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Offical TNR Recruitment Page... Also Welcomes L@wl!

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Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2004
Gaithersburg, Md
I would have assumed it would have been sheik over link, if you had to chose a character from the series. You can tell which sex voted more =P


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
I don't have time for this right now. Three exams tommorow, a project due, and a book to read. But I accept that I won't be going to sleep tonight, and I know Redd/Plairnkk/WoZ/CK need some good bathroom material. So without further adieu ...

Before I begin my, how shall i say, retort/argument/response/debate, i need to get a few things cleared up.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

None of this should be taken too seriously. Everyone on this thread is good person as far as I can tell.

Masa is too cool, and he cracks me up everytime I see him. Sometimes when I get home from school I just yell "Matt? you here?, " because he gets to my house before I do lol. He's a great guy, and his mom calls me "hon" on the phone. so great.

Chozenone is awesome because
A) he wears a ****ing cowboy hat,
B) his avatar is chuck norris (i mean seriously, way 2 awesome, all of u must go rent Return of the Dragon immediately),
C) he hosts biweeklies out of his own home, and has helped nuture this community in so many ways i could go on for hours.
D) he's a male cheerleader, and proud of it. maybe that counts against him, hmm, still cool IMO, and I was going to send u [chozen] this clip i found on utube the other day about male Dallas Cowboy chearleaders.
E) His old voicemail (before his phone passed away) was HIL-arious. f) he's fvckin' chozenone. Common people give it up.

I teamed with Wuss for some friendlies the last fest i was at. He seemed to be at my skill level, though I shouldn't make any claims seeing as to how that was weeks ago, we never played versus one another, and he was playing doc for the most part. He seemed chill, and if he'd chill on the post count then he'd be pretty cool as far as i know.

Smashgod is 12 years old, and makes quips that match the sarcastical intelligence of a highschooler - awesome. He also made the f'in banner - kudos (btw do u use adobe?). He also plays luigi - pimp, (i second luigi). I pick up on these things because I've never met the kid, so i can't say i know him, i can only observer slight nuances which give insight on his character.

Fats - posted the best reply to my initial banner post. Seems supa chill.

Nook - I think I met this guy like once, and I can't even remember what he looks like. But I do remember him being one of the only smashers reppin on VoD during the playoffs - we exchanged a few words. I also love that he's the only smasher whos posts i've come come across on that site.

We're smashers , and that alone makes us unique gamers in that we love playing perhaps the silliest game on earth, are willing to travel great distances and sit in the company of others, host tournaments and fests in our home and even put up housing for fellow gamers, (I can't thank ChozenOne enough for the services he has provided to the smash community), enjoy conversing and chilling with fellow friends, form crews, and overall just like having a fun goodhearted time inspite of fierce competition and in some cases die hard devotion to training.

Now I know that after this post, you guys will just pick apart my argument again, and I'll probably just have to do this all over again (I can't say no to debate). But Because theres like 4 of you it takes a lot longer for me to reply, just do me a favor and read this over a few times and then read over you own reply so I don't have to make really annoying and obvious comments on the flaws of your retorts, i don't have the energy nor time to pump out another one of these.


Ok bizy here:
First of all, my post was short cause yours was so clearly:

... valid, but it is also clear that we dont care.
Clearly you care Wuss, or you wouldn't be posting.

Please avoid these types of posts in the future guys, it only hurts ur argument.

I made an observation, won the concurrence of fellow smashers, and hoped to evoke a change in TNR so you wouldn't shame yourselves - Sure its fun and humurous to copy DBR, and i totally agree with you, Wuss, that looking up to a good crew is the way to go, but then u get to the point where people outside this thread confuse an inside joke with unimaginative banality, (like I did) and that hurts your reputation. So while I come off as an ***, a very small part of me is looking out for you guys - I recognize that your trying to do a spinoff of DBR, but it needs to be over the top, much like a caricature exaggerates aspects of someones face. In order to achieve the air of being the happy/gay version of dbr, which granted is a hard thing to, you really have to pay attention to detail. i.e, the luigi is great, because if there were a luigi in the dbr banner, he'd no doubt have blood on his shirt and a devious grin on his face, so the contrast would prefectly suit ur purpose.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Now, wtf is with insulting intelligence? I never once stomped on your intellectual capabilities, downright insulted you, nor called you names. And refuse to stoop to that level.

bizybozo said:
differences -
... DBR owns TNR.

