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NorCal Melee Power Rankings - Summer '15 Update - In Sickness and In Filth

Jun 27, 2005
the west
also do you guys think it's racist to say "I like asians"

i know it's not racist in the usual sense of being racist, such as in the comment "I hate asians," but both of these statements share something in common: judgement based solely on race.
woah, i just think asian girls look THAT much better lol. it can't be that offensive. if it is, i can change it, i dont really care. i guess its time to change it anyways.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV

I did say my opinion which you all seem to be 4getting

and i dont give a **** who i piss off.. DM is the best samus in norcal any 1 who disagree's , thats there opion but any 1 who has palyed him knows.. Yup

Meep may not be best in norcal , seeing as i never saw germs luigi, i saw foxroars luigi but he doesnt main luigi.. so its a void so to speak + i think meeps is slightly better even tho FOxroars is an all out monster. I dont think hes the flat out best or anything. I just saw him play ppl. and heard from others that meep is the best luigi in norcal...

Back to samus - DM is the best samus in NORCAL. . . I have yet to see any1 that can top him in NORCAL. and we've been to the NCB. no other great samus's just a whole lot of good foxes/peaches/captn's/falco's/ shieks/jiggs/ occasionally some great low and mid teir but for the majority = thats whats at the NCB..

When a samus reveals himself to be better DM than please point in the way 4 i would love 2 see this.

o and to snap - well if people get angry over an opinion that doesnt mean anything there D!ck faces. That is all


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
San Jose
Hey guys, I want to bring one point to everyone's attention regarding what we use as input for our rankings.

Should money matches be fair game to use as part of our basis for rankings?

I did some thinking about the nature of money matches earlier today. What is the point of a money match? Ostensibly the goal is to win money, but that's not all there is to it, necessarily. Sure some money matches may be purely for fun and excitement over cash stakes, but I think in many cases, the point of the money match is so that 2 people can get the best of their opponents at whatever time they decide, instead of just waiting until the next time they face each other in a tourney, which can often be months.

So, I think it is totally appropriate that if you want to prove that you can beat X person in a tourney set to money match them. Following this, I also think it may make sense to take money matches at a similar value to tourney matches (assuming they aren't for $.01).

Of course we'd have to have a standard to judge them by; I think they should be 3/5 using approximately NCB rules (players could agree to slightly different rules regarding stage banning, etc.), and I'd say $5 minimum. $5 because it's about half of a double elim tourney entrance fee, and it's a general standard bet in any case. And there's no harm done in refusing a MM either.

So lemme know what you all think about this.
Iono bout this... seems sort of like it would cause a lot of disputes/problems... In tournaments, atleast the results are easily kept and indisputable, keeping track of money matches seems like a big hassle and which ones are legit or not etc... plus you usually can tell how good people are relative to who they beat in tourneys in the end right?...

Though you have a good point that it takes months to play people in a tournament match... I still haven't played a lot of regulars =/.

I'm always divided on the issues lol... But I'm leaning towards not counting, but I see your points on why it should count.

Also is there a Go board at sjsu?... I think I saw one in the back room.

also do you guys think it's racist to say "I like asians"

i know it's not racist in the usual sense of being racist, such as in the comment "I hate asians," but both of these statements share something in common: judgment based solely on race.
I say jokingly saying it in your own group of friends is fine... and saying it in public should be avoided...

Also, there's that line of pride and supremacy... Someone could be just proud of their heritage and thats all good and fine, but then there are people who take it too far and just think they are better than the rest... not fine.

I can't believe you didn't show up to the last biweekly... were you busy or something?! *Shakes fist*

Scamp, phoenix wright isn't THAT GOOD... I mean... the 4th story?... what was that?! I was all excited bout it then pow pow... stupid ending... still fun though lol.

