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Offical TNR Recruitment Page... Also Welcomes L@wl!

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2006
Waldorf MD
wow yall is really deep over there iwe need to have a fest near where we live at so that we dont have to go to west hell to get to a fest seriously all of the "Captins" of all crews need to get at me about that sirs


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
i *might* be able to get my mom or dad to take me, but even if chozen could give me a ride, w/o my parents consent im ****ed when i get back home. i asked my mom if i could even go (i said that i *might* (i love that word..) be able to get a ride) and she was all like "your father and i will decide on it tomorrow" but what she really meant was "you want us to waste time and gas to take you to DC?"


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
yo jigg. u can't live further than like 10 minutes from me. i could prolly pick u up/ we should smash on friday whether or not Wuss's thang goes down. I'll prolly be chillin with masa neway, and he loves playing u for some reason. so pm me a number or adress. maybe that'll can help sway ur parents into letting u go if u tell them u got a ride. holla


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
Busy on Friday... dad's a prick.

Wuss- i car got totalled.. ie. no more car for Chozen :(
Doll- Nice Name.. what is its' origin??
CK- Speaking of names... wtf is the origin of yours??
the Rest of TNR- someone needs to pick up IC's... we need a counterpick for shiek.. and it's not my Falco... i need that for spot for Jiggs V. Samus...

Speak of Counterpicks...
Fob$-Doc V. Jiggs..
AlphaZealot-Peach V. any fastfaller... but not Falcon
Wuss-Falco V. teh Captain
SmashGod-Luigi V. Marth
Masa-Link V. Peach?? Marth?? Starter??
ChozenOne-Jiggs V. Marth, Samus, IC's.
Fats-Ganon V. Peach, or ??
X-Lax-Shiek V. Anyone whom can be chaingrabbed... or teh Captain.

I still don't know who to start in crews though..


Good Day Sirs.

PS. note that sir has began to pick within teh smash community.. lolz.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
Plairnnk has a reallly cool way of chain grabbing falcon. Consists of EDIT: jabs (my fault)... ^_^


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
meh its not actually a cg it's escapable but i can follow it up. it's just gay :D


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
bizy, you can come and bring masa and jigg even though chozen cant come. That would actually be a really sweet fest. Were all probably about the same skill, hopefully. If you would be willing to do that bizy, the I commend you!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Richmond Va
I just found out that marth and roy can change their direction in the air with their bair. -.-

So ********, i used to go "Omg that's amazing" wheneve ri saw a marth goes from bair to fair. X_x;


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2006
Waldorf MD
Busy on Friday... dad's a prick.

PS. note that sir has began to pick within teh smash community.. lolz.
dont get it twisted sir i have been saying that before i even got on to this site so ask one of my crew members about it dont include me in that statment thank you

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Busy on Friday... dad's a prick.

Wuss- i car got totalled.. ie. no more car for Chozen :(
Doll- Nice Name.. what is its' origin??
CK- Speaking of names... wtf is the origin of yours??
the Rest of TNR- someone needs to pick up IC's... we need a counterpick for shiek.. and it's not my Falco... i need that for spot for Jiggs V. Samus...

Speak of Counterpicks...
Fob$-Doc V. Jiggs..
AlphaZealot-Peach V. any fastfaller... but not Falcon
Wuss-Falco V. teh Captain
SmashGod-Luigi V. Marth
Masa-Link V. Peach?? Marth?? Starter??
ChozenOne-Jiggs V. Marth, Samus, IC's.
Fats-Ganon V. Peach, or ??
X-Lax-Shiek V. Anyone whom can be chaingrabbed... or teh Captain.

I still don't know who to start in crews though..


Good Day Sirs.

PS. note that sir has began to pick within teh smash community.. lolz.
Errr... My luigi kinda isnt the greatest vs Marth. If you need a counterpick vs Sheik my Luigi is prolly your best bet. I also work vs Falcon, Fox, Falco, and some others :) I'm moderate vs Marth, I usually make it a Marth ditto or use Falco/Fox


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
dont get it twisted sir i have been saying that before i even got on to this site so ask one of my crew members about it dont include me in that statment thank you
... around 30 posts in one day?
lol w/e i don't really care.

ChozenOne- I'm not JUST good against jiggz.... I got a other good match ups.

Jiggz is more of a bye for me in tournaments.

Before I begin mentally ****** you.. let us begin with a short history lesson.

