Yeah, I think everyone in the roster is deserving so far. This is something I really praise Sakurai for. He really does a much better job with rosters than several crossover fighting games.I don't think the characters in the roster as is are undeserving. All of them are there for a reason.
That's just me I guess, I'm not into speculah so perhaps my opinion doesn't count.
I can't get over how the face of the Mega Man franchise is still absent in Capcom's VS games. sdfjkgsdhdhksdhsdfhs
I've always wondered how they could implement the Harafuda cards? Maybe not as a character but anything really about it would actually add quite a nice bit to Nintendo's history theme.I've always loved the idea of them including a really, really old character. Nintendo has been around as a company for 126 years, there must be some character from before 1900 that they could use. To have a character that was invented in the 1800s being included would be really, really cool IMO.
The started out as a trading card company, so they must have something from their days making trading cards that they could use.
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