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NJ Finder - Tournament Finder Updated (10/8) See new thread for Brawl Rankings


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
We are actually going to make 2 seperate list and combine them into one. One list will be off tourney results, then the other will off of considered factors and skill opinions as you say.

The first tourney that I won I consider BS and I can imagine others agreeing. Tournies soon after that people had mained characters that they don't even main anymore like you not wanting your Pit losses to count at times.

There needs to be a cutoff date.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Two seperate lists is horrible. Just apply both skill opinions and tournament performance to one list. It's not hard to do.

The only thing we'd need to do is discuss what should actually matter. I'm not saying to, for instance, discard my losses when I used Pit against you and Eazy, but they should count a lot less than my performance with Pit at Texas Showdown and Montage's No Nonsense since those two tournaments were much larger.

Also, I'd like to consider teams performances at least as a tie-breaker between two people that seem even in rankings.

The game hasn't been out long enough for us to make a truly accurate list, but we can try our best. Generally speaking, 6 months is acceptable before a game is considered established.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
Thing is Inui, that Texas tourney won't be counted much since it has been proven that players that aren't even top 5 in NJ were able to beat your Pit while Texas let you get 2nd and 3rd. That means their compition, although more people were there, was less competitive then the small RU weeklies.

Think about it. Just because the tournament was big does not mean it had great compition. The RU weeklies do count a good amount because the compition there, although small, was fierce.

Edit: I am not allowing teams performance to be any part of a singles ranking decision as they never have been.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I didn't have to fight Falco with Pit. That's exactly why. Showdown had AMAZING players at it that are as good as our top players. You weren't there. Results in other Texas tournaments support what I say about Mr. 3000, T-Rex, and PozerWolf. SRK's online tournaments support what I say about RaphStryker. Final Round and Justin Wong's reputation as one of the best fighting game players in the world supports what I say about him. You're just saying "Texas is bad" because I lost matches I had no idea how to play using Pit when I came back. Stop discarding the tournament just because you weren't there and have absolutely no idea how good the players were and a few people beat my Pit due to me not knowing match-ups at all. You'd be right in saying I got lucky in fighting matches I knew how to do, but that's it.

The RU weeklies had a lot less on the line. Lower entrance fees, less money to win, and a more laid back atmosphere. Texas Showdown was hosted by a major tournament director, was way larger, took place at the same location as a Guilty Gear SBO qualifier and other fighting games, and actually had good players there contrary to what you may think. Unless you think players like Justin Wong are noobs.

You think about it. The atmosphere at Showdown was extremely competitive.

I honestly don't think Showdown should count a lot myself. But based on entirely different reasoning. It shouldn't count a lot because it was during the first month of the game's existence in America. Much like your win at RU and my second place at RU. More recent stuff reflects skill a lot more accurately, since over time, "new game" and "having no idea how to play a match" johns start to fade.

Edit: I am not allowing teams performance to be any part of a singles ranking decision as they never have been.
This is solely your decision...how?

How would you seperate ties when it comes to skill opinions and results? Coin tosses?


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
We had this discussion before and I told you that the players you played before are not the players that are placing high in Texas now by far. That tourney did not have Hylian or Sethlon who are the current tops in Texas along with many other players that are currently outplacing the hardest you had to play.

You also lost to other people besides Falco so you can't say it's because of the Falco vs Pit matchup although that probably gave your Pit the most of trouble because when you didn't play Eazy or I, you did well.

Texas will be considered to an extent but we'll talk about that later.


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2004
North NJ
Tsk tsk all this senseless arguing over a children's game :p . Play nicely now or a timeout will be in order.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
We had this discussion before and I told you that the players you played before are not the players that are placing high in Texas now by far. That tourney did not have Hylian or Sethlon who are the current tops in Texas along with many other players that are currently outplacing the hardest you had to play.

You also lost to other people besides Falco so you can't say it's because of the Falco vs Pit matchup although that probably gave your Pit the most of trouble because when you didn't play Eazy or I, you did well.

