I can commentate professionally while being funny at the same time. Its just there have been some tournaments where I don't give a f*ck lol. So I end up doing horrible commentary, being mad and stuff like that. For example, the atrocious commentary I did at Tipped Off 5 lol.
I'm sorry about the commentary I've done in the past that wasn't me commentating like I really do. I can commentate well alone but if I have a partner, it depends who it is. I can commentate with alot of people though so its not like I'm mad picky. I've been playing this game from the beginning so I know a sh*tload about the game. So I can do constructive commentary while saying random, funny sh*t that I made up over the years that still relate to the game. For example, tomahawk, of the love, papi chulo, steve urkel, PRESSHHAA, mad cute, etc lol. In addition, I can commentate in spanish and do radio commentary if needed.
Solid Jake told me he wants me to commentate for Cataclysm 5. So I'll be ready for that. So I'm gonna do my best to entertain as much people as possible with the future commentary I do.