many of you feel like saying "i'm better than this person", but not giving any reasonable proof, or posting a power-rankings of your own feel like that solves anything. You seriously sound like children. Some of you would like to be left out, others are quitting. I don't know what to expect anymore..

Fob- Your sig is even better than mine.

Mr. God- where is tech new sigzorz??

Everyone- does anyone have a laptop to record matches onto for teh videozorz??
Haha sorry I don't know who to put in the sigs or if any of you want anything specific.. It'd help if you guys let me know :)

My two cents for power rankings: I think my bro > 5%. My bro's Sheik/Peach puts up a nasty fight. He also proved that to one of you. I play 5%'s Sheik and it wasn't as hard.. BUT, me and 5% only played once, that could be something used against my statement. So if Chozen thinks those rankings are good, I'll trust his judgement :). And please if you want to start an argument.. then just pretend this post never happened. Thanks


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
I have a laptop! ooooh man, hot DBR style combo vid...

wait, i'm in sova :(


btw, spring break, I'll be in town march 4th -9th

eh eh eh, maybe there could be a small get together the sat before or after or during the week
That would be cool. yay for sexiness. lol we should get remixes of all of the songs in Evolution and apply them to The TNR combo vid.

Fats- Does Xlax still play?

K.C. G-fizzle is EEvisu's old name. Chozen still refers to him as so.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Ah I see,

Are yout talking through tournament? I never fought EE during EGL other than a friendly and I beat him in a falco ditto. The first time we ever fought btw.

He beat me in a falco ditto at Chu's once, but w/e. He's getting good.

Sage wen't 2-1 with EE during the tournament, I can tell you I never came accross EE or his marth during the tournament whatsoever.

I beat Frozen Frozen, ran into KM, got 2 stocked, ran into TDFX in loosers and beat him, Lost to Blues afterwards I believe.

Got 25 cause of Blues' IC knocked me out and I don't like IC's.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
KC.. are you sure. b/c i saw a match [falco ditto] between Gfizzle, and a falco [i assumed it was you] and then Mr. Fizzle won.. then i proceded to beat him with my Jiggs PWNZORZ on MARTH stick.. only teh chozenone.. yeee.

Mr. God- you could be right about your bro.. but i'm alittle negligent to place him there due to lack of event participation. Also.. fux with a TNR sig w/

Chozen- Jiggs
Alpha- Peach
Fob- Doc
Mr. God- Marth
Masa- Link
Korn- Falcon
KC- Falco
5%- Shiek
Fats- Gannon

--^ same DBR style like last time.. that shizz was epic.

Everyone- as for mindgames, and seeing them in videos. It is not impossible. They exist, and if you can see them while you're plaiying, you can see them while watching. Just b/c i did not experience them does not mean i cannot recognize them.

What do you want me to do KC?? You've been in TNR for less than 2 months.. everyone else [above you] has been a member for over twice your enrollment. If you beat Masa, SmashGod, Fob, Korn, or any combination of 3 then i will [that is a promise] put you at #3. If you are actually as good as you say you are then this request should not be difficult to entertain. Clearly my judgment is lacking due to an unreasonable assesment of every player on this list, however i can say that [other than Mr. Zealot] i am the best judge of skill in this crew. Also.. if you want an example of a great player gettting screwed due to inactivity [or in your case lack of previous activity] look at Neo. He is probably better than Chillin, and KM, however on the Md/Va power-rankings he finished only after Chu, Azen, Chillin, and KM. Don't be angry b/c you haven't been playing competativly for over a year. I used to be upset about my lack of skill and experience, but then i got better, and ppl started to take me, and TNR seriously. Learn from a legend.


K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
KC.. are you sure. b/c i saw a match [falco ditto] between Gfizzle, and a falco [i assumed it was you] and then Mr. Fizzle won.. then i proceded to beat him with my Jiggs PWNZORZ on MARTH stick.. only teh chozenone.. yeee.

Mr. God- you could be right about your bro.. but i'm alittle negligent to place him there due to lack of event participation. Also.. fux with a TNR sig w/

Chozen- Jiggs
Alpha- Peach
Fob- Doc
Mr. God- Marth
Masa- Link
Korn- Falcon
KC- Falco
5%- Shiek
Fats- Gannon

--^ same DBR style like last time.. that shizz was epic.

Everyone- as for mindgames, and seeing them in videos. It is not impossible. They exist, and if you can see them while you're plaiying, you can see them while watching. Just b/c i did not experience them does not mean i cannot recognize them.

What do you want me to do KC?? You've been in TNR for less than 2 months.. everyone else [above you] has been a member for over twice your enrollment. If you beat Masa, SmashGod, Fob, Korn, or any combination of 3 then i will [that is a promise] put you at #3. If you are actually as good as you say you are then this request should not be difficult to entertain. Clearly my judgment is lacking due to an unreasonable assesment of every player on this list, however i can say that [other than Mr. Zealot] i am the best judge of skill in this crew. Also.. if you want an example of a great player gettting screwed due to inactivity [or in your case lack of previous activity] look at Neo. He is probably better than Chillin, and KM, however on the Md/Va power-rankings he finished only after Chu, Azen, Chillin, and KM. Don't be angry b/c you haven't been playing competativly for over a year. I used to be upset about my lack of skill and experience, but then i got better, and ppl started to take me, and TNR seriously. Learn from a legend.