What an intelligent way to end your point >_> Logical Fallacy.
Also known as a Non-Sequitur argument.. look it up smart guy.
A) You pissed me off my by denouncing my intelligence.
B) Nothing about "DBR owns TNR" is a "logical fallacy" nor in that case is a "non-sequitor"
DBR has been playing for years, and judging by their vast complitation of awesome world renown videos, are better players. TNR is a new crew, with few vids to boot, that is simply not as good. That is a difference. There's no logical fallacy, nor non-sequitor. Please be careful about throwing around terms.
C) In response to your future retort, I suppose you could say "DBR owns TNR" didn't really follow my former comment, which outlined the failure of your banner to portray true satire, but then again the outline of that entire post was in bullets; I wasn't trying to create a flowing argument to ease your comprehension.

Again on the subject of calling names/insulting intelligence.

Anyway, you probably dont know what half of the words in this post mean, so have fun using dictionary.com while you read my post.
Nest time, when you try to diss us, dont make it on the TNR thread dipshiit.
Gosh, next time I point out something to TNR members I'll make sure to post it in Chu's biweekly thread. Or better yet, the meet and greet forum. I hear theres a lot of stimulating conversation over there - Please at least try to make a valid point. Your arrogance kills me.
Oh and sorry to dissapoint, but I wound up not needing to use dictionary.com to decifer your ehorbitantly scholarly dissertation. (was that intellectual enough for your standards?).

However, I felt it a great time to pull up a few definitions I thought you should see in writing.

But first, a little context.

bizybozo said:
Wuss - who the hell names theirself wuss? Just go the extra mile and name yourself vag.
This was, ladies and gentleman (may want to refill that popcorn), the only comment I made about Wuss's name in my 2 posts. This was a "non-sequitor", (FYI chozen), and it was a intended to denote wuss's comment as a "logical fallacy". (He implied I shouldn't post because I'm a mediocre player ((which is what it takes to be "worse" than him)) , and I regarded that as having nothing to do with my original post, so i naturally started my response to him with a non-sequitor, to further diminish the lack of argumentative value of his original retort.

did you say it [wuss] was UNORIGINAL? Actually, I think its a lot more original than "bizyboy"?...

A) "UNORIGINAL" ? wtf? Please learn to read. It tends to help out the average poster.
B) My name is bizybozo. If 8 rhyming letters of iambic quadrameter (i.e., very easy to memorize, and with a sonorous quality) is to much for you, stick to Biz.
C) You pissed me off when you denounced my name.
D) I had to sit through the boring @$$ story of how you managed to stumble upon the name pvssy, cough, i mean wuss, so hears mine. Pay Attention.

When I was a but a babe my mother called me bozo, along with scoober and various other monikers, but "bozo" stuck. My 11 year older brother started calling me "boz" and over the years it became "biz." To this day my 2 older siblings call me "biz" 95% of the time. In 5th grade when I made my first email address, I thought long and hard about my name, trying to come up with one that was 8 letters long, as that was a required minimum of letters at the time. Needless to say, I came up with "bizybozo," a name that has stuck ever since. Let's take a look at this name.


Say it outloud, with each individual letter.
It has a rhyme scheme.

It also allows for many break downs. i.e., Biz, Boz, Mr. Biz, The Bizzer, BizBoz, several of which have been used by other members on the boards. Its the same name as my nickname, email, IM, popping alias, and is used for countless other forums. It's versatile and unique. Get off me.