Also, lets play tetris on wifi and secretly become godly and conspire against Hyuga.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
The thing about money matches it would seem that they need to be narrowed down to more specific rules.
for them to count in the rankings, I think
-both players should agree before the match is played that it will count for rankings. that way if someone decides to have more fun while playing a money match (or a more friendly money match) it can be noted before the set.
-the rules must be standard to what is in a set. I don't think specific character matchups should be taken into consideration (for example, person calling characters before hand [like "My shiek vs your Falco."] It takes away counter picking characters, which is a part of set balance.
-if it's alright with the moderators we could/should get a topic going where players can discuss/seek money matches. I can see this turning into a volatile topic, so I do not know if it's the best idea. But it would be good so that players can advertise if they are open to MM challenges. Otherwise it will just happen in the tournament topics like it normally does anyway.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
san francisco
woah, i just think asian girls look THAT much better lol. it can't be that offensive. if it is, i can change it, i dont really care. i guess its time to change it anyways.

ah, i feel bad now. i really wasnt trying to accuse you of anything. i just saw it on your profile and i wondered if anyone might find it offensive. I don't find it offensive but I think it's interesting to ask if anyone does.

how come you didnt make it to the biweekly were you busy or something?
yeah man i was really busy sorry i couldnt make it. i wish i could have, it looked like an awesome biweekly and i missed DSF! came up all the way from socal too. o well

i'll try to attend the next SJSU tournament if they ever have one and we'll get some friendlies in lolololol

Uhh Meep plays luigi in serious tournies , but his marth is good 2.. And. Frotaz's samus .. Is not even on a scale with DM's Just being bluntly true

I did say my opinion which you all seem to be 4getting
ok so the reason i brought up that it might upset people is because you said it was bluntly true.

bluntly true is not equivalent to opinion

am i alone in my observation


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
wow lots to read from the day, so ill start wit the my opinion on the mm idea.

So I like the idea and with $5 or more I doubt people will not use their main characters Super Rad.

Next, it is a form of racism I agree, but it is not offensive unless u say something like, "I like Asians more than X race" or "I like Asians cuz they are smart or something stereotypical like that"

As to who is the best Samus in Norcal, DM is simply because as TC1 stated there are two in Norcal and DM's is the better of the two.

As for Luigis, I would say Kev$ or Foxroar or Germ get it, just simply because Kev$ has beat many more ppl in the past with Luigi b4 meep even got into the scene. Foxroar, has beat Lunins Fox wit Luigi and many others that Meep has not. And Germ beat Zelgadis, all thing Meep has not done. But does it matter, Zoap has beat all of these Luigis, why? CUZ LUIGI IS LUIGI.

I don't know why people think Norcal is "disconnected", I go to every tournament I can, I have been to almost every area in Norcal, and just because some select ppl can't travel doesn't mean were disconnected.

Snap didn't go because he decided to keep a promise to the Berkeley smashers and play with them, and plus he could get work done all day. He also doesn't like to get up early.

As to NK vs Nemesis, You can't compare Delphiki when you dont have all the results. Nemesis did Drift along with another biweekly, where he beat Lunin. No need to bring up results as the people that matter(The Panel) already know them and don't need them brought up to waste space.

As to anything else I missed too bad cuz I don't care.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
also do you guys think it's racist to say "I like asians"

i know it's not racist in the usual sense of being racist, such as in the comment "I hate asians," but both of these statements share something in common: judgement based solely on race.
It's a personal preference, and it's not entirely based on race alone. Asians have an inherent quality[ies] that you personally find attractive, and it just so happens all (for the purposes of this discussion, anyway) Asians possess it; it's not "simply" because they're Asian and for no other reason.


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
I like the idea of Money matches that affect ranking placement..

id like to have a money match- ranking placement battle with NEMESIS.. after talking to him for a while .. i am very interested in playing him.. im sure it will be one of the closest matches ive ever had!

*very excited to play this guy*


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2005
Johnsville, Johntana
I like the idea of Money matches that affect ranking placement..

id like to have a money match- ranking placement battle with NEMESIS.. after talking to him for a while .. i am very interested in playing him.. im sure it will be one of the closest matches ive ever had!

*very excited to play this guy*
i beat him he sucks. lol jk


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Brian's right in everything he said about money matches. AfroJustin MM'ed Pika v. Pichu and he ***** me, but in our tourney match the same day when I went ICs he stepped it waaaay up or he wouldn't have got the last stock. Oh and Brian thanks for that program, it works. I'll have vids up soon.

I also agree that we should start a Ranking Battle thread. The rules can be named in the first post. No edits, period. They must be very rigid or they will be disputed and criticized. Also I think the post should be done by a panel member, to keep the air of formality and NCPR sanctioning. 3 of 5, advanced slobs with random resets. MLG stages. And of course, the MM must be posted in advance and accepted in advance. Both players must know that it will be a Ranking Battle and not a regular Money Match. The results will then be reported to the panelist in charge of the thread and a record will be kept both of the amount (which like you guys said should be more than $5, but if they want to do more that's fine) and the victor.

