He awoke naked in a cold, chrome cell, memories of the incident clear in his mind. The gays had captured him. He was Seb, leader of the heterosexual resistence.
The homosexual uprising had happened in the late 21st century. The gays took a stand and declared war on the rest of mankind. Catastrophe struck. The world fell into chaos as city by city fell to the military strength of the Third ****.
Seb was the last of the great tacticians in the United States of Straight Erotica. He was leading a strike into the main headquarters when he made a terrible miscalculation. There were far more guards than he suspected. Seb and his followers were captured and *****. The gays killed everyone but Seb, saving him for a worse fate.
Now in this steel room, he was startled when he heard a loud, mechanical creak. Thousands upon thousands of *****es emerged from the walls. They began to close in on him.
Seb noticed an opening in the ceiling and mustered up all of the resolve he could. He realized he had to climb not one, but two walls of *****.
He tested his grip on one of them and felt it pulsating in his hand. Repulsed yet determined, he carried on. As he climbed up the wall, the rock hard *****es rubbed against his own as he became painfully aware of his shameful arousal.
He was almost at the top when he made a fatal error and lost his footing. With the other wall close, he grabbed onto it, now holding himself in between the two imposing structures.
Unable to control himself, Seb climaxed from all of the stimulation. The wild orgasm splashed semen on any of the handholds he had hoped to use. As the *****es closed in, they went into his gaping orifices, causing him to let out a groan of mixed pain and pleasure.
Instead of completely closing, the walls girated to simulate sex. Seb hung helpless as the walls ***** him over and over again, just like in the wet dreams he never told anyone about.
Days later he was found in the news. Seb was now the leading general in the Third ****. The sun set on a once thriving world. A world that fell at the hands of the gays, all thanks to Seb: the one who couldn't control his homosexual urges.