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Offical TNR Recruitment Page... Also Welcomes L@wl!

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Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Yes its true. Masa's link beat my luigi :( God I hate Luigi vs low tier lol. I suck at low tier tournies, I prefer Luigi vs high and top tier any day. Anyways, Masa has a good link. Im almost at 500 posts lol :)


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
If it's on Sunday then i can go.. otherwise i have Cheerleading States ^_^ either way i win!!

TNR is too good now... Smash G O D.. didn't Masa beat you in tournament... Wuss.. i heard your Falco is incredible now, almost to Chozen level.. Fats technically i've heard you're better than Mega.. Fob.. CK won't stop talking about your F@#$ing Doc!! AlphaZealot... post.. you know you're better than most of us ;)

We best be goin in full force, and dominating Chu's Fizzl-est.. (that's izzle for Fest)

Is that supposed to be good or bad?

SmashG0D- Put a nose on the doc.. PLLEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEE!!!!!! he looks SOOOO retarted!


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
He has a nose. its a small carrot above his mustache...
Yo, the biweekly is this coming saturday right? If it is, I can most likely go.
That doesn't count. It looks like a little loose strand from his mustache. (which he does have it just looks like it is part of the mouth

EDIT: ..... Remove the MONEY part then. I'll use it .. I'd feel SOO weird when I post in the doc fourms.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
FOB$, and FATS.. you both must use teh new banner!!

God of Smash.. Congrates on your apprentice status <(^_^)b


btw.. TNR may have one of Alpha Zealot's friends also known as Oblivion joining up as a IC+Marth playa!! Yeahyuzz!!!!!!!


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
im banning the banner...i hate my pic i must find a beter one even if we are trying to go w/ an anime/cartoonish banner which i think is BS and wimpy honestly! No offence to smash god who has amazing banner making skillz...i just think mean looking chars. always look better...imo ehh watever... i try and find some...lol wuss we still have never played...wtf!? you have the best pic in the banner followed by fats but even fats needs some work....if yr gonna use WW gannon, might as well get a good pic.....WW LINK WOULD LOOK WAY BETTER! i mean come on now...

well yea ccx was tight. i still suck at this game tho....but i can almost take kirbsters Marth!! yehs!!

um yea yall better come to chus...chz1, i crave some training aginst a good falco...and FOB!!! that doc is something else...we mus play ..MORE por favor

wow wuss, i wish i could go and get smash training from aho...since his ylink beat my fox...*cries* ...that **** would be tight...

so yea im gonna go find some pics maybe for fats too...BRB


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
I still cant really get a hold of him, hopefully I wil lthough so he can give me some tips :)

This is going to be a really crowded biweekly, maybe as crowded as the one where everyone came.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
I don't know really, we may want to stick to one unified banner, and masa thanks for looking for some ganon pics. I do like the one chozen already. haha one chozen/chozenone. anyfats, I'm going to apply this banner to my sig right now, then I have lots of homework to do.

peace guys, I hope all your chars have improved alot since I've last played them. I just hope mine has improved more ;)

owned. tnr pho lyfe son.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Eh, Link looks mad.

Okay, I can't find everybody's posts for sig edits.

Could one person volunteer to summarize all of your suggestions/edits in one post? And putting a line inbetween each suggestion would be appreciated for organization.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
Let's take a closer look at just how unoriginal (lame) this crew is.

You may just be exact clones of D.B.R, though theres a few differences.
First, lets ook at the names.

"TNR" and "DBR"

Both have three letters, both end with a R, the practically rhyme ("T" & "D" , "R" and "R")

Now lets decifer meaning,.

"Team no Respect," and "Death by ****"

Both connote a lack of sportsmanship, except Team no Respect just sounds ******** in comparison, because at least "Death by ****" gives the air of skill and mastery - "Team no Respect" just sounds like a bunch of punks. Either way, their root connotations are one in the same, and its the primary reason i didn't join TNR months back.

