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NintenZone Social Thread: Shovel Knight Amiibo Hype Catastrophe (feat. Swamp)

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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
How would he attack if he stays in the ball? He can't attack anyone when he's inside it, unless the ball itself can use mechanical weapons, which isn't canon in the games. He's pretty much limited to rolling for his attacks. How would he grab opponents and do his throws?
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Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
Interesting, and it could work.....

However, if they were gonna remove the tags, I think they would've done it before launch like they did with the 3DS version's tags. I just think they're there to stay.
Yeah it could be that they're there to stay but it's not as if they're important so there's no reason why they couldn't sacrifice them to keep the CSS looking less cluttered. I always thought having names was silly because the names are there on your player box when you hover over a character anyway.

I mean if we get more that 2 characters the CSS will change in some way, be it through rescaling, removing names or another method. Similar to the 3DS looking silly having only a handful of characters on a whole other screen it may have looked silly to have 1 row at the bottom of like 2,3 or 4 characters, but 6+ would look alright. And for people who don't buy all of the DLC, or only buy a few characters, I'd presume that the screen will stay as it is now depending on how many you have.

It seems odd to me that they'd go for the "page 2" now instead of doing it when Mewtwo was released or at the very least when Lucas/Roy/Ryu were.

Because now DLC characters would be split from the "main" screen to the "extras" screen as opposed to all DLC being on the "extras" screen like with stages, and in order to put the page arrow on the "main" screen, that would mean we would either forgo the Random button on the "main" screen or move Ryu or the Miis into the "extras" screen.

And it may be just me, but I'm having a hard time imagining how using the page button would work on the CSS, considering selecting a character on the CSS works different from selecting a stage on the SSS.
It could just be that all of the DLC will be moved into the 2nd screen when we get our next character(s). There's enough to move there without it looking silly now.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
It seems odd to me that they'd go for the "page 2" now instead of doing it when Mewtwo was released or at the very least when Lucas/Roy/Ryu were.

Because now DLC characters would be split from the "main" screen to the "extras" screen as opposed to all DLC being on the "extras" screen like with stages, and in order to put the page arrow on the "main" screen, that would mean we would either forgo the Random button on the "main" screen or move Ryu or the Miis into the "extras" screen.

And it may be just me, but I'm having a hard time imagining how using the page button would work on the CSS, considering selecting a character on the CSS works different from selecting a stage on the SSS.
There's literally no room for characters on the 3DS. Having an arrow just for Mewtwo would look strange, but having an arrow for 6+ characters works just fine.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2013
Are we seriously talking about Aiai being a character? lol. Why don't we just like iCarly in smash lol.


Jul 7, 2014
If that were the case, they would've removed the tags from the Wii U version, too, since we can see the names at the bottom of the screen.
I probably worded it like ****. Bottom screen refers to touch screen.


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
In addition to the comment I made about a second Sega character......

People who suggest that a second Sega character be from a different series are forgetting that Sega is a lot different than Capcom. Capcom has multiple major game franchises. Sega's got Sonic, and then a bunch of considerably less popular, more cult classic franchises, while Capcom as a whole is full of iconic characters from multiple major franchises that are close-to-equal in popularity with eachother.

It makes sense and is a smart decision to give us Mega Man and Ryu rather than, say, Mega Man and Proto Man, or Ryu and Chun Li. For Sega, on the other hand......they'd likely be better off just giving us two Sonic characters instead of giving us one of their B-list characters like NiGHTS or AiAi.
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
It seems odd to me that they'd go for the "page 2" now instead of doing it when Mewtwo was released or at the very least when Lucas/Roy/Ryu were.

Because now DLC characters would be split from the "main" screen to the "extras" screen as opposed to all DLC being on the "extras" screen like with stages, and in order to put the page arrow on the "main" screen, that would mean we would either forgo the Random button on the "main" screen or move Ryu or the Miis into the "extras" screen.

And it may be just me, but I'm having a hard time imagining how using the page button would work on the CSS, considering selecting a character on the CSS works different from selecting a stage on the SSS.
On the bright side, at least the roster will be fixed slightly.
We'd just need the clones in the right places and we'd be golden.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
We've heard all sorts of explanations about the visuals in StarFox Zero. Earlier during E3, Miyamoto stated that a goal was to have the game running 60fps on GamePad screen and TV, so the visuals had to be pulled back a bit. Platinum was working on making them a bit prettier. Now we're also hearing Miyamoto say that the cartoonish style is done on purpose.

“A lot of games nowadays look so realistic that they all look the same."

