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November Knockout - Greensboro, NC - 11.17.07

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I'll run that by my parents as soon as the break starts, I wanna go and see you guys, but I don't know how my situation is with my parents. Man, I'm so sick of saying that, I can't wait until they let me go when I want to. Thanks for the props d shep, he came back and beat me next match, it was ridiculous. I would like to play you as well.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2006
Dr. PeePee... I wish i saw the next match... i was busy playing a match of my own after you beat him which i was shocked out of my mind... im just amazed period by so much talent in north carolina... OMFG... LIKE we could rule the world with our smash skillz alone... and i wish i played more people man... didn't get a chance to make it around 2 everybody tho... i played some of them at the tourney last year... (earlier this year in gboro at that digital place) pac was there... and blade... and some other okay guys... but they have improved ALOT... especially BEHR... i just need 2 work on my technical skills... and start l-canceling more... im surprised i didn't get ***** by anybody... b/c i was hardly l-canceling... but oh well... you guys are all good in my good... B-SIDES MY FRIEND MATT... WHO FREAKING GAVE UP... but it wasn't his fault tho... and I personally apologize to (I think it was Karn --> mew2 user) for him playing around and not taking you serious... we were pretty pissed about that 2 man...

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
we want peepee & his brother in charlotte sometime. raleigh folk have claimed them one too many times.

also, if it's cool, (*just an idea*) would you want us to bring the smash over to shelby sometime? maybe i can get some charlotte folk over. in the end, depends on your folks. so give it time & consideration.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
D shep, it was nasty, the way LOZr took a character I've been playing competitively for about 5 months and beat me with him after losing one match and watching another. I put up a good fight, but got JV 2 stocked. He then ***** me with his Fox, but I caped his firefox once even though he told me not to lol.
El Cancel, I would love to go to Charlotte sometime and play you, Backfister pride! Also, I never even thought about having you guys over here! I have no problem with it at all, it's just there are 2 other kids in the family (besides Twitch and I), and they usually have some dance, gymnastics, or soccer thing goin on, so my parents are strained for time. If I can start working on that now, I may get something here pretty soon. Lemme know who would want to come to little ol Shelby before I start badgering my parents.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2006
Dr. Peepee--> how long you been playing smash... and what other characters did u use 2 play with... i started playing about 2 years ago... with pikachu... and i switched 2 falco and fox like december of last year... but im nowhere near lozr's fox... that thing... was 2 swift man... but my falco might can get the job done against most people 1v1... not on teams tho... that's why i used fox in teams instead of falco excecpt i used falco 1 time...

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I'm flattered by your curiosity. I've been playing Melee since it first came out, but not competitively until about 5 months ago. My mains back then were Mario (cuz I just liked him), Falco, and Marth. After I learned advanced techniques, ironically, I found my favorites to be my best characters anyway. Presently, I would like to say I "main" Mario, but too many good characters, in the hands of the right people, screw Mario over. That's why I try to stay competent with Mario,Falco, and Marth, of the 3 in a neutral match I'd choose Mario cuz I feel so comfortable with him. Sorry that post was so long, I just like those kinds of questions.
EDIT: Dot, did you get any matches recorded? I saw you put the tape in the TV, so I was just wonderin.

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
dr. pp, i haven't discussed with any charlotteans about coming to your place yet. next time we charlotte folk get together, i'll find out who would like to go with me.

should you decide to come to charlotte, you'll get to play nc's falcon, myself, and probably the bosses to name a few.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Omg, that would be freakin sweet either way. One gathering of nothin but people I would have to work my butt off the defeat....sounds like so much fun. I'll ask my ppls bout what my options are today or tomorrow, and it means alot that you guys are willing to sacrifice some driving time for me. NC smashers are freakin awesome!
EDIT: Sorry Karn, parents very against taking me for third consecutive week, and won't let me drive. They are very happy with how many Charlotte smashers there are, so I probly will see you(Charlotteers) guys more often. I'll try to get back to Raleigh eventually as well.

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
it's probably more realistic that you come down here though.

i was pretty impressed at your drastic improvement, but i'm not sure how many people i could get to go to just play the amazing dr. pp & his bro.

i would go myself though since you're not too far.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
That's perfectly fine with me, parents will trust me more if I make it on my own ayhow and I can stay longer, it all works out. One thing: they wanna know what part of Charlotte, cuz they say that some of it is harder to get to than others. I guess everything depends on you guys, and again, thanks for the encouragement man.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
LOZr, come there with me and he will still be right. Sorry Pyrostormer, maybe we'll see you at another gathering. Happy thanksgiving to all as well from Piss n Twitch.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2006
mic_128 doesnt like me
Hey this is jank agian just to let you guys know I hold a Biweekly in blacksburg virginia which was like 3 hours away from luckys card shop. I would love for alot of you guys to come to one of them. There are alot of good players up here besides chillin so you guys gotta come up and flex your muscles. And dr. peepee get your marth better I wanna see it, I am working on my falcon and fox as well. So in are next match i expect you to just barely beat me. Don't get it to good cause then it doesn't look as epic.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Hey man, you gotta check out my already famous Mario too, with a little Falco action on the side. I'm working all my characters really hard so I won't lose next time! As for goin to Blacksburg, my parents don't let me go any farther than Raleigh from my house. So, maybe we can find a midway point or somethin? I live in the miniscule town of Shelby. No one else is here with me besides my brother Twitch, the only kid in middle school at the tourney I think lol. He's gotten better already too.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
I will give shoutouts later people but one thing i must say, dr. peepee will soon be atop of nc in rankings, the mario ditto we had where he 3 stocked me was amazing, really surprised me seeing him play that well, the guy is just naturally good at this game and with practice he will be a top player. fa sho
Only time will tell...


Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
cullowhee, nc western carolina university
Hey man, you gotta check out my already famous Mario too, with a little Falco action on the side. I'm working all my characters really hard so I won't lose next time! As for goin to Blacksburg, my parents don't let me go any farther than Raleigh from my house. So, maybe we can find a midway point or somethin? I live in the miniscule town of Shelby. No one else is here with me besides my brother Twitch, the only kid in middle school at the tourney I think lol. He's gotten better already too.
lulz in all of this post. :awesome:
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