I dont want anything Chozen, I didn't say I wanted to be placed higher or anything, I said nothing of the sort, I'm just defending my facts that's it.

Yes, I did not fight EE except during 1 friendly at EGL witfh Falco and it was a falco ditto and I 2 stocked him. That's it, that was the first time we ever played each other.

I'm done after this, I keep getting words put in my mouth that I haven't even said.. I'm done, it doesn't matter, it never mattered. The End.


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
WAHAHAHA at all this commotion and **** chozen youve only been playing since March of last Year noob

his first tourney was chus biweekly in March ... with me so Snitch plzz

all i read is Blah blah blah blha blha blah blsbah blah ablah babbaba ,,,

all i can say is CK > TNR ... end of stroy =p


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2005
Towson, MD
how come i wont be in the banner?
im not that terrible @smash.
just worse then like. all of bmore combined


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
DBR's only has 9 ppl.. and that was nine. Also it'd be wierd have two falco's on teh banner.. i may request another banner w/ everyone's name on it. yee.

KC- i'm not hating good sir, not trying to put words in your mouth. Chozen <3 KC. We clearly must play next time we meet. Good shizz, good sir. You are [apparently] a beast ;)


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
I beat u in more then 1 Falco ditto at Chus K.C. lol and I believe we just kept going back and forth before they kicked us off lol

CK you shut up f00l =]

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
how come i wont be in the banner?
im not that terrible @smash.
just worse then like. all of bmore combined
Nurok you're **** good, stop saying you suck man. -_-

It's good chozen, I'm not pressed on it.

Nah EE, you beat me that time to play Curio/Hat and we got two more dittos after that which I won (I wanted a rematch because you beat me the first time and I needed to warm up, you beat me on yoshi's story), we cut short because we wanted to practice teams since we were teaming. (work on not killing me man. O_o)

You did do better than me in the tournament, I didn't play that well at Chu's during singles.

Deleted member

Nurok you're **** good, stop saying you suck man. -_-

It's good chozen, I'm not pressed on it.

Nah EE, you beat me that time to play Curio/Hat and we got two more dittos after that which I won (I wanted a rematch because you beat me the first time and I needed to warm up, you beat me on yoshi's story), we cut short because we wanted to practice teams since we were teaming. (work on not killing me man. O_o)

You did do better than me in the tournament, I didn't play that well at Chu's during singles.
EE beat you in a falco ditto??

i knew EE held back on me:( since i played him then you at the catonsville tourny...or was it you then him?? i dont remember the order at all cause everyone played me falco falco lolz


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
So everyone is cool with-

1. ChozenOne
2. AlphaZealot
3. Korn
4. SmashGod
5. FOB$
6. Masa
7. K.C. Cloud
8. 5%Tax (he is over SGLB b/c he beat me 2-1 on Sat. Shiek on Jiggs)
9. Smash God's Little Bro
10. DOSV
11. EEvisu
12. Nurok
13. Boss
14. Zeps
15. Jigg
16. Da Shizzi
17. Baily
18. Mood4Food


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
KC.. are you sure. b/c i saw a match [falco ditto] between Gfizzle, and a falco [i assumed it was you] and then Mr. Fizzle won.. then i proceded to beat him with my Jiggs PWNZORZ on MARTH stick.. only teh chozenone.. yeee.

Mr. God- you could be right about your bro.. but i'm alittle negligent to place him there due to lack of event participation. Also.. fux with a TNR sig w/

Chozen- Jiggs
Alpha- Peach
Fob- Doc
Mr. God- Marth
Masa- Link
Korn- Falcon
KC- Falco
5%- Shiek
Fats- Gannon

--^ same DBR style like last time.. that shizz was epic.

Everyone- as for mindgames, and seeing them in videos. It is not impossible. They exist, and if you can see them while you're plaiying, you can see them while watching. Just b/c i did not experience them does not mean i cannot recognize them.

What do you want me to do KC?? You've been in TNR for less than 2 months.. everyone else [above you] has been a member for over twice your enrollment. If you beat Masa, SmashGod, Fob, Korn, or any combination of 3 then i will [that is a promise] put you at #3. If you are actually as good as you say you are then this request should not be difficult to entertain. Clearly my judgment is lacking due to an unreasonable assesment of every player on this list, however i can say that [other than Mr. Zealot] i am the best judge of skill in this crew. Also.. if you want an example of a great player gettting screwed due to inactivity [or in your case lack of previous activity] look at Neo. He is probably better than Chillin, and KM, however on the Md/Va power-rankings he finished only after Chu, Azen, Chillin, and KM. Don't be angry b/c you haven't been playing competativly for over a year. I used to be upset about my lack of skill and experience, but then i got better, and ppl started to take me, and TNR seriously. Learn from a legend.