Miyamoto didn't want StarFox Zero falling into that, so that's another reason why we have the visuals we do.
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Deleted member

There's literally no room for characters on the 3DS. Having an arrow just for Mewtwo would look strange, but having an arrow for 6+ characters works just fine.
Having an arrow just for Dream Land 64 or Suzaku Castle (if you only downloaded one of them; it's a little less awkward with both when factoring the SSS only had room for a single stage, though a separate screen with only two stages is still somewhat awkward) is awkward, yet that's what happens.

The arrow for characters would only lead to two characters plus however many characters we get past the initial six (Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Ryu, and the 2 remaining placeholders within the data) if we get any and possibly Ryu or the Miis if they are moved for the page button instead of the Random selection.
We're looking at 2+ or 3+ unless the four characters already released are moved to the next page like they should have been already at least with the recent additions.

It could just be that all of the DLC will be moved into the 2nd screen when we get our next character(s). There's enough to move there without it looking silly now.
It seems strange that it would take until then to do that, but that would at least fix things.
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Salt Lord
Writing Team
Aug 10, 2007
It seems odd to me that they'd go for the "page 2" now instead of doing it when Mewtwo was released or at the very least when Lucas/Roy/Ryu were.

Because now DLC characters would be split from the "main" screen to the "extras" screen as opposed to all DLC being on the "extras" screen like with stages, and in order to put the page arrow on the "main" screen, that would mean we would either forgo the Random button on the "main" screen or move Ryu or the Miis into the "extras" screen.

And it may be just me, but I'm having a hard time imagining how using the page button would work on the CSS, considering selecting a character on the CSS works different from selecting a stage on the SSS.
I don't see what's so hard to imagine it for the 3DS. I'm sure we will see it next update, and I think it will only kick in if there's a need for a second page.
If I recall correctly, wasn't Roy's game coming out a few months after Melee?
That could be what he's referring to.
This. Roy first appeared in Melee before his own game.
Yeah I mentioned that a few days ago too by removing the name tags, there would be about enough space for a fifth row would they wish to add one at some point.

Brawl apparently had it so that the name tags and character slots where separate from each other (If I recall correctly) I wonder if it's the same for Smash Bros for Wii U.....
Name tags are written by code. It's based on the language file that's being used. That's how I got the order before the update went live.
@ PushDustIn PushDustIn

Did you ever look up Sakurai's comments about Ultra Editions of Smash Brothers like you said?

This is your reminder, homeslice.
Thanks will look into it!


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
“A lot of games nowadays look so realistic that they all look the same."
Is so true.
In addition to the comment I made about a second Sega character......

People who suggest that a second Sega character be from a different series are forgetting that Sega is a lot different than Capcom. Capcom has multiple major game franchises. Sega's got Sonic, and then a bunch of considerably less popular, more cult classic franchises, while Capcom as a whole is full of iconic characters from multiple major franchises that are close-to-equal in popularity with eachother.

It makes sense and is a smart decision to give us Mega Man and Ryu rather than, say, Mega Man and Proto Man, or Ryu and Chun Li. For Sega, on the other hand......they'd likely be better off just giving us two Sonic characters instead of giving us one of their B-list characters like NiGHTS or AiAi.
Aiai and Amigo are the closest thing that Sega has to other iconic characters outside of the Sonic franchise, and neither are Smash worthy at all. Tails on the otherhand, is completely Smash worthy in every single way. Having Sonic and Tails vs. Mario and Luigi would be a pretty huge deal. You could probably make a case for Eggman too.

Capcom have got a lot of big franchises, but the only other one that is Smash worthy IMO is Resident Evil. I say this as someone who loves the hell out of Capcom. Dead Rising, Devil May Cry, Ace Attorney, Ghosts N Goblins and Okami are all big to Capcom, but not big enough to be in Smash. They're the Monkey Ball and Samba De Amigo of Capcom.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Name tags are written by code. It's based on the language file that's being used. That's how I got the order before the update went live.!
Oh I see. I should have known it had something to do with the language localization as certain characters have different names in different places.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
Having an arrow just for Dream Land 64 or Suzaku Castle (if you only downloaded one of them; it's a little less awkward with both when factoring the SSS only had room for a single stage, though a separate screen with only two stages is still somewhat awkward) is awkward, yet that's what happens.

The arrow for characters would only lead to two characters plus however many characters we get past the initial six (Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Ryu, and the 2 remaining placeholders within the data) if we get any and possibly Ryu or the Miis if they are moved for the page button instead of the Random selection.
We're looking at 2+ or 3+ unless the four characters already released are moved to the next page like they should have been already at least with the recent additions.