And now, the bannner, which is by far the lowest point in TNR's young history.




This practically speaks for itself.

- EXACT same format

- same font

- both use cartoon drawings

- both strut a doc, link, peach and jigglypuff, with the jigglypuff on one end and a peach one end.

-both have a "_ob money" - too ridiculus

-both include a player in their banner who is leagues beyond in skill level and isn't really in their crew (AlphaZealot and KING, respectively)

-both use the same style of overlapping characters as opposed to isolating each.

- both have exactly 7 members in their banner.

- Neither has a Marth.

differences -

In an attempt to be abstract and cool, TnR's banner is merely gayer and kiddier, and probably made by a 12 year old, even though other members in the crew are 18 and older.

DBR owns TNR.

And thats it.

Now that that is said and done, i can get back to doing my hw.

P.S. That, Wuss, is a proper post.

Stop spamming this thread and learn how provide insight. i mean, its lame enough that ur obsessed with post count, but u really don't realize that my last post wasn't about wanting u to get a life, it was about me getting insanely aggravated at **** who like to play gay little games that take up my time as i try to read this thread. You 're like one of those drunk drivers that doesn't have the ounce of foresight to realize that his/her actions affect the well being of others. I get so f'ing tired of scrolling through countless pages of nonstop bullshiit. Yet another reason why this crew gets no respect. pun intended.


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
... Wow it's so true hahaha. XD

:< poor Alpha and Masa

Whoops this is Doll! XD Redd is hacking my account for porn~ jk >_>;


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2006
i still don't see an x-lax as sheik on this sig... it is kindof dissappointing.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA



This practically speaks for itself.

- same font

-both include a player in their banner who is leagues beyond in skill level and isn't really in their crew (AlphaZealot and KING, respectively)

differences -

In an attempt to be abstract and cool, TnR's banner is merely gayer and kiddier, and probably made by a 12 year old, even though other members in the crew are 18 and older.

The fonts are different.

AlphaZealot is part of TNR.

Just in case you didn't know, I am 12 years old. I really don't see why this is your business though.

If you don't like TNR, then why waste your time posting in our thread?


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
I really don't care that much about this stuff, I mean, it's just a game. The boards are just way of getting your competitive smash fix when there isn't any one to play. If I had some one to play all the time I wouldn't even come on the boards, neither would I be part of a crew. It's just that playing scrubs all the time gets boring.

so for you mr. bizybo, the fact that we are ripping off DBR is true, and that's what we were trying to do. If you think its gay, good for you, I do too. but you shouldn't make some one feel bad about it, he put in time and effort and all you did was rag on him and bring people down.

sorry for trying to have a little fun with this game and it's stupid culture, please don't have a heart attack.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
Alas, it seems my previous post has stirred some commotion.

Smashgod - i never put down ur artwork down, its just insanely unoriginal, and smash is, at heart, all about being original. I'd bet the only reason the fonts slightly differ is because you couldn't find the original font, and you know its true. On the matter of AZ, maybe it was the fact that his signature says he's part of a different crew, or perhaps the fact that he's been smashing WAY longer than you guys, (he joined in 03), or perhaps that he only posts like once a year on this thread. Or the fact that maybe ONE of you even know his real name, and even that's being generous.

Wuss - who the hell names theirself wuss? Just go the extra mile and name yourself vag. I am WELL aware that several TNR members are better than me. I hadn't even played smash for a month until last week. Even you could probably beat me, but that in no way denies my right to give my analysis on the subject. A 12 year old came up with a better and more insightful retort than you (kudos). I mean seriously, the one time you would actually have reason to post something meaningful, you drop a 2 liner.

Fats - I loved your reply. And im not being sarcastic. I know exactly where you're coming from - the only reason I go on the boards is to find competition, and the only reason i would have joined the crew would be to have people to smash with. Thank you for pointing out that my comment came off as ragging on smashgod, it actually made me feel bad. 'Far as I can tell smashgod is a great kid, and again, kudos to him for putting in the time to make the banner. I know it seems like I was really worked up, but it was just me venting some steam thats been building up for months. Thanks for the chill check.