TNR also known as "Team No Respect" finds its' roots last year during the month of November. Robert (Blues), Luis (ChaosKnight), and Rich (ChozenOne) were all sitting around playing smash when one day Luis came upon a new computer. None of us thought much for this event at the time, but let me assure you that it would change our lives forever... At this time Blues mained Marth, ChaosKnight mained Shiek, and ChozenOne mained Doc. Having quite the "interest" in the game Luis decided to do some research online, and found that there was a very prominent "smash community" called smashboards which had some pretty cool videos up of different smashers from around the country. At his home he had witnessed the Crew Battle of FC3 (between EastCoast, and WestCoast) and was immediately taken back by astonishment.. He then proceeded to show ChozenOne, and Blues this same video clip which he too had viewed earlier.

Interestingly Blues was very impressed by the showing that ChuDat (the #3 player at the time) had shown with the IceClimbers. Wanting to be original, and having an intense love for grabbing he slowly began to master the IceClimbers DeSyncs, and had eventually perfected some smashing, and blizzard techniques. ChaosKnight was too devoted to Shiek to totally give her up, but when Blues discovered the IceClimber's chaingrab on Shiek he knew he had to make a change.. he soon became a Ken worshipper, and began to work on a Fox after hearing that Ken was the best player in the world, and decided that he would be someday too. This all happened about the same time that ChozenOne began messing around with Peach thinking her to be one of the worst characters in the game, but then realizing that her Dsmash was incredible.. he began to use her as his main.

Time passed. We had all progressed to a level we had not thought possible, and now began seeking tournaments in our area.. We expected to win... how wrong could we have been. This all began happening during the January time frame, and this is also about the same time that we all began creating our "Gamer ID's" on the boards. Blue's name takes its' roots from Japan.. Surprisingly MegaMan is known in Japan as "RockMan", and ProtoMan (MegaMan's Rival) is known as Blues... So there you have it. ChaosKnight is still a mystery to me even to this day.. ChozenOne is much less obscure in nature... I had (and still do) an extreme love for the movie KUNG PAO, so honestly... who wouldn't want the name Chosen One!!

This is about the same time we stumbled upon JTyme's "tournament". Of Course not knowing JTyme's smashing reputation we began making plans to attend his tournament down south.. However he had to unfortunately cancel, but he did promise to deliver another tournament in hopes of easing the smash community's negative disposition. He did not deliver. His next tournament was cancelled as well, but in hopes of giving smashers whom traveled far to reach this tournament of legend ChuDat kindly surrendered his house. This was the first tournament ChozenOne, Blue, and ChaosKnight attended. This is also the tournament that we also met Redd whom asked ChozenOne for a moneymatch after he had sarcastically called ChuDat a newb on the boards. *raises eyebrow* .. All three of us were eliminated by round 3. Sadly none of us had the technical skill to maintain stock against the greats such as Anden, Chillin, Azen, ChuDat, G-Reg, and Chinesahh. How unfortunate for us.

We spent the next two weeks preparing for ChuDat's next Bi-Weekly by training our technical skills such as L-Cancelling, Fast Falling, and ChainGrabbing. ChozenOne also began trying a new character known only as Falco. This was probably the real start of Team No Respect. The next Bi-Weekly was another disappointment, but we could see that we were all improving. Excitement began dwelling inside each of us, and we all slowly began improving our mindgames, and individual skills. ChaosKnight was excellent at shinespiking, but where he lacked technical skill, he made up in mindgames.. Blues was and still is supreme at mindgaming in grabs and now began to use YoungLink after (again) being inspired by the infamous ChuDat.. and ChozenOne... well, his Falco slowly began to transform into the most technical, but most lacking in mindgames of the trifecta of players.

Enter Roy (Doll). ChozenOne was one day sitting in his Trig class when he began to mention some things about smash to a friend of his sitting close to his person. Being a short, and nosey asian Doll began to explain that he also played that that he wanted to come by and play with me, and my boys. Of Course why would anyone decline a new player with different skills so during the week he came by and practiced for about 4 hours with Blue, ChaosKnight, and ChozenOne. At this time Doll mained Shiek, and had Peach as a secondary. Interestingly enough it was ChozenOne whom suggested to Doll to main Peach instead of Shiek.. Lolz. After playing for quite some time we all realized that allowing Doll to join our team of three would be a valuable asset. Thus the Original Team was born.

We took Doll along with us to Chu's next Bi-Weekly, but after of course we had played for about 25 hours over the next week and a half. Good Times. During the week, ChozenOne had the crazy idea of Creating a crew of four. This idea came from his previous obsession known as Yu-Gi-Oh. He had been the leader of one of the top 5 prominent crews in the United States; Known as TZ (Team Zero), and had spent about 2 years battling it out for dominance with Teams Known as Comic Odyssey, Team Savage, Team OverDose, and "Crew". Over the week we all decided that creating a Team Name was in order, but all that we could agree on was that it needed to sound short and sweet.. like "H2YL". Thus TNR was born. Team No Respect now had a name, and a four person crew... This is also about the same time that the "Official TNR Recruitment Page" was created.

