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NintenZone Social Thread: Shovel Knight Amiibo Hype Catastrophe (feat. Swamp)

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The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
heartgold/soulsilver take place in the remake timeline
While there's not really anything that confirms that (seeing as how the reason given for the split was Mega Evolutions)....

Even going by your "remake timeline" theory, Platinum doesn't take place in your hypothetical timeline, and the legendary birds can be captured in that game.

Truebut it's meant to be more say the sonic one. It's all in each person's perspective though. I do agree it doesn't make a villain per say of true.
And while i think you were joking, I still like the PMD game's plots better then mainline games.
I'm not joking, I was 100% sincere.

I don't think the stories in any of the main Pokemon games are particularly strong. The Unova games were about as strong as they'll ever get, I think.
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Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2013
heartgold/soulsilver take place in the remake timeline
the "remake timeline" isn't a thing. frlg and hgss retcon rgb and gsc. xy rebooted the series, with the nail being the war. if hgss were in this timeline, there'd be megas.


The Radiant Hero
Jun 20, 2007
It's hard to name favorite Pokemon by generation because most of my overall favorites are from the same ones.

1: Mew
2: Typhlosion
3: Breloom
4: Gallade
5: Zekrom
6: Hawlucha

Oddly enough, almost all of my favorite Pokemon were in gens 2 & 3, but gens 5 & 6 are probably my favorite games. If that even makes sense.
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The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
the "remake timeline" isn't a thing. frlg and hgss retcon rgb and gsc. xy rebooted the series, with the nail being the war. if hgss were in this timeline, there'd be megas.
Yeah, that's what I meant in this post:

Again, they could be encountered in HeartGold/SoulSilver. Even if you had a point, it was retconned.

Zinnia suggesting that there's a multiverse is completely irrelevant, seeing as how the implication of a multiverse was centered entirely around Mega Evolutions and AZ's ultimate weapon, neither of which have anything to do with either of the Gen 2 games.
They seem to be under the assumption that the remakes are what Zinnia meant when she talked about the alternate universe (or GBA/DS in zoroarkrules' post), but given the fact that Zinnia flat out says it was caused by Mega Evolutions, it's pretty clear that she meant that the pre-X/Y games are the alternate universe, not the remakes.

OR/AS and Ruby/Sapphire are from different universes. FR/LG and R/B and HG/SS and G/S are from the same universe, and are simply a retelling of the same story.
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Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
Speaking of mystery dungeon. What are you guys most excited about in super mystery dungeon? I'm hyped for all the legendary pokes that are going to be appearing.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
While there's not really anything that confirms that (seeing as how the reason given for the split was Mega Evolutions)....

Even going by your "remake timeline" theory, Platinum doesn't take place in your hypothetical timeline, and the legendary birds can be captured in that game.

I'm not joking, I was 100% sincere.

I don't think the stories in any of the main Pokemon games are particularly strong. The Unova games were about as strong as they'll ever get, I think.
Alright, and I agreed. The mainline games are good but BW have the most story out of them.
Speaking of mystery dungeon. What are you guys most excited about in super mystery dungeon? I'm hyped for all the legendary pokes that are going to be appearing.
I really like the plot and changes, it should be good!


Jul 7, 2014
Super Mystery Dungeon better be as good as the previous games. The difficulty should also increase a bit; GtI was too easy. Who knows, though. It may or may not be as good as Time, Darkness and Sky; all of them being regarded as the best of the series.


Not Gray Fox
Jul 8, 2015
Super Mystery Dungeon better be as good as the previous games. The difficulty should also increase a bit; GtI was too easy. Who knows, though. It may or may not be as good as Time, Darkness and Sky; all of them being regarded as the best of the series.
I have a feeling it'll be between; it'll probably be better than Gates to Infinity but not as good as Time/Darkness/Sky. Sky is my personal favourite, especially being able to have Riolu as your character. I'm glad Riolu is a starter again.


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
I'm late to the favorite pokemon of each generation, but I'm still getting in on this.

Charizard - He's too cool, it's that simple.
Blastoise - Starter I beat Firered with.

