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NJ/NY Rankings: New Rankings 9/25/12!!!


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Rich people get Richer yay inb4 rober barrons all day. Let private companies take control by allowing a complete free market
I'm fine with the rich being rich. They create jobs, dump money into the economy by spending it, pay people to do things, donate money, etc. That's awesome.

Reagonomics = gdlk.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 21, 2008
Nowhere lol, Houston
I'm fine with the rich being rich. They create jobs, dump money into the economy by spending it, pay people to do things, donate money, etc. That's awesome.

Reagonomics = gdlk.
Laissez faire? no thanks already went through that during the "Gilded age". Have a bunch of Chinese workers work their *** off under poor living conditions yeah... pretty **** tight since I don't get affected. Made in slavery


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
that's nice, and just makes Obama look more ********

cut taxes + increase government spending beyond anything ever seen in the history of the world = insane
bush gave us tax cuts and then slammed the economy with 3+trillion dollars in debt in iraq to stop wmd's errr, cause saddam was with bin laden errrr, I mean to free the iraqi people oh wait we could use that last one!...oh wait that didn't work either...

late edit: so yeah I kinda fail to see your point

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
Laissez faire? no thanks already went through that during the "Gilded age". Have a bunch of Chinese workers work their *** off under poor living conditions yeah... pretty **** tight since I don't get affected. Made in slavery
Pwii, stop bringing up eras you learned about in 10th grade history when they barely pertain to the situation -_-

Also, I don't think that taxes should be lowered more than reinstating the Bush tax cuts, Lucas. I think that once the economy fixes itself the current tax system, including the Bush cuts of course, will help the country get back on the right track PROVIDED of course the Republican Congress doesn't allow Obama's load of bull**** to be passed in his final two years of office. What we really need to focus on is, as you said, cutting spending. Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are **** near ticking time bombs at the moment. If we cut spending on those, increase the retirement age to 70 or so, reduce certain benefits, and keep a steady, not large but steady, tax on the people, our debt should decrease significantly.

Once that is over, I am all for cutting taxes even further but we're in such a large ditch right now, taxes need to remain as they are, and this is someone coming from someone who lives in a very tax heavy state. I feel the effects of taxes, but once the economy fixes itself they'll be much more beneficial in the long run.

Also Sharky you sound like the typical ignorant liberal. Would you have us keep a democratic Congress to put us further in the hole by spending ridiculous amounts of money on bull**** that the American people don't even WANT (see: the pork-filled Health Care Bill and failed stimulus), or would you rather keep playing the rather immature blame game you seem to make the basis of your ad hominem based argument?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Laissez faire? no thanks already went through that during the "Gilded age". Have a bunch of Chinese workers work their *** off under poor living conditions yeah... pretty **** tight since I don't get affected. Made in slavery
dude that only happened in CA and it wasn't a big deal rofl

the big problems in the Gilded Age were centered around southern racism (Democrats), businesses "buying" politicians (Republicans), and the decline of the importance of farmers (industry > agriculture)

"Laissez faire" is good when the government at least intervenes to stop blatantly horrible things, but businessmen started to put politicians in their pockets back then since they were becoming super rich (Carnegie/Rockefeller/etc.)

Chinese people in CA...didn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things

bush gave us tax cuts and then slammed the economy with 3+trillion dollars in debt in iraq to stop wmd's errr, cause saddam was with bin laden errrr, I mean to free the iraqi people oh wait we could use that last one!...oh wait that didn't work either...

late edit: so yeah I kinda fail to see your point
Bush being mediocre doesn't justify Obama being complete **** you **** god dammit lmao


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
mediocre? o I see you're trolling I shoulda known.

anyway whatever you clearly aren't seeing the point here.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
mediocre? o I see you're trolling I shoulda known.

anyway whatever you clearly aren't seeing the point here.
I'll take that as the acceptance that you're wrong. Don't worry, I'm used to shutting down ignorant liberalism considering we're from a state filled with it. I'm a professional


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Bush being mediocre doesn't justify Obama being complete **** you **** god dammit lmao
LMFAO @ Bush being mediocre. He was horrible. Didn't do a very good job, sent our economy down the toilet (which now Republicans are blaming Obama for), and putting us in the Middle East for way too long. Obama is trying to get out of the craphole Bush put us in.