... Just because my tag is actually a word, and has a dictionary definition, doesnt mean that it isnt original. My name is original, because it is humble, makes you chuckle maybe at first, and was thought of on the spot, by me.

E) This finally brings me back to my main point I alluded to earlier, when I mentioned "I felt it a great time to pull up a few definitions I thought you should see in writing." (Sorry for being so verbose, I know I'm taking a long time here, but apparently I came off as sounding stupid, so looks like posting on this thread means bringing my AP English A-Game).

wuss  /wʊs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[woos] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
Slang. a weakling; wimp.

Credits to Dictionary.com

hum‧ble  /ˈhʌmbəl, ˈʌm-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[huhm-buhl, uhm-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -bler, -blest, verb, -bled, -bling.
not proud or arrogant;

Credits to Dictionary.com


1. Nice name for a cat
2. Slang for women's genitals
3. Cowardly

1. I just bought a pvssy from the pet store
2. I stroked her pvssy
3. He didn't jump, he was too much of a pvssy!

Credits to Urban Dictionary


part wimp
part pvssy

Quit being a wuss.

Credits to Urban Dictionary

My original point still stands. WTF is "Wuss". Oh I get it, HAHAHAHA, your implying you're humble. Genius. We should all change hour names to "Ovaries," or "Shiit_on_Bottom_of_Shoe," or "Used_Toilet_Paper," so we don't come off as too confident or manly. Good Call.
At least that partof your brain misfired when you made your SmashBoards screen name.

More on Wuss -

Ok bizy here:
You talk to us like we dont even know what we are dong. "here are the similarities between DBR and TNR..." guess what, we obviously knew that the crews were kind of similar, hence the banner.
Ahhhh, we'll, yet again Wuss fails to deliver. Instead of analyzing my response past surface value, and realizing that I'm a person kind enough to say what has needed to been said, and then realizing that maybe you should change your crew image and hope to fix its reputation (like any "smart" person would), you took my comments at face value, failing to appreciate the insight I have given your crew on the perspectives of nonTNR members.

In response to your future comment, which i expect might be along the lines of "but your pessimistic views don't necessarily represent the views of nonTNR smashers," or chozen's retort of "Stop generalizing," here's some supporting evidence.

amazing 0.o ^^
overall what bizy was trying to say is...
tnr is gay
Redd (Actually Roy) said:
... Wow it's so true hahaha. XD

And that about's all i have to say on Wuss, or at least all I can remember having to say. I'm sure something will come up.

On the matter of AZ, maybe it was the fact that his signature says he's part of a different crew, or perhaps the fact that he's been smashing WAY longer than you guys, (he joined in 03), or perhaps that he only posts like once a year on this thread. Or the fact that maybe ONE of you even know his real name, and even that's being generous.
You never refuted that claim, and in doing so I assume its right. So regardless of whether its "factually supported" is irrelevant, the assumption or "generalization" holds true.

We actually talked about the ridiculousness of DBR’s name while coming up with our own
And then... you fell asleep and forgot all about it?
The Chozen One said:
good sir.. life is mad good... except that i'm grounded for another 3 weeks.. bleh.. then back to smash. i must train you and make you top 5 in TNR bady!!
I've always had a problem with the crew name, which is a shame, cuz it sounds like the crew is a lot fun, and filled with some some cool kids. I'm sorry but I just can't be represented by such a dilinquent and immature symbol.

The rest of your comments have basically been covered.

FATS - I got nothin. Most Everything you said was spot-on.

SMASHGOD- Again, didn't mean to insult your artwork. Please take my suggestions at the top of this post to heart (regarding how to make the banner a better satire). Kudos.

MASA - Thanks for being a friend, I wish I could pay the same tribute to you. Lol at knowing me so well. Thank you again. Btw its "UC Berkeley," not to be confused with Berkley School of Music.