At ChuDat's next Bi-Weekly Doll, and Blue both got to the fourth round, but CK, and Chozen were both eliminated during the third. Improvements perhaps? This was also the same tournament that Doll beat Chinesahh one game, and G-Reg lost to Anden in a set... neither of these things would ever happen again... Fortunately for Doll, Husband and Wife were also present, and they saw something in Doll which clearly has manifested itself in him today.. Trained him hard they did, and good he became. Welcome to April.

Redd was now a good friend of the TNR boys, and Doll's Peach was now a force to be reckoned with, and life was good. Unfortunately good things never last and Blues, and Doll broke off from TNR feeling they were beyond us. TA was looking awfully good, and TA is awfully good. Good Day Sirs. ChaosKnight, and ChozenOne continued to team at two more tournaments, but soon ChozenOne was along in his membership of Team No Respect.

Blues was gone. Doll was gone. ChaosKnight was gone. ChuDat had stopped holding Bi-Weekly tournaments because he now lived in Japan, and a dark cloud had now began looming over the smash community. ChozenOne fortunately could not live without the game of SmashBros in his life so where ChuDat had ended, ChozenOne picked up. Bi-Weekly tournaments soon began under Chozen's roof, and the masses began to flock due to their uncontrollable love for the game. This is when I first met The Falcon Assassin (who soon changed his name to Wuss), and NookRulz. Membership was now back, and TNR could be seen not as skilled, but as a Family. This was also the same time that i was first approached by Masa via Personal Message due to his inquisitive nature about my Bi-Weeklys.

I had a second Bi-Weekly with a much smaller turnout, but this is also where i met BizyBozo, and Jiggs. Jiggs was entered into TNR due to a possibility of potential, and FOB$ approached me on the TNR recruitment page asking to be part of what i can call only now as "the TNR experience"... Team No Respect was gaining momuntum, and we were finally what you might call a crew. Masa also joined around this time as well. About one month later Smash G O D asked to join, along with his bro.. aswell as a desire from 5% Tax; Wuss also asked for membership to be granted to his friend of olde known as Chris With Lime... We now had quite afew members, and we were all gaining skill quite quickly.

Soon we were challenged at one of my Bi-Weeklys by a crew called Team Cn. Through a slim victory, we were able to defeat our challengers, but as a result their Team Representative FATS asked if they could join... enter FATS, X-Lax, and Majn. This is also around the same time that ChozenOne choose to shift his main from Falco to Jigglypuff in hopes of defeating Doll's Peach... *sigh* Wuss also shifted his main to Falco due to an undiscovered talent formerly unknown. Nookrulz, along with FATS, and X-Lax went back to collage, but continue to represent TNR down in SoVa.

We have to this day continued to add on new members with the same open arms attitude as Team Arlington, and we are still continue to grow. Some of our more recently added members include G-Fizzle, and Alpha Zealot.

Good Day Sirs.

you should copy this on the first page after you make some "edits"


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
... around 30 posts in one day?
lol w/e i don't really care.

ChozenOne- I'm not JUST good against jiggz.... I got a other good match ups.

Jiggz is more of a bye for me in tournaments.


you should copy this on the first page after you make some "edits"
How about Chillin's Jiggs? Quite sexy =)

I don't really want to go all the way out there to your place friday Wuss, plus I have no ride. but I'll be at Chu's on Saturday, yayuhzz!

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Nvm about me > Sheik. I dunno who I will counterpick. I guess we'll just have to see.


Who thinks my name should be changed to "Smash God" from "Smash G 0 D"?!

I can't decide.. And I dunno if I wanna waste my 1 name change


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
does it matter? either way ur name is the same, just doesnt have any uneeded spaces with the "new" one. but oh well.

lol my mom said "ill talk to your father about it" last night, and my when i just asked my dad, he said she never even mentioned it, but hes fine with me going to DC as long as i dont get killed. (in game is fine, but not in real life) so im gonna pm bizy my address and cell number in a min


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
sweet, he hasnt responded to my PM yet, but Im pretty sure he can take you. Im 100% positive you guys can come to my house as well. I asked my dad and he said yea, so its all good. should I pm tope about my anem change? I guess I will because he probably didnt see the last post...