Texas will be considered to an extent but we'll talk about that later.
You only showed ONE tournament where they did bad, but I showed you half a dozen where they did awesome. Last I checked, half a dozen is a larger number than one. What you just said is equal to saying Atomsk >>>> Inui based on the last tournament we attended and concluding that I am not a top player in NJ based off of that. By "currently outplacing" you mean "outplaced at one event" because nothing else happened. T-Rex, Mr. 3000, and PozerWolf won everything else. PozerWolf actually won a tournament recently in both Brawl and Guilty Gear at a big event in Austin. You're not paying attention to them, but I am since they're my friends now.

Falco vs Pit is horrible. Falco, Snake, and Meta Knight are the reasons I dropped Pit for singles. They are too commonly used and the match-up vs Pit is too bad for Pit. I don't have any real trouble against Falco and Meta Knight anymore. I'm actually good against Meta Knight now, I'd say, since I finally ended my losing streaks against Kashif and Brandon.


Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Seeing this reminded me of why I unsubscribed to this thread in the first place.

NJ = The senseless bickering state


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Yes, these two statements make perfect sense together :).
I beat dmbrandon in a set and don't have trouble against Meta Knights in general anymore if I play campy. I'm NOT basing it off of one single thing.

Also, no noob johns. Meta Knight is the better character and not bad at ANY stage.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
I'm sorry if you misunderstood me Inui but the way I saw it was that the better players did not go to Texas Showdown and whenever they go to a tournament that the people you played against went to the better players "ie Sethlon, Hylian" always place higher.

I can understand if T-Rex and Powder Wolf won all over the place Texas but if they are only winning in that one area while Sethlon and Hylian win all over Texas it just means the compitition where Dinosaur man and Powder Cat aren't that great.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
1. theres too much arguing over brawl rankings this early. IMO they shouldnt be done till august, after the EC has had atleast one giant tourney

2. as much as inui is a **** to the community, he has an ok understanding of everything. while he may be biased in some areas, we can tell when hes doing that haha. hes ok i say but we gotta be careful.

3. dm i dont rly know. i mean he does kno a lot about the game but im not sure if he would be the best bet for the first one considering not being in the community much sans the past couple months. still a possibility though

4. there is no way you can count any tourneys b4 the game came out, or any tourneys during the first month of the game being out. especially considering some players having a head start from importing, or ppl not knowing who they mained yet.

thats all i can think of for now lol

edit, adding one more thing

this especially coincides with the importance of having a big tourney on the EC. all NJ players are doing is playing each other at places like montage or rutgers tourneys. all these ppl play with each other all the time which also takes into account that ppl will just learn each other's styles too easily and it will be hard to judge them. you really need OOS players, or players that you normally don't play to judge skill even better. hypothetically, say inui has never lost a set to spammer and always beats him. this could easily be because inui plays spam a lot and knows how he plays or becomes a master at one specific char matchup. however then the two of them travel to some OOS tourneys and spammer consistantly ranks higher than inui and may defeat ppl that inui loses to. so despite that inui would beat him all the time in jersey, you would have to consider spammer the better player. who from NJ has seriously traveled to any tourneys? I can't think of one NJ brawl player that has traveled to OOS tourneys except for inui DM atomsk and pride going to scranton this past weekend. thats the only tourney i can think of. though please excuse this if im wrong, cause im not completely sure. texas doesnt count :laugh:


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I'm sorry if you misunderstood me Inui but the way I saw it was that the better players did not go to Texas Showdown and whenever they go to a tournament that the people you played against went to the better players "ie Sethlon, Hylian" always place higher.

I can understand if T-Rex and Powder Wolf won all over the place Texas but if they are only winning in that one area while Sethlon and Hylian win all over Texas it just means the compitition where Dinosaur man and Powder Cat aren't that great.
They did bad once. Give them a break. I'm confident that they can compete with Sethlon and Hylian. :)

"Winning all over the place in Texas" would be like requiring everyone in NJ to win in NJ, PA, NY, CT, MD, and VA since Texas is THAT huge.