Popcorn junkies - Feel free to weigh in on the matter. It aint easy being a one man army.

Time to read a book, study for 3 tests and get on the rest of my hw. I got 5 hours till school starts. I got this.

p.s. I just copy and pasted this into Word to save it, and it was like 8 pages. LOL wish this counted as an college essay. which reminds me.... college apps. - I got to be conservative about how much smash i play over the next couple months. So sorry If I'm not THAT involved. There are higher calliings in life.

Biz out.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
Lets stop this arguing now... To be honest i don't really care who says what about TNR or me for that matter (hence being a male cheerleader). I'm not going to waste time explaining why "DBR owns TNR" is a logical fallacy b/c the statement comes from no-where.. ie. non-sequitor but whateve. I didn't actually mean to insult your intellegence, i was just upset over your previous post. Insulting your intellegence was not the way a good leader would act, so i respectfully appologize. Your topic actually made me laugh several times, and so did several of the responses. Clearly there are more good times for TNR, and the unity is now finally showing... it just took some friendly banter ^_^

Good Day Sirs.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Ok I finished my popcorn. I think everyone else did too.

Chozen1! Have you forgetted? I main Marth as well as Luigi! lol

I 2 stocked Jigg and was 1 stocked by CK.

We were both off of the stage trying to survive 1 stock each and he UpBed, it hit me at the top of his dolphin slash, and sends me backward lol. I died with no jumps :( It was fun though.

I also played his Marth with Luigi at Mushroom Kingdom II. I killed myeself twice with airdodge and was 1 stocked LOL. I keep making stupid errors.

Dude Jigg's friend Korn is an awesome Marth. He kicked my butt in Marth ditto (2 stock I believe?) and then beat Chu's Pichu. Chu won the set but still lol...


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
yeah, Bizy. You've won my respect, beautifully defended.

Masa, is bizy better than you? Just wondering because you seem to play him often, and I've never actually seen him play.

so what's the deal with TNR, it's like we're a married couple or something...


But seriously.

Chozen, how's that jiggly coming, are you king quality yet? or better still, is king chozen quality?

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
I love today. I have no school today and yesterday cuz teacher workdays! lol.

Does anybody know if Nod3 is having anymore tourneys? I need to go to a tourney or something like soon.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA

Alpha, since when have you been a Moderator lol? Awesome though :)

EDIT: whoa thats freaky. At first Biz's post was a post about him and Masa, then it turned into this big mumbo jumbo on how DBr is better than TNR or something. I don't feel like reading it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Richmond Va
When I was a but a babe my mother called me bozo, along with scoober and various other monikers, but "bozo" stuck. My 11 year older brother started calling me "boz" and over the years it became "biz." To this day my 2 older siblings call me "biz" 95% of the time. In 5th grade when I made my first email address, I thought long and hard about my name, trying to come up with one that was 8 letters long, as that was a required minimum of letters at the time. Needless to say, I came up with "bizybozo," a name that has stuck ever since. Let's take a look at this name.


Say it outloud, with each individual letter.
It has a rhyme scheme.

It also allows for many break downs. i.e., Biz, Boz, Mr. Biz, The Bizzer, BizBoz, several of which have been used by other members on the boards. Its the same name as my nickname, email, IM, popping alias, and is used for countless other forums. It's versatile and unique. Get off me.

You just won the internet for that~ Lol


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
Good argument chozen. In all fairness I figured that was you're reasoning. We'll have to agree to disagree. How unfortunate that the non-sequitor debate to did not prevail in swaying one party to see the other's light; however, I commend you for your reasoning tactics. Well Done.

SmashGod - I can't blame you, it can be pretty boring.

Biz Out


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Richmond Va
... Since I my browser glitched, I can't go to any other page but this.... XD; *too lazy to restart comp*

I wanna announced


Edit: Whoops, have already done that.

Ok better!

I have perfected or learn 5 new peach tricks! :D

And a new way to camp. <3 No it's not dsmashing in place, or run away and turnip...