Don't like TNR?? - Masa is the greatest. Chozenone is hilarious. FATS seems chill, wish he didn't live so far.
Biz out.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006

wow its been a while, we must play!!!

yea so i was just gonna pm chz1 and tell him this but, i think that all of you should know...i dont know about you guys, but i loved the old tnr which consisted of blues, ck, doll and chz1. that would now be a very stong crew. they had their disagreements and broke off watever. but i still believe that letting in random people is not the best way of going about this. It leads to a crew taht consist of people over the age 18..like me nook and fats, and way younger people...sometimes its better to have a common interest other than smash...i dun kno...

baily posted all of once saying he wanted in and was granted even thos he lives in ny...ive never played g fis but he dosenst post here all the time and for good reason since he barly knows us. Az posted once and was granted entrance...i just think we shold think more than just lettting ranom people into the crew...fats and wuss smashed with us pretty regrularly and thats why their in but some people just stick out.

i have always said taht we need to fest more often and become a way more close knit crew if we want to be sucessful. taht is why the old tnr worked is because they all lived in generally the same area, but we have random peoole spread out all over md/ va. its just not the best foundation for a strong crew.

i mean we call ourselvs a crew yet we never fest together anymore and barly talk to eachother at tornaments...wtf is that!?.......

i just wanna fest...often...chz1 wat r u doin this week!?????


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
So me and Chozen decided to play a couple of rounds at Doll's, was very enjoyable =)

Rapesies TNR, rapesies.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice

Before I begin mentally ****** you.. let us begin with a short history lesson.

TNR also known as "Team No Respect" finds its' roots last year during the month of November. Robert (Blues), Luis (ChaosKnight), and Rich (ChozenOne) were all sitting around playing smash when one day Luis came upon a new computer. None of us thought much for this event at the time, but let me assure you that it would change our lives forever... At this time Blues mained Marth, ChaosKnight mained Shiek, and ChozenOne mained Doc. Having quite the "interest" in the game Luis decided to do some research online, and found that there was a very prominent "smash community" called smashboards which had some pretty cool videos up of different smashers from around the country. At his home he had witnessed the Crew Battle of FC3 (between EastCoast, and WestCoast) and was immediately taken back by astonishment.. He then proceeded to show ChozenOne, and Blues this same video clip which he too had viewed earlier.

Interestingly Blues was very impressed by the showing that ChuDat (the #3 player at the time) had shown with the IceClimbers. Wanting to be original, and having an intense love for grabbing he slowly began to master the IceClimbers DeSyncs, and had eventually perfected some smashing, and blizzard techniques. ChaosKnight was too devoted to Shiek to totally give her up, but when Blues discovered the IceClimber's chaingrab on Shiek he knew he had to make a change.. he soon became a Ken worshipper, and began to work on a Fox after hearing that Ken was the best player in the world, and decided that he would be someday too. This all happened about the same time that ChozenOne began messing around with Peach thinking her to be one of the worst characters in the game, but then realizing that her Dsmash was incredible.. he began to use her as his main.

Time passed. We had all progressed to a level we had not thought possible, and now began seeking tournaments in our area.. We expected to win... how wrong could we have been. This all began happening during the January time frame, and this is also about the same time that we all began creating our "Gamer ID's" on the boards. Blue's name takes its' roots from Japan.. Surprisingly MegaMan is known in Japan as "RockMan", and ProtoMan (MegaMan's Rival) is known as Blues... So there you have it. ChaosKnight is still a mystery to me even to this day.. ChozenOne is much less obscure in nature... I had (and still do) an extreme love for the movie KUNG PAO, so honestly... who wouldn't want the name Chosen One!!