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
sounds good. so u guys have school tommorow? - hmm. so does masa. anyways. i need numbers. wuss, pm me ur cell. ill call masa now. i should be coming like 95% chance.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
How about Chillin's Jiggs? Quite sexy =)

I don't really want to go all the way out there to your place friday Wuss, plus I have no ride. but I'll be at Chu's on Saturday, yayuhzz!
SOO CLOSEE!!!!!... I cried (no not really) I had a mm with him like a month ago for 5 bucks.... 2/3 . We both didn't ban anything (I forgot all about Mute City...) I won the first match. He took me to Mute City. I lost. I went to FD (I hate Yoshi's story) and I lost by a stock.... *cries* I plan to get revenge.... once I have money to spare for mms...

ummm how bout you shut the hell up cause i was not talkin about nor toward you
no hard feelings. just a comment :)

EDIT: If you plan on putting that thing on wikismash, get your facts straight. I came after Fats and their crew.
EDIT (again): I read the thing again and... ZOMG CHZ1 PLAYED DOC?!?!?!?! and I find it hilarious that Doll and Ck played sheik.. lol


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
Alrighty here it goes.

I can't get ahold of masa. I'll try to call him later tonight.

Jiggs is like 10 minutes from me. I'll get him, and we'll most come back to my house, where we'll meet up with masa* I don't know when stefan gets out of school nor do i have his cell. soo, wuss - get on that and send me a message. i checked ur adress, u live pretty close to this place i pop at near teh tinsley town metro stop, but we'll drive to ur house. again, i need to know when u get off school (i.e., when we should arrive), and i need ur cell.

i'm off to the football game, ill check the boards later tonight.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
bizy i guess ill come...man skipping lacrosse conditioning again!...**** i wish bizy didnt randomly **** my **** ....***** sucks....i suck at this game and ive been playin it too long im wastin my youth...not for long tho..

BTW...jigg and wuus. what the hell are you first names!?...i hate callin people by their gamer names...


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
somehow, I dont know how the **** he knows, but bizy said my name. Its stefan. What's your guys's? So when you come to the door, im not,"bizy...!!!"


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
How about Chillin's Jiggs? Quite sexy =)

I don't really want to go all the way out there to your place friday Wuss, plus I have no ride. but I'll be at Chu's on Saturday, yayuhzz!
i **** chillins jiggs terribly, it's jsut not very good.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
bizy i guess ill come...man skipping lacrosse conditioning again!...**** i wish bizy didnt randomly **** my **** ....***** sucks....i suck at this game and ive been playin it too long im wastin my youth...not for long tho..

BTW...jigg and wuus. what the hell are you first names!?...i hate callin people by their gamer names...
lol my REAL name is william, but you guys should just forget that right now, and call me mike. michael is my middle name, so just use mike.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
Alright sounds good. I'll pick up mike around quarter to 3, and get back back to my house by 3:00 where we'll meet matt. (and wuss could make life 10 times easier if he took the orange line to the ballston metro stop, which is 3 minutes from my house), but lets just plan to leave my house at like 20 to 4:00, and hopefully i wont get lost in dc. The real ***** will be getting back from d.c. at like 6/7 at rush hour or whenever we leave. I'mma go hit up some hooka in shirlington tommorow night (matt ur welcome to join), so I prolly won't stay past 8 ish, given that Wuss is even willing/allowed to let us stay that long. And I may have to concoct some story for my parents who will be home all day tommorow (wtf kinda holiday is that) because I doubt they'll be too excited about me runnin around west falls church and D.C taxing kids around

masa - "bizy i guess ill come...man skipping lacrosse conditioning again!...**** i wish bizy didnt randomly **** my **** ....***** sucks....i suck at this game and ive been playin it too long im wastin my youth...not for long tho.."

LoL, key to smash is to be just good enough to beat ur friend. I only play when u come over. Thus, none of my youth goes to waste.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
You guys can stay later, till like 8,9, or 10. Dont worry about rush hour. I forgot my cell phone at my house (at school) so Ill turn it on when I get home. If you get lost, call me and Ill try to help. Bizy, if you really wanted to host a fest, just say so and I could get to your house, its too late now, so still come to my house, but just tell me next time...
So here is a list of names,

Chozen: Rich
Wuss: Stefan
bizy: Brian
masa: matt?
jigg: will... i mean mike :)
plairnkk: Jon (I think it has to do with... nvm)
Redd: Austin

If you post and tell me your name, then Ill put it here.

K.C. Cloud

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Where are you guys holding this at? We gotta get together sometime, I'd like to play you guys. If I can make it I'll try to, I can probably definitly make the ones after december 15th, that's when I go on winter break from college and I'm off till January 31s of 07 (sometime that week I think, I'll have to check).
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