Anyway, Rich give me a call today! I need to try this out to someone that is not a lv 9, who can beat me X_x.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
Biz- Good Man.. Be glad to know that you have respect from the Crew leader of Team No Respect, and from the President of the Model UN @ Fairfax High School.

Doll- Call me.. i have cheerleading practice from 4-6.. but after that....


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
Wow, that post was way too long. I defintily didnt read it all. Sorry about all of this, but we need to stop posting. But, you do care more thatn me because I wrote a short little post and you wrote an essay. I didnt read any of your posts actually, just skimmed so sorry about the misreads...

Anyway, a truce is in order. TRUCE!

Btw, im a lot different over the internet, and, and bizy is right that I am cooler in real life. (i hope...)
and seriously, what I said was just to play the advocates devil so it doesnt matter.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
My bro is trying to improve his Peach. Since he never goes on smashboards I asked him if he wanted to see DBR Evolution Hella or something.

He asked, "Where are Doll's vids!" LOL

Doll you have to teach him everything you know aobut Peach. (or tell me and I'll transfer the message :p)


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
So i've been doing alot of thinking, and i think TNR should be an establishment for the "Chosen".. Masa said it earlier and i agree with him quite a bit... originally TNR was just four friends whom were a pretty good crew together... and then it grew. and perhaps i'm wrong, but i'm begining to think TNR has grown from a desired crew to some random faction of TA.. not that there's anything wrong with TA, but we're both our own separate crews... and i don't think TNR needs to pull a B-More's Finest >_< for example-

-TNR Power Rankings-​

1. ChozenOne
2. SmashGod
3. FOB$
4. Wuss
5. AlphaZealot

6. Masa
7. Xlax
8. NookRulz
9. Fats
10. EEvisu

11. 5%Tax
12. Smash G 0 D's Little Bro
13. Glyph (met you once, and never heard from you again..)
14. Dr. Roc (same as above)
15. Jigg
16. MajiNfraze
17. SkyLink (you havn't honestly improved in months, and we never see you post)
18. Baily (i think i've actually talked to you twice..)
19. Lime (you don't even like me...)

Yellow denotes those whom will be used in future crew battles.. Red are alternates..

-TNR Teams Power-Rankings-​

I think we totally need to redo these... don't even get me started.

1. No Respect (Wuss+Chozen)
2. Pink (SmashGod+Smash G 0 D's Little Bro)
3. TYWYS (AeroShadow+Chozen) *must get Mr. Shadow to join..
4. ChozenOne (Fats+Xlax)
5. Random (Chaopika+5%Tax)
6. Some Respect (Nook+Chozen)
7. Fake TNR (Glyph+Wuss)
8. Masa+Jiggs (Masa+Jiggs)

There are members that don't really contribute anything to TNR... and aren't improving.. *sigh* i don't know what to do.. any ideas??

Good Day Sirs.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
Well, chozen, im glad to hear your starting to take masa's (and my) advice on how less is more.

You are the team leader, and that means laying down the law. You just gotta cut the people who don't actively post or participate, and hope to narrow down your crew (10 is a good number).

Or you could go for the TA method, in which really only the core members are the REAL TA, i.e.,

Aho, Fonz, Chinesah, Kirbstir, G-Reg, MEGA, Kaiser, KM, and theres a few more I think. . .

FYI I'm not generalizing, I actually had a talk wih Travis, Alex, and Aho a few weeks back.

So, i spose you could follow their example, and just let all these 85 people be a part of TNR, but only support your topten/closeknit/boardposting/trainingfriends/crewbattlers in the banner.

Thats a lot easier than dropping smashers from the crew.

Either way its ur call, you've got your work cut out for you. good luck.

- Biz


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Richmond Va
My bro is trying to improve his Peach. Since he never goes on smashboards I asked him if he wanted to see DBR Evolution Hella or something.

