Heres the current situation on Gamerbase:
Some of you may have heard about the Street Fighter 4 Ranbats Gamerbase have been holding. They used to be a weekly thing in London and Manchester had a big SF4 tournament last Sunday. Because of the large numbers of people this attracted (in London) it caused massive safety issues. Also, Gamerbase is a business. They weren't making that much profit out of these tournaments, as most of the players would just enter the ranbat and then never go back to Gamerbase, so Gamerbase has decided to cancel the SF4 ranbats as they considered it a lot of effort for too little return.
So far this hasn't directly affected Manchester, however, a big concern was that Gamerbase wouldn't allow us to do smash anymore. Chris (the tech guy in charge) has said the 22nd is guaranteed. Whether the future ranbats can be held depends on how well we can organise the 22nd, how well the manchester SF4 tourney went, and utlimately, decision from the London bosses.
So what can we do to help our cause?
1. Keep the entrance freed up as much as possible, so regulars and customers can come in.
2. Keep the number of players to a controlled level.
3. Make it as profitable for Gamerbase as possible.
This is the reason for me having pre-registrations. I need an idea of how many people will attend to conserve as much space possible. I think the maximum I would have would be 24 (32 if I really had to). This means that if it gets big enough where people from out of region would take it above the limit, I would have to say no to them, which would be a shame, but would be necessary to keep the ranbats here. At the very least, out of regioners would be low priority.
Also, as I did last time (to make it profitable for Gamerbase), any extra money I made from venue went towards awards, with the prize being time on Gamerbase accounts. This will not change.
Anyway, with a that said here is a list of preregistered players. In future, all Ranbats held at Gamerbase will require pre-reg here.
Registered Players