Aw ****. That is gonna be hard. Korn, Masa, Smash G0D, we are gonna have to train hard as ****.

Why Do I love Tak and EE so much? You guys are incredible. Tak. Come back......

EE ALWAYS makes me laugh.

YEa... I"m not going to use the TNR banner... MAYBE, if you want i'll get my brother to put TNR on this sig.


Korn- yea.. being the cocky ****** I am, I think so too. But I'd rather have my game show for itself. Next time smash G0D. Next time.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
fats - YOUR BETTER THAN ME!!!!!!!!!! how many times do i have to say it!? dawg i dont sand bag...yr just better than me.

naw IMO i should be around the 10 spot...chz1 is heavily biased about me. im not that good. i just know i can beat EE cuz my marth match up is ok at best.

kc - you and ee played me and blues for like 5 matches at chus 2 weeks ago...cuz you didnt want to give up the tv...yr falco looks like chz1's / ck's / wuss's which is ....ok i guess. still need to play you 1v1. my falco match up is one i need to improve.

....and i can just pull off random **** like when it was team RAm vs SPY kids and redd randomly dies and i take out ece gannon with a well placed up b and then contine to take out ricky's fox on fd whne it was 2 v 1 to win the set.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
Fob.. ya banner is mad sexy yo. TNR would be nice somewhere though. Do you think your bro could make me one?? *prays*
I'll ask him. Start gathering pics. and thinking up a good phrase. Not praying lol. OH and tell what size you want.

Smash G0D-For teh banner, I found a green doc. OMG WTF<<<<<<<< WOWZERS.. lol, I've been searching for one since I first started playing smash. Some guy photoshopped one and is letting me use it. YAYAHUZZ


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
INstead of makeing one banner we can make two just label them TNR ELITE and TNR UNELITE

Yippie snow day now im actully gunna practice smash
HA! I caught YOU! You said that you never practice smash. I KINEW IT was weird that you could shinewave dash, l cancel, wavedash, dash dance grab, SH and jumpcancel attacks when you only played once every 2 months. You gaywad! I thought you were some smash prodigy...


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
Lolz @ Da Shizz..

DOSV- where do you think you should be.. i'm open to suggestions.

Everyone else- any suggestions for an awesome sig text idea.. i'm thinking-->

Same pic as my above sig..

then perhaps a quote from Kung Pao..

then it'll say ChozenOne..

and then say TNR.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
hahaha, masa... the funny thing is I haven't seen you fight anybody that doesn't counter the hell out of your character. So my perception of your playing is skewed. poor masa, ganon owns link...

anyways, I find that when I fight you, you could combo the hell out of me for a good 50-60% no problem, but you leave some openings in your defensive game, and against ganon that is a bad thing. I'll get you off the level, and your skillful combo was pointless because I'll just ledge hang bair, reverse uair, or gimp you before your hookshot gets release.

watching ricky's videos, he's really good about not leaving himself vulnerable, he always has a boomarang protecting him somewhere.

basically, you could easily start whipping up on ganon, but it would require you to ascend to ss3masa.

you still aren't quite ss4 material, plus you'd need a tail for that transformation.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
Lolz @ Da Shizz..

DOSV- where do you think you should be.. i'm open to suggestions.

Everyone else- any suggestions for an awesome sig text idea.. i'm thinking-->

Same pic as my above sig..

then perhaps a quote from Kung Pao..

then it'll say ChozenOne..

and then say TNR.

I think that you should get the clip when the main character bites the cows utter to replace the pic from your previous sig.

and then a quote from that scene.

and finally ending with ChozenOne Tnr.

Cause if its on loop, then it will look really lame to see TNR, and then a banner that has the same words that were just shown

lawlz just my opinion

hahaha, masa... the funny thing is I haven't seen you fight anybody that doesn't counter the hell out of your character. So my perception of your playing is skewed. poor masa, ganon owns link...

anyways, I find that when I fight you, you could combo the hell out of me for a good 50-60% no problem, but you leave some openings in your defensive game, and against ganon that is a bad thing. I'll get you off the level, and your skillful combo was pointless because I'll just ledge hang bair, reverse uair, or gimp you before your hookshot gets release.

watching ricky's videos, he's really good about not leaving himself vulnerable, he always has a boomarang protecting him somewhere.

basically, you could easily start whipping up on ganon, but it would require you to ascend to ss3masa.

you still aren't quite ss4 material, plus you'd need a tail for that transformation.
lol I camped for like over 8 minutes..... ^_^


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
I'd say move me up to 8th

I just thought of a hilarious idea. You know how TA has that thing with the mega man press start thing? Well I think we should get the street fighter character selection screen and have all of our characters in it. and Alpha and Chozen can have their picture taken to replace the "selected" characters on the left and right.

lmao Chozen can make the crouching sumo wrestler pose. ^_^

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