@Mew2King: Jason, I consider you the best player period. When I say that 3000/T-Rex/PW are as good as NJ's top player, I mean Kashif/me/Brandon.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
Azen has more skill than me overall, he just doesn't use top characters often, Cort's just as good as me, and PCs probably close too I haven't played him in a while.

also inui just because a place is big doesn't mean it's good. EC is dominant for a reason, we have many good players, while other areas the good players are far rarer and the noobs are way more common.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
lol Are we still talking about that one tournament that Inui won in Texas? Wasn't that like three months ago? Wasn't Snake the worst character in the game back then?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
lol Are we still talking about that one tournament that Inui won in Texas? Wasn't that like three months ago? Wasn't Snake the worst character in the game back then?
I got 2nd in singles and teams. It was in March. Snake was awesome always.

texas doesnt count
Why? I've made factual arguements PROVING that those players are good. You people have done nothing but say "Texas doen't count" without any backing.

THIS is why I say hate the community, Scar.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Not being a ****: Inui doesn't know the skills of half the players in NJ. he just says "LOL, he's garbage, I could beat him with link." He just assumes his friends from his college are better, and writes them off. Inui's logic on skill is nonsense, constantly. Not to mention trying to have a discussion about something with Inui is like talking to a wall. It's there, but nothing is getting anywhere.

Ask pride, Ray, or Atomsk about the ride home from Scranton.

Inui, did you say Texas was useless of something over the weekend? I'm sure Trevor remembers.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Not being a ****: Inui doesn't know the skills of half the players in NJ. he just says "LOL, he's garbage, I could beat him with link." He just assumes his friends from his college are better, and writes them off. Inui's logic on skill is nonsense, constantly. Not to mention trying to have a discussion about something with Inui is like talking to a wall. It's there, but nothing is getting anywhere.

Ask pride, Ray, or Atomsk about the ride home from Scranton.
I only assume DARYL is actually good at Smash since he is. My college friends are trash. Perhaps you should clean out your ears sometimes.

Saying I don't know the players in my own state when I've been in the Smash community far longer than you and didn't disappear for a year is absurd.

You said that PRiDE was better than LK. You said Eazy was better than Keitaro and that Eazy wasn't good. You think you're way better than me when you're not. You once thought you were better than Mew2King and teh_spamerer. You said Forte wasn't that good and that your Meta Knight was better. You think you'll beat Azen. You once said Ether was better than me when I outplaced him, beat him, and beat the people that beat him like three tournaments in a row. You overrate players like Bajisci randomly because they do all right one time. The list goes on when it comes to your skill opinions. They are based on almost nothing and wrong most of the time.

Like you, I'm not trying to be a d!ck, but don't say such absurd things.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
the main reason texas doesnt count is because it was in march! no tourneys should count for the first month of the game


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Whatever you say. I wouldn't be worried about triflin **** like this, when you should be practicing. You're losing MY money now, so get off this ****, and go ****ing learn to not lose to ROBs.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
I honestly think nj doesn't need a ranking anytime soon. I think that you guys should let the summer pass before the rankings go up. Now that the summer is here people will be able to train alot more and a bunch of different people will pop up. Alot more people will be able to concentrate on playing brawl now instead of school so things will be different. So stop trying to count to count any of those beginner I'm the best now cuz I've had the game 2 months b4 it came out in this country tourneys


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Whatever you say. I wouldn't be worried about triflin **** like this, when you should be practicing. You're losing MY money now, so get off this ****, and go ****ing learn to not lose to ROBs.

I have no ROBs to play and I need to get a good Fox for this weekend thanks to Steve's bad stage rules.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Anything we learned during month 1 is completely moot, bad example Sneak. And we've been having tournaments in/around NJ 2-3 times a week on average. If we put the ranking up august 1st, that's 4 months if we don't count March, of season play.

School johns are bogus. They never stopped melee players.

WTF are you taking about this weekend?


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
School isn't a john. I didn't even go to school last semester so its not like im trying to use it or anything. I'm just sayin theres alot more ppl that can pop up now and i don't care how many tourneys there were the rankings wouldnt be that accurate this early


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
Tournaments are generally on weekends. If you can't schedule Homework, and a one day event, then the real world in going to kill you kids.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2005
North Hollywood, CA
LOL summer classes are destroying my retired melee career. But I occasionally **** in teams. Brawl is different, I can play that game with my eyes closed while studying for finals and do decent.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
yea i heard about inuis big lost to that awesome ROB...me. o thats right, thats this weekend. oh that he got beat by another rob last weekend to? thats a shame


no u have no ROBs/pokemon trainers to play johns inui
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