My problem is the personality.
It's just grating to me.
There are a ton of LGBT people I get along with just fine, but camp people. Bleck.
I bring this up because I told that to one person and I was called homophobic.
I tried to explain it didn't have much of anything to do with who they want to screw but the person was very adamant.
I thought maybe I touched on something I wasn't aware of.
Camp gay men are often a crucial target of hate not only outside of the community, but in it as well, so saying anything even remotely negative about them causes an uproar. It probably had something to do with that.
A lot of them feel as if they're perceived to be lesser men because of their personality or their choices of clothing or activities they engage in.
A lot of my camp friends have been rejected on dates by other gay and bi men because they met them for the date, the date found out that they were campy and some really nasty things were said.
But ss long as it's a personality clash I see no difference in that than a personality clash with a potential lover or friend of any other sex.
Personality clashes are a part of being human, it's just about respect each other's personalities really.
Me and @
usually clash quite a lot for example and that's just through the internet, and I'm fairly sure it's because he views everything in a logical black and white way, while I look at everything for any and all angles, even ones that might be a touch illogical and leave them up to fate and time to decide.
I still respect him though, because he's an intelligent guy and an on a one on one conversation basis, he can actually be pretty nice for someone who is a self proclaimed asshole.
When it comes to fighting game characters, Chun li and Mai Shiranui are probably the most iconic and heavily promoted.
Lara Croft and Jill Valentine (or to a lesser extent, Claire) are also very worthwhile mentions, but them getting in would be similar to Snake when it comes to feeling "out of place" for some people. Then there's Bayonetta and Shantae which have decent fanbases.
I feel like Cammy or Nina Williams are far more iconic in gaming than Mai.
Mai's only really noteworthy because she's skimpily dressed and has giant boobs.
Edit: There's also Sonya Blade too.