Also I hope you know this, but taxes aren't a bad thing. They support our government which gives public services for free. Taxes during the Clinton presidency were pretty high and our economy was amazing. The rich do not need a tax cut.

Oh and Beck and the Fox News pundits are horrible. They distort everything and the idea gets sent to their news reporters.

Also I learned that 3v1 with friendly fire off is really hard to win.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
LMFAO @ Bush being mediocre. He was horrible. Didn't do a very good job, sent our economy down the toilet (which now Republicans are blaming Obama for), and putting us in the Middle East for way too long. Obama is trying to get out of the craphole Bush put us in.

Also I hope you know this, but taxes aren't a bad thing. They support our government which gives public services for free. Taxes during the Clinton presidency were pretty high and our economy was amazing. The rich do not need a tax cut.

Oh and Beck and the Fox News pundits are horrible. They distort everything and the idea gets sent to their news reporters.

Also I learned that 3v1 with friendly fire off is really hard to win.

Clinton sent our current economy in the toilet, but I don't expect you to understand that

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
LMFAO @ Bush being mediocre. He was horrible. Didn't do a very good job, sent our economy down the toilet (which now Republicans are blaming Obama for), and putting us in the Middle East for way too long. Obama is trying to get out of the craphole Bush put us in.

Also I hope you know this, but taxes aren't a bad thing. They support our government which gives public services for free. Taxes during the Clinton presidency were pretty high and our economy was amazing. The rich do not need a tax cut.

Oh and Beck and the Fox News pundits are horrible. They distort everything and the idea gets sent to their news reporters.

Also I learned that 3v1 with friendly fire off is really hard to win.
Why do you provide no evidence for these claims.

Also, if you don't realize why taxes can be an incredibly bad thing if raised as they will if the Bush Tax Cuts expire, you're insane and/or among those rich people you claim to not need a tax cut.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA

Bush senior sent our economy down the toilet, but I don't expect you to understand that

(am I doing it right?)

Also, how are services provided to us for free if they are payed with by our taxes Inferno?

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
The secret bankers who are plotting to rule the world under one government and one currency through the figureheads we call presidents after the last real president Kennedy sent our economy down the toilet. There is a reason he and Lincoln were assassinated. :awesome:

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY

Bush senior sent our economy down the toilet, but I don't expect you to understand that

(am I doing it right?)

Also, how are services provided to us for free if they are payed with by our taxes Inferno?
I agree, I don't like your argument either Lucas lol. I hate it when people blame things on previous administrations like you just did when it's clear to even me, a right leaning moderate who honestly didn't dislike Bush THAT much, that every president for a while has been leading up to this or at LEAST has done nothing to help it.

I will say this, though: Bush at least didn't make a Health Care Bill that the American people didn't even want that would cost billions and force the youth of America into even more of a rut than they already are in.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY

he created the boom Clinton got credit for ~_~
I'm pretty sure he's just poking fun at your argument. if you're going to make such a claim you have to provide substantive proof. You're also using pseudo-casual oversimplification by pointing the finger at Clinton, here, when we should be talking about issues.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I learned my politics from Metal Gear Solid 2.


If you never heard of this Inui then you don't know politics.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I'm pretty sure he's just poking fun at your argument. if you're going to make such a claim you have to provide substantive proof. You're also using pseudo-casual oversimplification by pointing the finger at Clinton, here, when we should be talking about issues.
I'm not trying to actually debate, but you think I am, which is the problem here.

I can't debate with liberals because I honestly have no respect for their viewpoints.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
I'm not trying to actually debate, but you think I am, which is the problem here.