He asked, "Where are Doll's vids!" LOL

Doll you have to teach him everything you know aobut Peach. (or tell me and I'll transfer the message :p)
Lol :< Hella vid is quite cool. :]

Lol how about I'll just train your brother my self? By train = friendlies with him hahaha.

There's vids of me on youtube, but all of them suck cept for the one with me getting **** by azen.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
friday afternoon(after 2:10pm), saturday afternoon(dunno exactly, but after 1:00pm should be fine), all of sunday= times when i am available to smash. someone tell me they can smashand i'll find a way to get wherever i need to be.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
....wow i guess wuss and smash god really are better than me...well i cant really argue with the rankings cuz thats just gay...and jigg ***** my *** consistenly so yea....ill guess ill just have to prove myself more...

fats - i **** bizy like no other. in a non-seiquweeitiorer way.

umm im sick of all this convo on the boards...we need to ****in smash!!


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
hahah, way to toot your own horn, and since when is Jigg ****** Masa? I thought you two were about even at best. I need to play you guys some more, I'll be in town for a month or two starting december. I would love to come to a fest with xlax and school you guys all over again.

I would enjoy playing you guys with some one other than ganon, because I'm pretty sure that you'll take him now, even though I have started l-canceling, he just has his limitations.

so be ready for a mean kirby, game and watch, and samus if I ever smash with you again that is.

Jigg, that goes for you too.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
I agree, less people is good, but it is hard to just kick someone out *glances around nervoudly*
I know I shouldnt complain, but I will anyway. I think that we need to have matches to prove who is better. I know that one set proves nothing, but other people can go to more tournaments than me, which makes them seem better than me. They might be for all I know, but I dont think its fair to just decide. Actually, I think we shouldnt even have a TNR power rankings. Just promotes competition in our one crew that is both unnecessary, and unwanted in my opinion. I vote to get rid of the rankings.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
blues lies he is TA and he knows it cuz hova and i said so and nobody betrays hova


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2006
Waldorf MD
To all in TNR i have "respect for all of you but
BRK is going to invade the game strong with a force not to be Phooked with so i want to see any of you that live in the Charlse County area no MM also wouldlove to play Crew Battles so 7 vs ? its up to you


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
I think i can speak for the chz1 on this one: ...Bring it...

Mortal Combat on Three: ONE!!! TWO!! THREE!!! MORTAL COMBAT!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Richmond Va
-TNR Power Rankings-​

1. ChozenOne
2. SmashGod
3. FOB$
4. Wuss
5. AlphaZealot

6. Masa
7. Xlax
8. NookRulz
9. Fats
10. EEvisu

11. 5%Tax
12. Smash G 0 D's Little Bro
13. Glyph (met you once, and never heard from you again..)
14. Dr. Roc (same as above)
15. Jigg
16. MajiNfraze
17. SkyLink (you havn't honestly improved in months, and we never see you post)
18. Baily (i think i've actually talked to you twice..)
19. Lime (you don't even like me...)

Yellow denotes those whom will be used in future crew battles.. Red are alternates..

I think the true list should be

1 AlphaZealot - Too good with hsi turnips and FC. :D <3 Pulled out tons of cheap stuff too
2 ChozenOne - Eeehh, nice spacing with jigz?
3 FOB$ - Sexy doc. :] **** my ****.
4 SmashGod - I need to play you, but your luigi looks mad good
5 Masa - <3 :] Masa is stepping it uuuuuppp~~~~~~~
6 Wuss - :[ <3 <3 x3 <3 <3
7 NookRulz <3 <3!!! <3 <3 !!! I <3 you
8 Fats- I don't know you! You're tall?
9 Smash G 0 D's Little Bro - you're cool and **** ym as sin peach ditto
10 Jigg - you're cool <3 and your marth looks good <3
11 5%Tax - hahah your sheik > Plank >>; plank you suck ;-; how dare you camp against me!? no one can do that **** to Doll. Heartless *******
12 Xlax - Me love your pikachu
13 EEvisu - !_!?
14 Glyph - Hi :3
15 Dr. Roc (same as above)- :o~
16 SkyLink - BEAT MY SHEIK!!!
17 MajiNfraze - :<
18 Baily - :<!!
19 Lime - :D! Hey
20 Doll - sucks *****



Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
...... -_-' man I missed the fire...... and popcorn...
I can still make up for it!!!