As to NorCal... because it's so large and has a big number of tourneys, most well known players know each other on a first name basis and play and talk often. That tells me the community is pretty well knit. Probably much more so than most areas. The only small problem the community has is lack of a few cars. 1 for Stockton, 1 for Modesto, and 1-2 more for Sac is about all we would need for almost all good to decent players to show at almost all tournaments. Really the only two big tournaments are a mere 2 hours apart. That's nothing. If we had the cars I mentioned and the NCBs/SBWs were desynched we would have an incredibly consistent community. Just think.... every week one group would travel, the next week the other would. And a good amount of players would have less than an 1:30 drive. That to me would be a very ideal Smash community.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
ok so the reason i brought up that it might upset people is because you said it was bluntly true.

bluntly true is not equivalent to opinion

am i alone in my observation
Dammit that's what I was gonna say XD. You can't be "brutally blunt" while stating an "opinion" at the same time, because no opinion can be "truth," which is what being blunt is, stating the truth, usually in situations where the truth is controversial or the person hearing the truth would tend not to like what they hear (hence "brutally" =P).

So basically that's ur opinion, I've played Dark Mike and Frotaz, and I just have a harder time with Frotaz, but you can hardly compare their Samus's (sp?)....like I said they're completely different.

Also being the best who "mains" the character is dumb, cuz that would mean like some random Kirby player could claim to be the best, because technically no one really good mains Kirby =/.

Btw money matches are dumb, and shouldn't count for rankings. There are waaaay too many to keep track of at each tourny, and we would have to enforce rules on them which is stupid kthx

Edit: Yeah short responses, but w/e I need to go to school in like 7 hours =(

Edit2: Yeah, there wasn't really a point for the last edit, or this one either, but w/e get over it hahaha


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
San Jose, CA
i like blunts.

jk... mebbe?

i think $5 isn't high enough for a MM ranking battle. i bet some people would still **** around in a $5 match.

AzNs R TeH BeStZorZ!!1


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Oh and Scamp mentioned Swiss...

If we had Swiss formats instead of Double Elim. it would give most players more matches. Also it would ensure large numbers of evenly matched entrants. If I got put up against SS and Dark Mike it would do nothing to any rankings, but if I faced players near my level often it would help distinguish the lines of skill between groups of players and individual players.

edit: T!mmy mains Kirby. I think that's it. And yet Isai has a Kirby too I hear. That's a perfect example.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Dammit that's what I was gonna say XD. You can't be "brutally blunt" while stating an "opinion" at the same time, because no opinion can be "truth," which is what being blunt is, stating the truth
Says who? If you said something like, "To be blunt, I am an extreme racist," that's an opinion spoken bluntly that is not a truth.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
someone open a window, it's gettin' all racial up in this piece.
I watched undercover brother the other day, sorry >_>

Simna ibn Sind

Apr 20, 2002
1108 R St. Sacramento, CA 95811
I'm not sure i agree with larger travel distance=harder time playing....for myself i cant notice a goo or bad correlation there, but invitational tournaments sound good...altho i still have the same stupid ride problem...sometimes i cant even get rides to the sac biweeklies(i've missed the past 2 in a row in fact)

about money matches...I think they shouldn't count...
For one some ppl dont do them(like me and i think sheridan too), second...I can't drive(lol) so while im getting little tournament match coverage as it is i'm also not doing money matches and meanwhile everyone else is driving and doing money matches and getting loads of match coverage for the NCPR while im still getting just a little every so often...i know my situation doesnt cover a broad spectrum of smashers in norcal(cant drive/no mm) but even like sheridan(who last i heard doesnt mm) would get disadvantage in coverage if only a little.

also money matches can be done at pretty much any time making them harder to keep track of than tournaments


Smash Lord
May 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Says who? If you said something like, "To be blunt, I am an extreme racist," that's an opinion spoken bluntly that is not a truth.
Why isn't it the truth? You are telling something truthful about yourself, which in your sentence was that you are "an extreme racist." There probably is an example which can be given to explain how blunt can be used in another way, but I was referring to the way TC1 was using it ;D.

BTW I don't money match either XD, and I'm not planning on money matching anyone anytime soon.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
also whos to say that friends wont mm to move up, like say me and bob are gonna mm and we decide to do 4 of them for 5 $, and he lets me win 2 and i lose 2. We both lose no money but those 2 wins would DRASTICALLY help my ranking.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Why isn't it the truth? You are telling something truthful about yourself, which in your sentence was that you are "an extreme racist." There probably is an example which can be given to explain how blunt can be used in another way, but I was referring to the way TC1 was using it ;D.