I can't debate with liberals because I honestly have no respect for their viewpoints.
Saying things as simple as "It was Clinton's fault" is just as ignorant, though. If you really want to make an impression on people and change their viewpoints, be the better man and provide at least some sort of proof lol I literally changed some girl from a strongly left-leaning person into someone a lot more moderate today by explaining the goals of the Republican Party lol I wouldn't have gotten anywhere by saying "Yo Obama sucks, it's all his and Clinton's fault"

I feel like most liberals I come across, especially youth, are ignorantly so because

A) Their parents are liberal
B) The media is predominantly liberal
C) Bush was a lackluster president who was, along with his administration, bashed constantly by this liberal media, and "started" 2 wars and these are the people the youth associate with the Republican Party


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
I'm not trying to actually debate, but you think I am, which is the problem here.

I can't debate with liberals because I honestly have no respect for their viewpoints.
I can't debate with liberals because I honestly have no respect for their viewpoints.
I can't debate with liberals
I can't debate
I can't debate
I can't debate
Considering actually replacing my sig.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
lol let it temporarily replace your sig. I just put stuff in my sig then press enter so the old sig is still there but not shown.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Why do you provide no evidence for these claims.

Also, if you don't realize why taxes can be an incredibly bad thing if raised as they will if the Bush Tax Cuts expire, you're insane and/or among those rich people you claim to not need a tax cut.
I was too lazy to give examples but here are some:

Obama has been using a general speech lately about how the Republicans drove a car into a ditch and the Dems are trying to push the car out. When they get out the Republicans ask for the keys back. Obama said they can come along for the ride, but they gotta sit in the back. In other words Fox News distorted this to say it as an insult and relating it to how blacks had to sit at the back of the bus.

The whole "jamming down our throats" thing with the healthcare bill

Calling Obama a communist/marxist/nazi/etc.


Bush senior sent our economy down the toilet, but I don't expect you to understand that

(am I doing it right?)

Also, how are services provided to us for free if they are payed with by our taxes Inferno?
I meant things that we don't directly pay for. I noticed my bad wording after I posted and didn't care to edit. My point was the government actually does help us. Yes too much taxes are bad, but that doesn't mean that all taxing is bad. It funds the federal and local government to protect our environment, public schools, military, SS, healthcare, etc.

I hate politics for the most part. People are unwilling to cooperate and it ends up with nothing getting done (these recent years are a perfect example with the Republicans filibustering many bills). The Dems, even though I agree with them more, are *******. In general they have little to no spine which is why they don't get **** done. It's mostly a lose-lose thing.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Yo **** Fox News!!!! I was so happy when cablevision took the channel off this weekend but now its back. It can be addicting but its so ********.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
I was too lazy to give examples but here are some:

Obama has been using a general speech lately about how the Republicans drove a car into a ditch and the Dems are trying to push the car out. When they get out the Republicans ask for the keys back. Obama said they can come along for the ride, but they gotta sit in the back. In other words Fox News distorted this to say it as an insult and relating it to how blacks had to sit at the back of the bus.

The whole "jamming down our throats" thing with the healthcare bill

Calling Obama a communist/marxist/nazi/etc.
By his policies, Obama is in fact leaning more towards Socialism than you might realize. Anyone calling him those other names is just stupid and I haven't heard anyone who isn't half-braindead call him that.

They did jam the healthcare bill down our throat. Do you know how many Americans don't favor the bill? Did you know that to get it passed, Obama pulled some really crazy **** that is practically unheard of? Do you even know what the bill has in it? No, of course not, because NO one really knows every little bit of it considering it's long, obnoxious nature but i can tell you this: Americans don't like being told what to do. You know what this bill's passing means? We're told what to do. And how does he justify it? "You guys will like me in a few years for dis lolol srsly i know what's best for you, stop being silly and clinging to your guns and religion." Well, a little over exaggerated there...but you can see what I mean.

And as far as that particular instance you brought up, I somehow doubt that happened. Even if it did, how does that make the whole news organization irrelevant? I dislike some aspects of Fox News, but they honestly give the closest thing to an unbiased perspective and many of those on the channel don't have a particular political bias anyways. I don't really like Hannity, honestly, because he promotes the exact thing I hate about today's media: "here's the info, believe it and just run with it." Do your own ****ing research, people. Main reason I like Glen Beck is because he says at LEAST 3-4 times a show: "DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH"
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