It seems strange that it would take until then to do that, but that would at least fix things.
I don't think it's strange.

It would have been weird having like just Mewtwo on the separate screen don't you think? By the time we get another round of characters we'll have at least 5, (and possibly 7 if they do another round of 3) characters so it won't seem so silly just having just a couple characters on one screen.

I mean without rescaling, it's their only choice. And rescaling isn't really a choice because some people play on the tiny regular 3DS screen.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Having an arrow just for Dream Land 64 or Suzaku Castle (if you only downloaded one of them; it's a little less awkward with both when factoring the SSS only had room for a single stage, though a separate screen with only two stages is still somewhat awkward) is awkward, yet that's what happens.

The arrow for characters would only lead to two characters plus however many characters we get past the initial six (Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Ryu, and the 2 remaining placeholders within the data) if we get any and possibly Ryu or the Miis if they are moved for the page button instead of the Random selection.
We're looking at 2+ or 3+ unless the four characters already released are moved to the next page like they should have been already at least with the recent additions.

It seems strange that it would take until then to do that, but that at least fix things.
For the arrow to be added one of the current characters would have to be moved, so I'm pretty sure they would move ALL the DLC characters (Mewtwo, Roy, Ryu, Lucas, and any future characters) to the second page.


PPMD Kreygasm
Apr 6, 2014
The fact that we're only 3 months into the DLC phase of Smash 4, and we already got 3 stages, 4 characters, and countless Mii Costumes; obviously indicates we will see an Ultimate Super Smash Brothers 4.

And I'm 95% sure it will be Wii U and N3DS only and include Ice Climbers.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Ace Attorney and Ghouls N Goblin's both deserve reps in Smash over Resident Evil.

Resident Evil should never be represented in Smash Brothers. It's an iconic franchise, but has Metal Gear syndrome. It simply does not fit into the art style of the Smash franchise. I still think of Sony strongly when I think of RE. It's not etched into Nintendom enough.

Ace Attorney is a series that is only on Nintendo systems when it comes to console gaming.

Phoenix's appearance in fighting games and other crossovers are the only times he's left a Nintendo system. That should be rewarded over the series that a major of the prime installments of it's series are on other systems.

Ghouls N Goblin's greatest and most iconic games in it's series were on Super Nintendo.

Resident Evil is far from being the most worthy Capcom franchise after Mega Man and Street Fighter.
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The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
“A lot of games nowadays look so realistic that they all look the same."
Is so true.

Aiai and Amigo are the closest thing that Sega has to other iconic characters outside of the Sonic franchise, and neither are Smash worthy at all. Tails on the otherhand, is completely Smash worthy in every single way. Having Sonic and Tails vs. Mario and Luigi would be a pretty huge deal. You could probably make a case for Eggman too.

Capcom have got a lot of big franchises, but the only other one that is Smash worthy IMO is Resident Evil. I say this as someone who loves the hell out of Capcom. Dead Rising, Devil May Cry, Ace Attorney, Ghosts N Goblins and Okami are all big to Capcom, but not big enough to be in Smash. They're the Monkey Ball and Samba De Amigo of Capcom.
Yeah, but even then.....

Say we did get Tails, and both Capcom and Sega were getting a third character.

Capcom could still go without dipping back into Mega Man or Street Fighter, and instead we get a Resident Evil newcomer.

Sega......even with both Sonic and Tails present, I'd still say the best choice for a third Sega character would be another one from Sonic. Ideally, Eggman or Knuckles.

Deleted member

I don't see what's so hard to imagine it for the 3DS. I'm sure we will see it next update, and I think it will only kick in if there's a need for a second page.
It's hard for me to imagine how it works because you select a stage by simply clicking the stage's button.
Thus, a button to go to a second page wouldn't come off as an issue.

When you select a character, you place a token over the character's button.
While the issue that comes immediate to mind in regards to a button that switches the characters present on the screen on a game with that kind of selection mechanism is nullified by the fact it's for a particular game where only one player interacts with the screen, it still raises some questions.
Where do the tokens go when you switch pages?
If the tokens stay on the page they're on, how do you get them on the other page?
If the tokens stay in place regardless of the page, how would that effect selection? (i.e. Let's say you pick Ike. Ike happens to be in a place where Dixie Kong's icon is on the next page. If you switch pages, wouldn't that change your selection to from Ike to Dixie if the token transfers over?)


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
How many stages do you think we will get for DLC?
Sakurai said not to expect too many more after Peach's Castle 64 and Hyrule Castle 64.

I think we should expect the remaining stages to go with DLC newcomers like Suzaku Castle with Ryu.