BTW I don't money match either XD, and I'm not planning on money matching anyone anytime soon.
Truth in absolute terms? Not remotely so. Personal "truth" in terms of beliefs? I suppose.



Smash Master
May 30, 2002
It's a personal preference, and it's not entirely based on race alone. Asians have an inherent quality[ies] that you personally find attractive, and it just so happens all (for the purposes of this discussion, anyway) Asians possess it; it's not "simply" because they're Asian and for no other reason.
If this argument is true, then nothing is racist. It's just personal preference.

Nothing is ever based on race alone....not even your race. I DARE you to come up with an example.

If not, GGPO.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
If this argument is true, then nothing is racist. It's just personal preference.

Nothing is ever based on race alone....not even your race. I DARE you to come up with an example.

If not, GGPO.
Incorrect. Believing one's own race is superior just because it is that race is racism, as is vice versa. How does what I said make racism invalid? White chicks and Persian chicks are the females I am most attracted to because of the color of their skin that is mostly inherent to their own specific race; that is not the same as racism, it's merely personal preference.

Simna ibn Sind

Apr 20, 2002
1108 R St. Sacramento, CA 95811
preferring one race over another based on physical qualities is in fact racist...because when it comes down to it its not the race that u like, its the quality....so u will find someone who falls into that race but that doesnt have th(ose/at) qualit(y/ies), thus you will not (dis)like them the same way...and then your racist generalization will be incorrect...let's break that down. We'll start with a very general term:

"I like asians." (we'll make the assumption here that this is a physical attraction and we'll say that it is to things like a specific eye shape and skin tone...that will be a light brown. Of course no one knows this because you didnt say it.)

Now a nice chinese man that just happens to here and wants to be your best friend...but wait! You aren't gay(hypothetical)! You had better change that statement!

"I like asian girls." (Mmmm much better, now you don't have to worry about that guy problem from before.)

So then you meet this nice girl(lucky you). Her name is Anastasiya. She is Russian. Russia is in Asia. Fission mailed. Let's update your claims.

"I like Chinese girls." (that should narrow it down a bit! lol)

So you meet 2 more girls, both are Chinese. One looks just the way you like it(let's call her Chinagirl1). The other has eyes that are FAR too small for your liking and her skin is much too dark for you(she'll be Chinagirl2). Wow, there is quite a difference between them. You had better change your mind some more. I bet its her family that looks that good.

"I like girls from Chinagirl1's family"

YOU LOSE! Chinagirls 1 and 2 are sisters.

"I like Chinagirl1." (Ah this works out!)

BUT WAIT! I do like chinagirl1, but that does not convey the message I want to put forth! There are even other asian girls that I like that have some different features than Chinagirl1 and that aren't even Chinese! But I can't go back to those other statements or I'll fall into that Male/Russian/Ugly trap again! What do I do?!

All you really can do is identify exactly what you like and say it.

"Ness is top tier."

Remember that saying you like something is not saying you dislike something else, so if you leave something out of your statement you can add it in later. Also, make good use of the word OR in your statements^_^.

Many times racism is a result of ignorance, but I know for a fact that it is frequently a result of laziness instead....

so deal with problems accordingly^_^


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Las Vegas, NV
Well 1st off from the way Zoap put it it seems like it would be a toss up, i guess you guys are forgetting when played right LUIGI ***** foxes but w/e. u ALL MAY HAVE A Point.

but Just you) going by frotaz's skill doesn't mean he's better, Ive played frotaz's samus. And Mxcn played frotaz's samus we both said his samus was not that good/ his samus was not even close 2 mikes in MY perspective, he may be harder to you because you play him often and he might have your style down or you might not have his down.

how about this you ask all the good players whose played them both who's samus is better lmao...
Any 1 you think has played him.. + recently we've all ascended lmao. We shall see//

The griity ugly bottom line is DM is the best samus in NORCAL.. And if you think he's not play him.. I said it before, When we go to the NCB's we will all be beast.. yup

In other words???

