so your intrested to know but you also want me to keep it to myself?
which is it?
well ok, real talk, there is no 'one thing' that started anything.
basically, its just your behaviour, you are rude, arrogant, selfish, and cross all sorts of social boundarys, and that behaviour makes people uncomfatable.
but most people are either too nice and polite, or dislike confrontation, so instead of doing anything about it, they just put up with it, and then when you are not around go on about how much they dont like you, or how X thing you did pissed them off.
now see the difference is that me and ted are honest about alot of things, so when you act like a jerk which is alot of the time, we straight up tell you get ****ed.
there is no loop of me insulting you and then you insulting me, you dont insult me, I just treat you the way your behaviour suggests you be treated.
nobody else does though, so what happens is that when you act like a jerk, people are still nice to you, so it creates a subconcious connection in your head that what you are doing is ok, when it really shouldnt be.
so while those people think they are being nice to you, which they are, they are also being unkind in that as long as they do that, you'll never learn.
learn what? how to be a normal functioning person who is cool instead of a douche.
if people treated you the way you treated them, instead of being too nice to you, then you'd be put in a position where you either have to learn to not be bad, or live a lonely life, and nobody should have to live a lonely life, that sucks.
so I am actually being somewhat resonable I think.
I dont think your world revolves around me, dont be stupid, why would I think that, its just my actions impact on you heavily, everytime I do something or go somewhere, you decide to not show up, or leave, and I comment on that, only an idiot would then make the assumption that you just did.
so the problem between us comes with my problem with your behaviour.
not feeling sorry for yourself is a good first step, but you still have a long way to go kid.
I wouldnt say you're particuly nice to me, go learn what nice means, and you might think I have my head up my ***, thats fine, but pretty much everyone who reads this will think, wait what? scoot's the one with his head up his *** isnt he?
you might disagree with me, but let me ask you this, when ever your closest friends really dont like you, but wont even say it to your face, what does that say about you?
think on that, dude, or you could just dismiss it and think that people around you do like you, but you'll only be hurting yourself and further proving that you are not very smart.
time to open your eyes man.