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NorCal Melee Power Rankings - Summer '15 Update - In Sickness and In Filth


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
DarkMike is the best samus that MAINS Samus.

Isai's samus is better than all the others yet he mains falcon as an example.
Who does Isai not play? I wonder if he has a beastly Pichu... lol

And yeah that's what I said about T!mmy/Isai.

I hella want to team with another IC players. Haha, the Fearsome Foursome. Wow nevermind that sounds pretty gay......rofl


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2005
Cupertino (Norcal!), CA
Who does Isai not play? I wonder if he has a beastly Pichu... lol

And yeah that's what I said about T!mmy/Isai.

I hella want to team with another IC players. Haha, the Fearsome Foursome. Wow nevermind that sounds pretty gay......rofl
boback ftw!

u know... i would LOVE to see two ICs wobbling at the same time in a match, in sync, and finishing with a dthrow usmash together. mannn that'd be fun to watch =)


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Incorrect. Believing one's own race is superior just because it is that race is racism, as is vice versa. How does what I said make racism invalid? White chicks and Persian chicks are the females I am most attracted to because of the color of their skin that is mostly inherent to their own specific race; that is not the same as racism, it's merely personal preference.

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

It's still racism, no matter how you try to justify it. You're judging someone based solely on their race, which in itself constitutes racism. You can't pass off that **** as "personal preference," or else, as Scamp said, racism wouldn't exist since one could just attribute everything to "personal preference."

boback ftw!

u know... i would LOVE to see two ICs wobbling at the same time in a match, in sync, and finishing with a dthrow usmash together. mannn that'd be fun to watch =)
wtf. That'd be the most boring 1 minute of smash ever.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
It's still racism, no matter how you try to justify it. You're judging someone based solely on their race, which in itself constitutes racism.
This is where your argument falls apart, because it's not judged "solely" on race... lolol @ trying to say naturally being attracted to one race more than another is racist.

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

Just because I naturally prefer those "inherent differences" is NOT racism because I am not simultaneously believing they make one own's race "superior."

EDIT: And if I was judging based soley on race, by that logic I would find white and Persian chicks identically attractive to every other white and Persian girl, which I don't...


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
NeighborhoodP, you're making circular logic arguments, except you're failing to see how your own arguments tear themselves apart logically.

And you seemed to miss the word "usually" in bold. Making another race superior is also racism, even if it's not considered to be a negative racial view. Postitve stereotypes are bad too.

EDIT: And you're right, you aren't basing that statement soley on race. Now if you could find an example of when that DOES happen like I asked for a while ago we could proceed with this argument.


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2005
Logically, is NeighboorhoodP a racist?


Is he Really hurting anyone because he prefers light-skinned girls over tanned? Is he making others feel inferior as a person? Is it bad that girls are attracted to muscular men over other men?

I tend to like blue more than other colors, does that make me a bad person?

He's not doing much damage, but he is a racist. We all are.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Boback didn't want to team with me even when I offered to pay. :( It's cause I'm a scrub you don't have to say it. :cry:

Why does it seem like nobody reads my posts? I pointed out the circumstances where racism is bad already. Every single moment of every single person's life is biased. Period. No exceptions, at all, whatsoever. Even if we were to try and point out and end our biases, we would be biased against bias. So it's completely impossible to not be biased. In fact it's a natural instinct to classify people on illogical pre-judgement. To say you're not biased is to deny truth. To accept it and preserve the ability to remove biases at will is good.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
Boback didn't want to team with me even when I offered to pay. :( It's cause I'm a scrub you don't have to say it. :cry:

Why does it seem like nobody reads my posts? I pointed out the circumstances where racism is bad already. Every single moment of every single person's life is biased. Period. No exceptions, at all, whatsoever. Even if we were to try and point out and end our biases, we would be biased against bias. So it's completely impossible to not be biased. In fact it's a natural instinct to classify people on illogical pre-judgement. To say you're not biased is to deny truth. To accept it and preserve the ability to remove biases at will is good.

No one ever offered me money to team with them. Somehow I need to get that changed.

It seems like nobody reads your posts because either you're talking about things we're not actually arguing about or because your points are so good that nothing else needs to be said. If it's the first example, note that you are talking about when racism is bad (moreso in your last post) while neighborhoodP sparked a debate over what racism actually is.

But I think it's just the second example.

For fun, I'd like to note that all judgement is logical. Whether or not the logic is sound is another story.

Also, there is an instance when you are free of bias, and that is when you don't care.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
I dont understand. please explain in excruciating detail.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
This is where your argument falls apart, because it's not judged "solely" on race... lolol @ trying to say naturally being attracted to one race more than another is racist.

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

Just because I naturally prefer those "inherent differences" is NOT racism because I am not simultaneously believing they make one own's race "superior."

Oh snap, you missed the part where I put the word "usually" in bold. Do I have to make it size 7 font too?

EDIT: And if I was judging based soley on race, by that logic I would find white and Persian chicks identically attractive to every other white and Persian girl, which I don't...
Which is besides the point. You're automatically singling out 2 races based solely on their skin color. You honestly can't say that's not racism.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
NeighborhoodP, you're making circular logic arguments, except you're failing to see how your own arguments tear themselves apart logically.