Typhlosion - All around cool starter.
Umbreon - A super cool dark type Pokemon, and my eeveelution of choice overall.
Scizor - One of my favorite pokemon overall (I want him in Pokken so bad), he's just a good pokemon in every category.

Sceptile - Leaf Blade, 'nuff said.
Flygon - Another one of my favorite overall Pokemon, Flygon is a solid Dragon Type with a solid moveset, and he looks good too.
Absol - I've always thought Absol was cool, he can learn so many moves, and he looks cool too. His Pokedex entry about him showing up before disaster expands his story.
Latios/Latias - I know I'm supposed to have 3, but I can make an exception for Latios/Latias. Pokemon Legends is one of my favorite Pokemon Movies, and their everything is cool. The soar feature in ORAS was really great because it gave me an excuse to have one of them on my team.

Infernape - The best of the Fire/Fighting Pokemon IMO, I used him back when I was a kid and I still use him to this very day.
Gallade - Another one of my favorite overall Pokemon, along with Infernape, I think his typing and stats are good, and the blade arms look really cool. Back in the day I actually had someone make a mashup of Gallade and Infernape because I liked them both so much.
Lucario - Lucario and the Mystery of Mew is one of my favorite Pokemon movies, along with Legends. Alongside that, Lucario is just a good Pokemon. Good typing, great stats, amazing moveset, and a cool design.

Zoroark - Not one of my favorites, but I have to mention Zoroark because my friend had two of them on his team, one shiny and one not, and he would always set it up so his shiny one would look like his unshiny one, and that memory always makes me laugh.
Garbodor - Trubbish helped me beat Elisa in a Black 2 Nuzlocke, so I can't hate on him.
Watchog - I had a Watchog pretty much carry me through a Black 2 Nuzlocke. I thought she wasn't good enough, but when my other team members were dying, my Watchog kept going. When she died...it was a loss for my team.
Bisharp - My overall favorite from Gen 5, reminds me a lot of Scizor and Lucario, and I like that.
Braviary - Cuz 'Murica.

Greninja - My starter of choice. Good design, good typing, isn't Chesnaught.
Vivillion - Pokemon #666 is a demon. Compound Eyes and Sleep Powder, Quiver Dance and Hurricane, it's hilarious. I once wrecked my friend's entire team using just a Vivillion. I threw one onto my X/Y team until I could get something better, but I kept Vivillion because it's so good. It also isn't Chesnaught, so that's another thing for it.
Espur -
It also isn't Chesnaught.
Super Mystery Dungeon better be as good as the previous games. The difficulty should also increase a bit; GtI was too easy. Who knows, though. It may or may not be as good as Time, Darkness and Sky; all of them being regarded as the best of the series.
It's already better than Gates to Infinity based off the starter choice and the return of hunger. The story seems pretty good too. I think it can definitely give Sky a run for it's money.
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Jul 7, 2014
I have a feeling it'll be between; it'll probably be better than Gates to Infinity but not as good as Time/Darkness/Sky. Sky is my personal favourite, especially being able to have Riolu as your character. I'm glad Riolu is a starter again.
That sounds about right. Having one of those 3 games as a favorite should be a general consensus by now, lol. I'll admit, I messed up the starter selection for a while. In Red Rescue Team, it was Pikachu, then Machop. Pikachu, then some other Pokémon. In Explorers of Time (I only have this one), I used Piplup, then Totodile. Then something something Pikachu.
.... I didn't buy Gates to Infinity. The Bittercold's theme is cool though.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I'm gonna hop on this favorite Pokemon from each gen bandwagon real quick.

Gen I: Venomoth (Runner-up: Venusaur)
Gen II: Umbreon
Gen III: Regirock (Runner-up: Tropius)
Gen IV: Shaymin (Runner-up: Heatran)
Gen V: Volcarona [#1 favorite overall] (Runner-up: Reuniclus)
Gen VI: Talonflame

Honestly, I think Gen V is my favorite overall selection of Pokemon with III in second. Of course, since my top two favorites are from those gens (Volcarona and Regirock) I guess that's not surprising. :p

As far as generations as a whole go, I can't even pick favorites anymore. I love them all too much to pick one.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2014
Favorite pokemon by gen, this is hard. Especially because there are so many I like from gen V, but let's do this.