Jiggs was entered into TNR due to a possibility of potential, and FOB$ approached me on the TNR recruitment page asking to be part of what i can call only now as "the TNR experience"...

.... I was dizzy off Red Bull's and I posted at 2:30 saying "Does TNR need a Jiggz ****** doc?"
lol but I don't regret it one bit. TNR boards are so much fun!

I'm not trying to restart this or anything but......
-both have a "_ob money" - too ridiculus
The only two people that call me FOB money are Ck and Chozen one. The name was originally supposed to be FOB money but I felt weird wrting my tag on the sign up sheet. .... So I just made it FOB. ... *still begging Smash G0D to change name... *

And I love Tnr members.

I <3 mesa.

I <3 Jig

I <3 alpha for his coolness.

I love Fob.
I don't get a <3?? *cries* lol

actually i was still in tnr for awhile but i quitted later because so many people were joining, and i have been crewless since=X
ZOMG!!! 12th post!! :)

Actually, I think we shouldnt even have a TNR power rankings. Just promotes competition in our one crew that is both unnecessary, and unwanted in my opinion. I vote to get rid of the rankings.

I like the rankings. They help motivate people.

I think i can speak for the chz1 on this one: ...Bring it...

Mortal Combat on Three: ONE!!! TWO!! THREE!!! MORTAL COMBAT!!!!!
DANANANANANA (continues for a while) FINSIH HIM.


I think the true list should be

1 AlphaZealot
2 ChozenOne
3 FOB$
4 SmashGod
5 Masa
6 Wuss
7 NookRulz
8 Fats
9 Smash G 0 D's Little Bro
10 Jigg
11 5%Tax
12 Xlax
13 EEvisu
14 Glyph
15 Dr. Roc (same as above)
16 SkyLink
17 MajiNfraze
18 Baily
19 Lime
20 Doll ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


I don't move.... anywhere.....


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2006
Waldorf MD
its too many of yall its as simple as that and then yall fall under "leaders" come on now its 7 of us and our top 4 will own any body in yall top 4 sirs so again see me Zeros The Sage and KC when you feel like getting yo ***** handed to you

thank you



Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Richmond Va
I don't move.... anywhere.....

<< >> << >> You're above me shut up! lol

Btw Ichor, if you're gonna crew with Tnr, can i be a honor member of the crew match? I don't think ALpha can make it due to his location.

Don't worry :\ i can't even l cancel.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
Your telling us we have to many? Sure we have a good amount, but TA... !!!?!?!?!?!?!
I love TA, but dont tell us we have to many members when there is a crew with about a thousand more.

Also, for TNR: would you guys be willing to come to my house? My mom's house which is in DC. I would need to ask my dad (hes staying with me) but I bet its chill. We could have a fest or something on friday before the biweekly. its just an idea though...

(goes and cries in a corner cause nobody likes me...)
(please show me sympathy...)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2006
Waldorf MD
<< >> << >> You're above me shut up! lol

Btw Ichor, if you're gonna crew with Tnr, can i be a honor member of the crew match? I don't think ALpha can make it due to his location.

Don't worry :\ i can't even l cancel.
Mabye i did not make this clear i am with The Black Rain Krew
and all of you have too many ppl Falcon so please dont come at me unless you want to match me sir


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
We use top 5 Simple as that. and wuss is in .... DOH top 5

Edit: oh yeah, If Doll gets to play , we get him (he sucks) *replacment for alpha Zealot*
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