And you seemed to miss the word "usually" in bold. Making another race superior is also racism, even if it's not considered to be a negative racial view. Postitve stereotypes are bad too.
Making another race superior for the sake of it being that race alone is racism. They are not one and the same; stop warping the definition. kthx

EDIT: And you're right, you aren't basing that statement soley on race. Now if you could find an example of when that DOES happen like I asked for a while ago we could proceed with this argument.
I don't know what you're talking about and I don't feel like scrolling down and finding it, so I'll let you do it.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
^reductive language fallacy lolz^

but he's right. all this just cuz someone likes asian girls... (reductive again) lol i like asian girls too.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
this is all your fault silent wolf, why did u have to tempt snap to question wit ur profile :dizzy:

Anyways, ur all racist for doing this so you should cease now gtfo:chuckle: :psycho: :laugh:


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Yeah seriously. If you guys think you can debate, take it to the real debaters. They'll **** you. You guys should all enter the 2nd DWYP if you think you can take them on.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Yeah seriously. If you guys think you can debate, take it to the real debaters. They'll **** you. You guys should all enter the 2nd DWYP if you think you can take them on.
You saying "yeah seriously" makes it seem like you were agreeing with me, implying that what I meant was what you meant, in most cases at least. I didn't say they should stop or stop because they were "bad" at it or anything. (Seems like you implied they were, unless that was "motivation" for more DWYP entrants)
I just think that this discussion shouldn't really be here, unless the rankings are now based on who can prove my liking of Asians as racist or wrong, or that what I said isn't specific enough , etc. Whatever though.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
It's too late. I already won the debate. NeighborhoodP just gave answers without explaining anything, said I warped the definition when I did not, and replied to my challenge of his explanation by saying "you do it."

So now we can move on. I'm going to go celebrate my win now. I'll be back in a bit.


Jun 4, 2003
Portland, OR
This debate is boring to me or else I would have come in earlier. Plus there is a lot of equivocation going on, which is a very noobly fallacy, and annoying to deal with.

Anyway it should be noted that the truth value of something isn't determined by any person's ability to debate a side of something, any more than proving something magically makes something true after it has been proved.

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
I'm the only King on these forums. =D

As far as tolerance, racism and the united states is concerned, it's no surprise that there's racism in nearly every area of our lives, whether it be big or small occurrances of it. Jokes among friends, personal tastes in the physical side of a relationship, or just describing "the big fat white guy" you saw fall on his *** at the grocery store. For whatever reason unknown to me but most likely documented by some, people usually have affinity for their own race foremost, be it for a relationship or circle of friends or whatever. It's just human nature to be attracted to with what you are familiar. For some, particular interactions or situations at certain stages of a person's life can attract or detract someone from another race or creed. Sometimes it's someone being so nice to you at one point in time that for one reason or another, particular attractions begin to grow, tastes begin to develop. It could be having your bike stolen or getting the **** kicked out of you by someone of another race that turns you off to their entire race in general. Sometimes the seeds of particularities are sewn just from watching something tantalizing like that one MTV music video with that one sexy girl you'll never forget, but will forever yearn for. Or maybe it's just looking at anime or hentai a tad too early in life. A million reasons for why are out there, but it's almost always something different that triggers it.

It's just that in the US, topics like race and racism are often frowned upon even before cliche examples are given. Like in the above, I could substitute in Asian women for the mtv commercial, or black people for the bicycle thief. But out of fear of lawsuits and bigotry, It's usually better to say nothing at all unless what was said was blatantly offensive to you.

Is saying something like "I like asian women" racist? Yes, in the definition that race is factoring into playing a part in the particularities of your relationship. But come on, don't play blind, racism has rooted itself into nearly every facet of our lives, and whether or not people say anything at all, we all know it's there. Not like we haven't successfully removed restraints on any particular race to legal equality and freedom in the US. If it manages to offend you without you having to actually look for something in a statement to get offended about, say something. If not, just whatever. Leave it be.

I'm tempted to misdirect the discussion to equalities of men and women in the US, and how women in particular were able to procure multiple freedoms previously denied to them, but are still able to hold on to particular clauses and protections of frailty and feminism, but I won't do that. I like talking about smash more.

In the end, just as the classic court statement regarding pornography, this sums up into "I don't have the definition for it (racism in this case), but I know it when I see it."

King Out

meep FTA

Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2006
Stockton, CA
if i wanted to, i would **** all non believers with luigi. i'm not using him in tournies becuz i am simply tryin to improve my marth through tournies. i'll money match any of u with my luigi vs one of your characters. most of u havent seen my luigi play in months. u have no idea. let the game begin


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Yeah what King said about there being a natural instinct for racism is true, but I'm sure nobody cares for the details. Suffice it to say that it is in fact correct.

But nobody needed to know that 'cause King's always right. ^_^


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
(Delp)you ask alot of questions and agree with alot of people. not thats bad its just kinda bleh

Meep lets MM Luigi v Peach @ Modesto like 3$ or something. I want to see this luigi of new.
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