What about the SFBW any words.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
As to NorCal... because it's so large and has a big number of tourneys, most well known players know each other on a first name basis and play and talk often. That tells me the community is pretty well knit. Probably much more so than most areas.
you said probably which means you accept that you can be wrong. thats good. I've been to oregon, dallas area of texas, and socal. they all seem to have the same connectedness as norcal. this is an example of a reason I would say to not put you as a panelist. I think you dont have enough experience with a lot of different aspects in the community. but its not up to me...


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2005
Johnsville, Johntana
Kevmoney plays luigi as his main.

Meep plays marth everytime he plays me. He has yet to go luigi on me. He played against Kevmoney with marth. When playing in many of the sac biweeklies he has failed to throw out luigi.

Kevmoney on the other hand mainly goes pure luigi on all matches that require skill. If he's facing someone of meh skill then he will play someone else. But in serious matches he plays luigi.

Kevmoney has beat a whole host of good players with his luigi while meep has failed to show any luigi prowess on a stable tournament level.

And with this brief blanket of knowledge and the fact that I play kevmoney all the time; I conclude that kevmoney has the better of the two luigis in norcal. I can't compare to foxroar for I have only played his (and beat) his luigi in a FRIENDLY, so that **** don't count.

Kevmoney best luigi nuccas.

EDIT: I'll be a sac panelist. When it comes to down to being logical and reasonable over tourney findings and "ABILITY" I've played many of the lower norcal peeps and I'm very knowledgeable of the smash scene around here. I also have some history around these parts with smash but whatever. And don't worry about me acting dumb, I'd take being a panelist serious enough. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

EDIT II: tc1 seriously until you've played all samuses and luigis and have been to tournies where those characters have been used over and over again and have gained a greater knowledge and history of the smash scene you really have no room to talk about who has the better what. Please stop sounding like an indignant fool.

EDIT III: DarkMike has some cool trixies though.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
thats why we wanted you ender, you have the knowledge of almost every smasher in Norcal(Because you as stated, travel to everywhere). If we do have a Sac representative(which I don't think we need as long as some of us* continue to travel up there) it will have to be someone with extensive knowledge of smashers from past to present.



Smash Lord
May 23, 2006
preferring one race over another based on physical qualities is in fact racist...because when it comes down to it its not the race that u like, its the quality....so u will find someone who falls into that race but that doesnt have th(ose/at) qualit(y/ies), thus you will not (dis)like them the same way...and then your racist generalization will be incorrect...let's break that down. We'll start with a very general term:

"I like asians." (we'll make the assumption here that this is a physical attraction and we'll say that it is to things like a specific eye shape and skin tone...that will be a light brown. Of course no one knows this because you didnt say it.)

Now a nice chinese man that just happens to here and wants to be your best friend...but wait! You aren't gay(hypothetical)! You had better change that statement!

"I like asian girls." (Mmmm much better, now you don't have to worry about that guy problem from before.)

So then you meet this nice girl(lucky you). Her name is Anastasiya. She is Russian. Russia is in Asia. Fission mailed. Let's update your claims.

"I like Chinese girls." (that should narrow it down a bit! lol)

So you meet 2 more girls, both are Chinese. One looks just the way you like it(let's call her Chinagirl1). The other has eyes that are FAR too small for your liking and her skin is much too dark for you(she'll be Chinagirl2). Wow, there is quite a difference between them. You had better change your mind some more. I bet its her family that looks that good.

"I like girls from Chinagirl1's family"

YOU LOSE! Chinagirls 1 and 2 are sisters.

"I like Chinagirl1." (Ah this works out!)

BUT WAIT! I do like chinagirl1, but that does not convey the message I want to put forth! There are even other asian girls that I like that have some different features than Chinagirl1 and that aren't even Chinese! But I can't go back to those other statements or I'll fall into that Male/Russian/Ugly trap again! What do I do?!

All you really can do is identify exactly what you like and say it.

"Ness is top tier."

Remember that saying you like something is not saying you dislike something else, so if you leave something out of your statement you can add it in later. Also, make good use of the word OR in your statements^_^.

