Hello Everyone!
Just thought I'd throw in some periphery support for Ninten at this point. I haven't always been his biggest supporter (And I suppose I might have even been a tad against him at points in the past), but I will say I had an insightful chat with Zack E. not too long ago with regards to Ninten and he helped sell me a bit on the idea of Ninten in Smash and how he could be genuinely unique. You all seem to be doing some decent work on expanding the community or at least actively engaging in discussions about him to the outside world. If you know me from other threads you know I ere a bit on the side of caution when looking at picks for the roster and tend to not be super keen on any individual character's specific chances (We really just don't know much about DLC besides Joker), but again, I'd like to maybe take a little more involvement with this particular community.
Full disclaimer, I've barely touched upon Mother and generally only know it from Smash. I love what's it gotten in Smash so far and it's one of the few series that feels genuinely well represented to me, even with its more niche status compared to the Mario's and Zelda's of the world. I've been working on my senior thesis for what seems like forever in college and I'm about a day out from having it mostly finished, so I'm hoping to come back to start up a new game to play and I was thinking it might be time for me to do an Earthbound playthrough to really see what all of the fuss has always been about. If I do move toward that, I hope to talk with you all while I experience that as well.
I hope you enjoy your experience in this thread, it's always wonderful to see more people interested to see Ninten from Mother 1 as DLC!
Whenever you're able to give the Mother / Earthbound games a try, if you're planning to start with the first game I recommend you use the 25th anniversary patch. It enhances the graphics of the game, makes things more colorful, decorates the game, makes more use of some underused songs, decreases encounter rate and increases the EXP and money that you get from enemies.
It's pretty easy to patch as well! You just need to download Lunar IPS, the patch (which you can download here:
https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2211/ ), the emulator (I use FCEUX) and the game (which I bet is fairly easy to find and download).
In the case you have never used Lunar IPS, when you use it, it asks you what rom you wanna patch and what patch you wanna use. Pretty straight to the point.
Also, in the case you are starting with the first game, wether you play the game with or without the patch, don't feel discouraged to use a guide in case you ever get stuck!
I used a guide the first time I played Mother 1, I always used it when I wasn't completely sure where to go or what to do. Here it is!
Once again, welcome to the thread! Hope everything goes well for you with college and I hope you enjoy playing through the Mother / Earthbound series once you're done with your senior thesis in college! c: