Ok, just came after seeing videos and hearing about stuff (I was wondering why so much people were in the irc at this time....).
Basically, the 6 marios we had before,
it;s mroe likely to all be pre ballot. I honestly didn;t expected both would release at the same time so, it gives a really likely possibility to have say one vet (wolf) and one newcomer (that I';m int he dark). The onyl other way is one pre ballot, but ONLY one after, that is very unlikely so for me, the 6 marios slots are clearly not definning every slots and I think it's likely they were already planned.
Which leads me to my next observation: we don;t have much ideas how many will be chosen after ballot.
Meaning that in the end, I do consider it gives more chances to msot characters because they can have the ballot.
Because kkr and Paper Mario now becomes more possible, I think it does mean that I can hope for Paper Mario (assuming a game is announced at E3).
Rythm heaven music though is weird, we have yet to see any rep, there;s still that sal maybe-not-so-wrong-leak so, I really don;t know, can he be our next newcomer?
^if that is the case, is it a positive sign for Paper Mario who has one stage and one music?
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