Many times racism is a result of ignorance, but I know for a fact that it is frequently a result of laziness instead....

so deal with problems accordingly^_^

Simna is my new god


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
thats why we wanted you ender, you have the knowledge of almost every smasher in Norcal(Because you as stated, travel to everywhere). If we do have a Sac representative(which I don't think we need as long as some of us* continue to travel up there) it will have to be someone with extensive knowledge of smashers from past to present.
thanks for letting me know you care zoap. Ill try it again if offered the position.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
tc1 said:
i guess you guys are forgetting when played right LUIGI ***** foxes but w/e. u ALL MAY HAVE A Point.
Actually, If played right Fox is a fat Luigi counter. (Fox played right, lol)

"I like most Asian girls more than most other girls of other races because in my opinion they look better"
All this "arguing" and no one's even offended. w/e though. I'll just add that I'm highly offended by that "Ness is top tier" comment.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2006
San Jose, CA
under what circumstances would you be considered "best" anyways? if we use samus as an example, there's people like mike nasty, dyna, and phanna who try to exploit every technique samus has to offer. all the aforementioned people i listed have samuses that, imo, are pretty flashy and have cool tricks, and then there's hugs, who practically uses only three moves, yet is one of, if not THE top samuses in the nation. there are people so good (isai) that they can just pick up any random character and beat you out of pure mindgames and experience; people who play very unflashy yet always come out on top. you could be the best player but does that mean you're the best with that character?

it's true to some extent. i just think that being the best with a certain character shouldn't be limited to the people you beat. if isai and kizzo had a young link ditto, i wouldn't be surprised if isai could beat kizzo without the use of any projectiles, but i would still vote kizzo as best young link in norcal.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
you said probably which means you accept that you can be wrong. thats good. I've been to oregon, dallas area of texas, and socal. they all seem to have the same connectedness as norcal. this is an example of a reason I would say to not put you as a panelist. I think you dont have enough experience with a lot of different aspects in the community. but its not up to me...
That's exactly why I said I shouldn't be a panelist. Yet somehow I get the idea it wouldn't really make a difference. I think I argue too much to be considered, even if I did have experience. :ohwell:


The only harmful racism is making presumptions on someone's character or personality based upon their race. In fact, as long as one is willing to attempt to get to know the person and discard those assumptions, even they don't matter. What matters is the ignorance to make unbased decisions and the inability to question them.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2006
Sacramento, CA
It's funny how much I refer to CNIP as "The black man".

EDIT: I think he's content with calling me "White Fruit", "*****", and "Woman".

K Balls

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2006
but simna, there is no such thing as racism because "Its Normal To Some People", lol, KOF!
Not that i care or anything this is a norcal power ranking list thread not racism, if you guys want i can make a racist thread up in the pool room or whatever the room is for smashboards, i love topics like that, btw i love, asian, and japanese girls omg lol KOF!


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
where's myko to tell this black guy to go back to the corner!! Good times those were.

Kawn we should play some KOF and SSB64, maybe some gaylee LOL no but really.

We all know that I'm racist I make the Mexicans ride in the trunk and let the white folk have the seats(FTA knows wat im talking about :) )

Microsoft Word Class is so boring guys help me!!!


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
where's myko to tell this black guy to go back to the corner!! Good times those were.

Kawn we should play some KOF and SSB64, maybe some gaylee LOL no but really.

We all know that I'm racist I make the Mexicans ride in the trunk and let the white folk have the seats(FTA knows wat im talking about :) )

Microsoft Word Class is so boring guys help me!!!

Mexicans, Blacks, Asians in the back... WHITES IN THE FRONT LOL!!


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Kfc is so right, you know guys im really bored. SO im gonna list all the ppl i enjoy teaming with and I feel are a very good teamate for me!:)

#1 Snap: This guy is way too good with me, he picks up the loose slack and excels at winning close games, I also work well with all of his CRAZY chars, My favorites are: Peach+Marth, Peach+Falco and Peach +GW
#2 Bob$: This guy is just like the one above him. He goes nuts in teams and makes me more motivated to do well wit him. The only reason he is ranked #2 is me and snap have better chemistry and I kinda feel when we lose it is my fault(I MEAN ITS BOB ****ING $)
#3 FMF & KFC: WTF??!? You can't have a tie, Bull**** this is my list I can do what I want. These guys the first time we teamed we just clicked. I can count on them to do the killing while I simply Tank and Dsmash. I will say that KFC was the first Fox I had ever teamed with and I'm glad I did.
#5 Kawn & SideFx: I love both these guys, Kawn never wants to play but I feel with him I can always count on my back being covered. SideFx I found is the kind of partner who is very good clutch, me and him have only teamed once but should definitely do it again.

Those are my top5 errr6 but yea you know. So anyone else I teamed wit it either wasnt there or we just plain sucked and was not worth mentioning. Thank You
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