This is about the same time we stumbled upon JTyme's "tournament". Of Course not knowing JTyme's smashing reputation we began making plans to attend his tournament down south.. However he had to unfortunately cancel, but he did promise to deliver another tournament in hopes of easing the smash community's negative disposition. He did not deliver. His next tournament was cancelled as well, but in hopes of giving smashers whom traveled far to reach this tournament of legend ChuDat kindly surrendered his house. This was the first tournament ChozenOne, Blue, and ChaosKnight attended. This is also the tournament that we also met Redd whom asked ChozenOne for a moneymatch after he had sarcastically called ChuDat a newb on the boards. *raises eyebrow* .. All three of us were eliminated by round 3. Sadly none of us had the technical skill to maintain stock against the greats such as Anden, Chillin, Azen, ChuDat, G-Reg, and Chinesahh. How unfortunate for us.

We spent the next two weeks preparing for ChuDat's next Bi-Weekly by training our technical skills such as L-Cancelling, Fast Falling, and ChainGrabbing. ChozenOne also began trying a new character known only as Falco. This was probably the real start of Team No Respect. The next Bi-Weekly was another disappointment, but we could see that we were all improving. Excitement began dwelling inside each of us, and we all slowly began improving our mindgames, and individual skills. ChaosKnight was excellent at shinespiking, but where he lacked technical skill, he made up in mindgames.. Blues was and still is supreme at mindgaming in grabs and now began to use YoungLink after (again) being inspired by the infamous ChuDat.. and ChozenOne... well, his Falco slowly began to transform into the most technical, but most lacking in mindgames of the trifecta of players.

Enter Roy (Doll). ChozenOne was one day sitting in his Trig class when he began to mention some things about smash to a friend of his sitting close to his person. Being a short, and nosey asian Doll began to explain that he also played that that he wanted to come by and play with me, and my boys. Of Course why would anyone decline a new player with different skills so during the week he came by and practiced for about 4 hours with Blue, ChaosKnight, and ChozenOne. At this time Doll mained Shiek, and had Peach as a secondary. Interestingly enough it was ChozenOne whom suggested to Doll to main Peach instead of Shiek.. Lolz. After playing for quite some time we all realized that allowing Doll to join our team of three would be a valuable asset. Thus the Original Team was born.

We took Doll along with us to Chu's next Bi-Weekly, but after of course we had played for about 25 hours over the next week and a half. Good Times. During the week, ChozenOne had the crazy idea of Creating a crew of four. This idea came from his previous obsession known as Yu-Gi-Oh. He had been the leader of one of the top 5 prominent crews in the United States; Known as TZ (Team Zero), and had spent about 2 years battling it out for dominance with Teams Known as Comic Odyssey, Team Savage, Team OverDose, and "Crew". Over the week we all decided that creating a Team Name was in order, but all that we could agree on was that it needed to sound short and sweet.. like "H2YL". Thus TNR was born. Team No Respect now had a name, and a four person crew... This is also about the same time that the "Official TNR Recruitment Page" was created.

At ChuDat's next Bi-Weekly Doll, and Blue both got to the fourth round, but CK, and Chozen were both eliminated during the third. Improvements perhaps? This was also the same tournament that Doll beat Chinesahh one game, and G-Reg lost to Anden in a set... neither of these things would ever happen again... Fortunately for Doll, Husband and Wife were also present, and they saw something in Doll which clearly has manifested itself in him today.. Trained him hard they did, and good he became. Welcome to April.

Redd was now a good friend of the TNR boys, and Doll's Peach was now a force to be reckoned with, and life was good. Unfortunately good things never last and Blues, and Doll broke off from TNR feeling they were beyond us. TA was looking awfully good, and TA is awfully good. Good Day Sirs. ChaosKnight, and ChozenOne continued to team at two more tournaments, but soon ChozenOne was along in his membership of Team No Respect.