Though what I would like most of all would be a Wii U stage pack with Magicant and the SNES-style Mute City, and a 3DS stage pack with Wii Fit Studio (sans mirror) and Duck Hunt.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
It's hard for me to imagine how it works because you select a stage by simply clicking the stage's button.
Thus, a button to go to a second page wouldn't come off as an issue.

When you select a character, you place a token over the character's button.
While the issue that comes immediate to mind in regards to a button that switches the characters present on the screen on a game with that kind of selection mechanism is nullified by the fact it's for a particular game where only one player interacts with the screen, it still raises some questions.
Where do the tokens go when you switch pages?
If the tokens stay on the page they're on, how do you get them on the other page?
If the tokens stay in place regardless of the page, how would that effect selection? (i.e. Let's say you pick Ike. Ike happens to be in a place where Dixie Kong's icon is on the next page. If you switch pages, wouldn't that change your selection to from Ike to Dixie if the token transfers over?)
I think you simply need to click the token on the page icon (as if you where selecting a character as you normally would) and it transfers it to the next page for where you can choose any characters there. The tokens from the previous page will remain there unless you bring them over too (or press B for the player token). We might see the random button in both pages too. Just like for the Stage Select Screen.

At least, that's how I'd imagine it would work.....
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
Rhythm Heaven
It's hard for me to imagine how it works because you select a stage by simply clicking the stage's button.
Thus, a button to go to a second page wouldn't come off as an issue.

When you select a character, you place a token over the character's button.
While the issue that comes immediate to mind in regards to a button that switches the characters present on the screen on a game with that kind of selection mechanism is nullified by the fact it's for a particular game where only one player interacts with the screen, it still raises some questions.
Where do the tokens go when you switch pages?
If the tokens stay on the page they're on, how do you get them on the other page?
If the tokens stay in place regardless of the page, how would that effect selection? (i.e. Let's say you pick Ike. Ike happens to be in a place where Dixie Kong's icon is on the next page. If you switch pages, wouldn't that change your selection to from Ike to Dixie if the token transfers over?)
I'd say it can stay on the other page.
Imagine you select Ike for a CPU on the one page and you go to the second page, the CPU stays at Ike on the other page.
Because otherwise you couldn't fight as Ike against one of the DLC characters.

EDIT: :4greninja:'d
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The Radiant Hero
Jun 20, 2007
This. Roy first appeared in Melee before his own game.
I guess that's a confirmation. I can't read Japanese, so I wasn't sure the context. The way you said it before could've been otherwise.
Which says that Roy was also picked to help promote Fire Emblem. (It also says Ganondorf's model was taken from the Spaceworld 2000 demo).
Fire Emblem 6, specifically? Fire Emblem as a series made their Smash debut with both Marth and Roy and it's the first time it's seen in the West. See what I mean?
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Deleted member

Capcom could still go without dipping back into Mega Man or Street Fighter, and instead we get a Resident Evil newcomer.
If that happened, the only option I'd accept is Nemesis.

The idea of a large mutant zombie with a rocket launcher > Chris/Leon/Jill/etc.

I don't think it's strange.

It would have been weird having like just Mewtwo on the separate screen don't you think? By the time we get another round of characters we'll have at least 5, (and possibly 7 if they do another round of 3) characters so it won't seem so silly just having just a couple characters on one screen.

I mean without rescaling, it's their only choice. And rescaling isn't really a choice because some people play on the tiny regular 3DS screen.
I don't think it's any weirder than having only two stages on a second page. And even if only Mewtwo is "strange" on the second page, now we have Lucas, Roy, and Ryu. Four on a single page isn't strange in the least.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Nemesis is the exact type of thing about RE that wouldn't work in Smash.

With the human survivors you have realistic weapons as a problem.

With the monsters, you have their grotesque nature.

There's just no way to represent RE in Smash.

Deleted member

That reminds me when "Nemesis and Tyrant are too grotesque" was reason for their exclusion in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and then Nemesis showed up in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
That reminds me when "Nemesis and Tyrant are too grotesque" was reason for their exclusion in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and then Nemesis showed up in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
There's a difference in them hanging out with that cast and the Nintendo cast. A big one.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
Yeah, but even then.....

Say we did get Tails, and both Capcom and Sega were getting a third character.

Capcom could still go without dipping back into Mega Man or Street Fighter, and instead we get a Resident Evil newcomer.