Gen I: Raichu
Gen II: Sneasel
Gen III: Seviper
Gen IV: Drifblim
Gen V: Krookodile
Gen VI: Tyrantrum

Picking one for Gen IV for was pretty hard, as I don't really like any pokemon from that gen.
Also, not 100% sure if Krookodile is truly my fave Gen V pokemon, but I had to pick and I do really like him.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Favorite pokemon by gen, this is hard. Especially because there are so many I like from gen V, but let's do this.

Gen I: Raichu
Gen II: Sneasel
Gen III: Seviper
Gen IV: Drifblim
Gen V: Krookodile
Gen VI: Tyrantrum

Picking one for Gen IV for was pretty hard, as I don't really like any pokemon from that gen.
Also, not 100% sure if Krookodile is truly my fave Gen V pokemon, but I had to pick and I do really like him.
But you use Lucario in Smash...


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
People talking about Pokespe and no one tagged me? Man, I might need to take a break from Hitoshi Ariga avatars.

The original arcs are okay, especially given the lack of plot to the originals. GRB is the best of those three arcs IMO, as I think it's aged the best and has the most charm. The rest I think got a little bit too carried away with the originality of their plots, albeit I found it creative to see them tie in Blue's (the girl) original backstory. The world needs more Gold BTW.

RS I think got a little too ambitious, and I don't like how Sapphire doesn't contribute much in the final battle. Ruby's a great character, but the focus shouldn't be completely on him to the point it interferes with others. Still this is the arc that I think brought things closer to the games than ever and further cemented the manga as the best media adaptation of the series IMO.

FRLG was fantastic, though the cliffhanger/Mewtwo Strikes Back thing was kind of weird. Emerald was good and it was great to see things be bought full circle.

DP I think was a tad too slow, and none of the characters I found to be that interesting bar Diamond's dopeyness and Platina acting like a princess. Platinum was more or less a continuation rather than a new story arc.

HGSS was rushed IMO, though Gold was as fun as ever. Kind of cool to see it tie into DP, though it makes me wonder just how long Team Galactic took to get their plans together.

BW I need to read straight through, but holy crap is N & Team Plasma creepy, and their hypocritical nature bugs me more than in the game. Dat cliffhanger was great, albeit White not doing crap, and I hope B2W2 builds upon that. Am still iffy on having their be two new characters, but Lacktwo being 007 seems fun, while Hitetwo has the potential to become the best written female lead thus far.

XY & ORAS I can't make much of yet. Y seems like fun, and Team Flare is almost on par with Team Plasma in terms of being evil. I really hope Z comes out so we can see what happens to Fenniken now that it's owned by Malva. ORAS seems like it may be cramming too much into the story, IDK given we're years away from a Volume release. And **** it, Ruby so far is the only one doing anything.

tldr IMO: FRLG > RS/Emerald/BW > GRB/HGSS >DP/P > Yellow/GSC

Great manga. Any Pokemon fan, or really any manga fan, should read it.

I like the BW arc it was fun and a unqiue twist on the regular pokemon is on story.Especially the ending(poor white) and Black as a character is actually the best main character we had since ruby.Hell i say skill wise he could probably beat pokeSpe Red. Still think the yellow arc is the best though
Black and Rudy are great characters, but I just don't like how they push Sapphire and White to the sidelines in major battles and character development (albeit White was an improvement). Sadly it seems like ORAS is more or less doing the same thing so far.

Black beat Red? Naw. Although, Emerald did beat him I think.
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Smash Master
Jan 31, 2014
So... has the Pokken Launch Stream YouTube link showed up yet? I know they have no official YT stream, but someone always streams it anyways, and I wanna watch just in case there is something interesting. Plus, I have nothing else to do.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
People talking about Pokespe and no one tagged me? Man, I might need to take a break from Hitoshi Ariga avatars.

The original arcs are okay, especially given the lack of plot to the originals. GRB is the best of those three arcs IMO, as I think it's aged the best and has the most charm. The rest I think got a little bit too carried away with the originality of their plots, albeit I found it creative to see them tie in Blue's (the girl) original backstory. The world needs more Gold BTW.