Blues was gone. Doll was gone. ChaosKnight was gone. ChuDat had stopped holding Bi-Weekly tournaments because he now lived in Japan, and a dark cloud had now began looming over the smash community. ChozenOne fortunately could not live without the game of SmashBros in his life so where ChuDat had ended, ChozenOne picked up. Bi-Weekly tournaments soon began under Chozen's roof, and the masses began to flock due to their uncontrollable love for the game. This is when I first met The Falcon Assassin (who soon changed his name to Wuss), and NookRulz. Membership was now back, and TNR could be seen not as skilled, but as a Family. This was also the same time that i was first approached by Masa via Personal Message due to his inquisitive nature about my Bi-Weeklys.

I had a second Bi-Weekly with a much smaller turnout, but this is also where i met BizyBozo, and Jiggs. Jiggs was entered into TNR due to a possibility of potential, and FOB$ approached me on the TNR recruitment page asking to be part of what i can call only now as "the TNR experience"... Team No Respect was gaining momuntum, and we were finally what you might call a crew. Masa also joined around this time as well. About one month later Smash G O D asked to join, along with his bro.. aswell as a desire from 5% Tax; Wuss also asked for membership to be granted to his friend of olde known as Chris With Lime... We now had quite afew members, and we were all gaining skill quite quickly.

Soon we were challenged at one of my Bi-Weeklys by a crew called Team Cn. Through a slim victory, we were able to defeat our challengers, but as a result their Team Representative FATS asked if they could join... enter FATS, X-Lax, and Majn. This is also around the same time that ChozenOne choose to shift his main from Falco to Jigglypuff in hopes of defeating Doll's Peach... *sigh* Wuss also shifted his main to Falco due to an undiscovered talent formerly unknown. Nookrulz, along with FATS, and X-Lax went back to collage, but continue to represent TNR down in SoVa.

We have to this day continued to add on new members with the same open arms attitude as Team Arlington, and we are still continue to grow. Some of our more recently added members include G-Fizzle, and Alpha Zealot.

Good Day Sirs.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
i knew almost all of this already via ck, doll and blue. good ****, this should clear up a lot of questions for some people....lol i read the entire thing

lol i was at chu's first biweekely also. i teamed w/ Redd...Roy was there too.

my point above still stands.

so chz1, when are we festing next!?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
masa - we need o get som MAD festage in all day friday bro. get at me on da cell.

chozen - good write up, though i'm not sure who you were referring to about mental rapage, and when you were going to do that, u must've lost track after that "short" history. lol. good stuff. lets smash.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
You may just be exact clones of D.B.R, though theres a few differences.
First off.. this isn’t really an insult, I just feel that calling us unoriginal is the insult. DBR is very well known, and their members, are quite talented… I actually strive to be as good as King some day.

First, lets look at the names.

"TNR" and "DBR"

Both have three letters, both end with a R, the practically rhyme ("T" & "D" , "R" and "R")

Now lets decifer meaning,.

"Team No Respect," and "Death By ****"

Both connote a lack of sportsmanship, except Team no Respect just sounds ******** in comparison, because at least "Death by ****" gives the air of skill and mastery - "Team no Respect" just sounds like a bunch of punks. Either way, their root connotations are one in the same, and its the primary reason i didn't join TNR months back.
I don’t know if you’ll believe me or not, but the similarity in names is totally a coincidence. We were actually inspired to have a “short, and sweet” name by H2YL… not DBR. We actually talked about the ridiculousness of DBR’s name while coming up with our own.. lolz.

And now, the bannner, which is by far the lowest point in TNR's young history.




This practically speaks for itself.

- EXACT same format
This was done intentionally.. its’ a joke. Do you remember Gimpyfish’s Banner that said “Boozer FTW”… exactly the same. People started copying it, and putting their characters on it.. Exactly. People also know the DBR banner, and I actually like it’s format. Ok.. one point for you there… we stole their banner “format”.

- both strut a doc, link, peach and jigglypuff, with the jigglypuff on one end and a peach one end.

-both have a "_ob money" - too ridiculous

-both use the same style of overlapping characters as opposed to isolating each.

