lol had no idea this thread got so controversial >_<.
knives: 0_o At first I though you had gotten a little far with that post of about omar, it was sort of uncalled for, but I know you were just joking >_>. Anyways, good seeing you in the tournament, I'm sure you'll learn how to play bowser in no time. I would like to play you next time, I got a feeling I'll get owned by your fox's play style w/marth.
mike y: >_< ouch, i do get ***** in Marth dittos. I need to change my style for that match-up, but i didn't do that bad, i got tricks of my own >_>. Thanks for helping.
8bit-Omar 0_o you could do better.
Nes-You keep getting better >_<, good job beating us in teams.
Jesson-You lost in your mm? LOL
Atlus-I think i found my official team partner. I have no idea how we lost to double peach, I guess i could've done better. Instead of being more confident because of the easy match-up, i got nervous and did some simple mistakes >_<.
Joseph (Mango)-NOOOOOOOO i told you, though, I should've stopped you from drinking that energy drink.
Lucky-You made me realize i need to play even better against fox, i though I knew that match-up very well.
rob west, good to see you back. Joe, I suck in Marth dittos. Blitz, closet peach guy!!! LOL jk, that's nick.
Fun tournament guys, good to see the crews I hate the most, 8bit and DSC