RS I think got a little too ambitious, and I don't like how Sapphire doesn't contribute much in the final battle. Ruby's a great character, but the focus shouldn't be completely on him to the point it interferes with others. Still this is the arc that I think brought things closer to the games than ever and further cemented the manga as the best media adaptation of the series IMO.

FRLG was fantastic, though the cliffhanger/Mewtwo Strikes Back thing was kind of weird. Emerald was good and it was great to see things be bought full circle.

DP I think was a tad too slow, and none of the characters I found to be that interesting bar Diamond's dopeyness and Platina acting like a princess. Platinum was more or less a continuation rather than a new story arc.

HGSS was rushed IMO, though Gold was as fun as ever. Kind of cool to see it tie into DP, though it makes me wonder just how long Team Galactic took to get their plans together.

BW I need to read straight through, but holy crap is N & Team Plasma creepy, and their hypocritical nature bugs me more than in the game. Dat cliffhanger was great, albeit White not doing crap, and I hope B2W2 builds upon that. Am still iffy on having their be two new characters, but Lacktwo being 007 seems fun, while Hitetwo has the potential to become the best written female lead thus far.

XY & ORAS I can't make much of yet. Y seems like fun, and Team Flare is almost on par with Team Plasma in terms of being evil. I really hope Z comes out so we can see what happens to Fenniken now that it's owned by Malva. ORAS seems like it may be cramming too much into the story, IDK given we're years away from a Volume release. And **** it, Ruby so far is the only one doing anything.

tldr IMO: FRLG > RS/Emerald/BW > GRB/HGSS >DP/P > Yellow/GSC

Great manga. Any Pokemon fan, or really any manga fan, should read it.

Black and Rudy are great characters, but I just don't like how they push Sapphire and White to the sidelines in major battles and character development (albeit White was an improvement). Sadly it seems like ORAS is more or less doing the same thing so far.

Black beat Red? Naw. Although, Emerald did beat him I think.
Where were you able to read everything?

I had to stop in the DP arc because no one had the rest translated.

I may have to reread it all. :p


Not Gray Fox
Jul 8, 2015
So... has the Pokken Launch Stream YouTube link showed up yet? I know they have no official YT stream, but someone always streams it anyways, and I wanna watch just in case there is something interesting. Plus, I have nothing else to do.
I don't know anyone streaming it on YouTube but there's some people streaming on NND.
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Not Gray Fox
Jul 8, 2015
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Pokken is out in Japan.

Some videos have been put up on Youtube, it looks like the 8 we've gotten is what the initial roster is for the arcade release. So if any new Pokémon are revealed in the livestream, they'll likely be done in the same way Blaziken is and added later.
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Not Gray Fox
Jul 8, 2015
Pokken is out in Japan.

Some videos have been put up on Youtube, it looks like the 8 we've gotten is what the initial roster is for the arcade release. So if any new Pokémon are revealed in the livestream, they'll likely be done in the same way Blaziken is and added later.
Yeah, it's guaranteed that there's more Pokémon to be playable in the future. I hope they show some Blaziken gameplay or something in this livestream.

Deleted member

I hope we get Mario Party 1 or Smash Bros on the eShop today. Will take Yoshi's Story as well.

How does the perspective in Pokken work, exactly? It seems to be behind-the-back, but it also seems like it could easily work like a normal Tekken or Soulcalibur game.
From what I've seen it seems very similar to the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games.
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Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
How does the perspective in Pokken work, exactly? It seems to be behind-the-back, but it also seems like it could easily work like a normal Tekken or Soulcalibur game.
Behind the back (3D) is how battles start. Certain moves done in this mode if hit change the battle to a more 2D side view (and 2D movement) where battles focus more on close range combat that lasts until a timer runs out (and I believe certain moves can transition it back to 3D behind the back)

How this translates to a single screen on say, a console is anyone's guess.

Deleted member

Behind the back (3D) is how battles start. Certain moves done in this mode if hit change the battle to a more 2D side view (and 2D movement) where battles focus more on close range combat that lasts until a timer runs out (and I believe certain moves can transition it back to 3D behind the back)

How this translates to a single screen on say, a console is anyone's guess.
I just hope we don't get a Hyrule Warriors situation when this comes to Wii U.
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