- both have exactly 7 members in their banner.

- Neither has a Marth.
More coincidence.. I assure you. FOB$ may have been inspired, but who cares.. It’s a name. As for the characters… Fats plays Samus, but Gannon is on the banner.. and Smash G O D plays Luigi… not the Captain. We also wanted to have 8 members on our banner, but a shiek wouldn’t fit. Also… Marth is a valuable asset.. he is a Peach Killer.. if I could find a decent Marth, or train Jigg’s Marth I would… but no amazing Marths have approached TNR quite yet.

-both include a player in their banner who is leagues beyond in skill level and isn't really in their crew (AlphaZealot and KING, respectively)
This is when you “pissed me off”. AlphaZealot is good. Don’t get me wrong, he is a very strong player, whom was welcomed with open arms.. but he is not “leagues beyond” everyone else part of TNR in skill level.. (not to offend anyone) Peach is easy to use.. Technically… and Mindgame wise.. I can barely 2 stock Nook with my Falco b/c of this very same reason. Nook will tell you any day of the week that I am much better than he is, but due to his usage of peach my skill does not always show. I am about as good as AlphaZealot. FOB$, Masa, and SmashGOD are all getting there as well. I can’t honestly speak for FATS and X-Lax b/c I haven’t seen them in awhile, but I’m sure they have improved quite a bit as well. >_> sheesh.

differences -

In an attempt to be abstract and cool, TnR's banner is merely gayer and kiddier, and probably made by a 12 year old, even though other members in the crew are 18 and older.
Lolz at SmashGOD being 12… but I actually like our banner more.. It’s just better. I like happy. And seriously… wouldn’t making the banner more bad@ss make our banner even more like DBR’s.. exactly. .. oh yeah. What does our age have to do with anything. Honestly.

DBR owns TNR.

And thats it.
What an intelligent way to end your point >_> Logical Fallacy. Also known as a Non-Sequitur argument.. look it up smart guy.

P.S. That, Wuss, is a proper post.
Umm.. No. Interesting points, but get your facts straight. Don’t make generalizations.

Stop spamming this thread and learn how provide insight. i mean, its lame enough that ur obsessed with post count, but u really don't realize that my last post wasn't about wanting u to get a life, it was about me getting insanely aggravated at **** who like to play gay little games that take up my time as i try to read this thread. You 're like one of those drunk drivers that doesn't have the ounce of foresight to realize that his/her actions affect the well being of others. I get so f'ing tired of scrolling through countless pages of nonstop bullshiit. Yet another reason why this crew gets no respect. pun intended.
I’m going to let Wuss answer you back for this one.. it’s your fight good sir.

Good Day Sirs.

P.S. That Bizybozo, is a proper post.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2006
Richmond Va
YESS I'm on my account now! >:3

:< You know you guys made my night very enjoyable:] *munches pop corns*

As for the Doll and blues breaking off from TNR, we didn't think we were better than Ck and chz1 at all, honestly. My first goal was to see if I can join TA cause I'm awfully lonely and need loving. But Hubby requested that I shouldn't, so I continued to smash with my school friends. It was later than that our personalities = uhh dead to everything.

Me and blue felt that Chz1s and CKs cockiness turned our thingy into a big rivalry. And often our smash fest turned into people screaming + strangling each other... Ok granted, the strangling part is all mine but... our fest ----> too dangerous.

And blue, ck and Rich felt that I was trying to get into TA. Which I did.

It was later that I managed to hook up with Redd, who is an awesome team mate that know how I play very well, I joined TA. Blues soon followed, and you know the rest.

But right now Chz1 is a very good leader; he offered many things to the smash community. By all mean, bizzy I agreed with you of the unoriginal ****s, but it's all good... since Tnr offered smash fest etc. And plenty of punching bags or Dsmash bags for me.

And I love Tnr members.

I <3 mesa.

I <3 Jig

I <3 alpha for his coolness.

