On a completely unrelated note, I am probably going to be making a site that is like SSBPD, except you can also run tournaments on it in browser. Since I'll be using a swiss system instead of pools/bracket, it'll produce accurate ratings if used repeatedly at smashfests, but it won't be good for huge tournaments. I am also going to set it up so I can enter individual match results in it (so if player A beats player B in a tournament or MM outside smashfest tournaments, I can just enter that single win and it'll effect ratings.)
tl;dr, we use this when we run smashfest tournaments to get an accurate, mathematically based power rankings so we don't have to sit around arguing.
Would you guys actually want to use this, or should I not bother? Ratings probably won't be accurate until a person has about 7-8 matches recorded, but after that they should stay pretty accurate.