I love Fob.

Wuss & fats are fun to dsmash so yea....

My point is... Whoa I have a point. Uhh I'm broke for the wii. Everyone in this thread plz $$$$ me ;___;.



So no more *****ing, more butt sex.


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
Ok bizy here:

Writing out this post is a waste of time and I have an essay to write, but for your edification, I will. First of all, my post was short cause yours was so clearly:
1. Looking for an arguement (your dissing us on the thread we read every hour?)
2. valid, but it is also clear that we dont care. We even SAID that we should make it DBR esque.
and whats wrong with looking up to the first crew to be inter-nationally known for its work.
You say my arguement was bad? Your only evidence was that it was short, some of the best arguements can be succinct. Just because it was childish doesnt mean it wasnt valid. You talk to us like we dont even know what we are dong. "here are the similarities between DBR and TNR..." guess what, we obviously knew that the crews were kind of similar, hence the banner.
And about my name:
did you say it was UNORIGINAL? Actually, I think its a lot more original than "bizyboy"? I mean, what does that mean? It's not clever, and its not like it has anything to do with anything. Just because my tag is actually a word, and has a dictionary definition, doesnt mean that it isnt original. My name is original, because it is humble, makes you chuckle maybe at first, and was thought of on the spot, by me. BTW, its because I used to play samus, and I would spam and run away a lot...
Anyway, you probably dont know what half of the words in this post mean, so have fun using dictionary.com while you read my post.
Nest time, when you try to diss us, dont make it on the TNR thread dips***.

(BTW, keep all of this arguing in good fun, and take it too personally. :))


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2006
masa - we need o get som MAD festage in all day friday bro. get at me on da cell..
good ****, you actually wanna smash again i knew it!!! yea we will soon...i wanna ball too tho.

just to defend brian a little bit, the dude loves to argue. i know everone is just defending the crew and banner, but this guy will always win and wuss try not to offend his intelligence (even in a joking manner) cuz he will go off on you. The guy is prob going to Berkley....come on now...

anyways...i still would like my pic changed to a ww link one...im not repping the banner till then.

i mean, this pic is pretty friggen dope http://www.the-nextlevel.com/previews/gamecube/zelda_wind_waker/wind_waker_link.gif

and i really like this one...http://www.nintendoclub.it/download/ww2.JPG

so samsh god, it would be appreciated. greatly

link is beastly and the most manlyness of all. followed by g dorf and cf , < (my third...im so bad with him)


Smash Champion
Feb 25, 2006
Listening to Music (DC)
Im not against gays in any way, but did you know that link was voted the most sexually attractive fictional character in "Gay and Lesbian Monthly"? Or something like that. Anyway, I like those pictures as well, and the one smash god has is good too, but if thats the one you want that it should be so.
And again it is a joke about his intelligence, I have no idea if he is smarter than I or anything. Its just a joke and is not meant to be taken seriously at all.

(although im probably smarter than you...)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
can we stop the hate?

it was very fun to read through the agruments (and doll's comments.. lol @ Redd using doll's computer) but i think that if we just stop the arguments and putdowns, we can find a solution to the problem much faster ( wait.. is there even a problem? i really havent seen one yet)

im sorry about not smashing with the rest of TNR very often, but ive been trying my hardest (lots of stuff just keeps comming, and i cant stop it) but this weekend, i should be completly free (except on saturday from 7:00am-1:00pm.. that time is devoted to the marines)


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
Im not against gays in any way, but did you know that link was voted the most sexually attractive fictional character in "Gay and Lesbian Monthly"? Or something like that. Anyway, I like those pictures as well, and the one smash god has is good too, but if thats the one you want that it should be so.
And again it is a joke about his intelligence, I have no idea if he is smarter than I or anything. Its just a joke and is not meant to be taken seriously at all.

(although im probably smarter than you...)

Added fuel to the fire son, that's all that did.

On a side note, this arguing is bull who cares if they rip them off.
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