Sega......even with both Sonic and Tails present, I'd still say the best choice for a third Sega character would be another one from Sonic. Ideally, Eggman or Knuckles.
Agreed. People don't seem to understand that Capcom have more franchises that have made a big impact on gaming than Sega or Namco. Sega's first 4 reps could only be Sonic-Tails-Eggman-Knuckles. You've only got to look at their Sega Racing rosters to see that no other character has a big enough legacy or enough Nintendo relevance to be in Smash. Hell Bayonetta can't even get in those Sega racing games, how on earth is she supposed to be in a Nintendo cross over game?

And Namco at best has Ms Pac-Man, who would be completely redundant.

Nemesis is the exact type of thing about RE that wouldn't work in Smash.

With the human survivors you have realistic weapons as a problem.

With the monsters, you have their grotesque nature.

There's just no way to represent RE in Smash.
If Jill could be in the very cartoony MvC2, then a RE protagonist could easily be in Smash. They use more than just guns, and they can easily either toon up the weapons or do the thing they did with Snake where they use more heavy artillery.

Leon would be my pick because RE2 and RE4 were Ninty titles, and vastly regarded as the best RE games.
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Sure, Nemesis would be unfitting, but I don't care.
It's a mutant with a giant bazooka. What's not to love?


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
Nemesis is the exact type of thing about RE that wouldn't work in Smash.

With the human survivors you have realistic weapons as a problem.

With the monsters, you have their grotesque nature.

There's just no way to represent RE in Smash.
Don't you usually get really ticked off when people say that Bayonetta has no chance?

I hope you see the same problem with this that I do.

The RE comment was part of a discussion about a hypothetical situation. I don't think any character from it is going to get into Smash 4 or any future Smash game. But I do think it's a bit silly to say "they wouldn't fit" when we had Solid Snake in Brawl, and we have people asking for characters like Bayonetta
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Jul 7, 2014
Not really sure how will the New 3DS be able to support Ice Climbers. The difference in power compared to the 3DS is only slightly.
But then again, you never know.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Don't you usually get really ticked off when people say that Bayonetta has no chance?

I hope you see the same problem with this that I do.

The RE comment was part of a discussion about a hypothetical situation. I don't think any character from it is going to get into Smash 4 or any future Smash game. But I do think it's a bit silly to say "they wouldn't fit" when we had Solid Snake in Brawl, and we have people asking for characters like Bayonetta
Bayonetta is easily far more silly than RE though.

The woman is wearing gun heels for crying out loud.

You can't walk on guns.

Then fire them. She also happens to be a witch.

That's a silly concept.

Far more silly than an average human picking up a heavy artillery gun and firing it.

Or Snake throwing a grenade or choke holding someone.

Bayo's chances are limited and slim but she fits better than Snake or RE characters IMO.
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Bayonetta is easily far more silly than RE though.

The woman is wearing gun heels for crying out loud.

You can't walk on guns.

Then fire them. She also happens to be a witch.

That's a silly concept.

Far more silly than an average human picking up a heavy artillery gun and firing it.

Or Snake throwing a grenade or choke holding someone.

Bayo's chances are limited and slim but she fits better than Snake or RE characters IMO.
Silly or not, those are realistic guns on a character that is heavily sexualized and comes from a video game with very heavy sacrilegious themes.

Not really something that Nintendo would want to include in a game that's marketed towards children in the West.

Besides, that's not really the point of what Burb is saying. You're being critical of a character you think has no chance and shouldn't be in Smash in the same way that you accuse people of being towards Bayonetta.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Yes, let's make me a bad guy all of a sudden. How nice of you guys to throw me under the bus for no reason. I love you guys too.

RE has as little or less chance than Bayo of being in Smash. I'm aware they're a similar situation, but one's concept is a touch more sillier than the other.

And I'm not being hypocritical when I say that. I'm aware both have a big battle to even be considered for Smash.

Ya'll trying to paint me in a negative light right now and I'm not here for that or having it.
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The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
Bayonetta is easily far more silly than RE though.

The woman is wearing gun heels for crying out loud.

You can't walk on guns.

Then fire them. She also happens to be a witch.

That's a silly concept.

Far more silly than an average human picking up a heavy artillery gun and firing it.

Or Snake throwing a grenade or choke holding someone.

Bayo's chances are limited and slim but she fits better than Snake or RE characters IMO.
They don't have to be silly to get into Smash. Snake already made it in; whether you thought he fit or not is completely irrelevant, because clearly Sakurai did since he put the guy in Brawl.

Even if Bayonetta is "goofier" than RE and Metal Gear (which is debatable, really. Metal Gear is loaded with completely ridiculous things.), it still features a lot of the same things that make RE and Metal Gear "out of place". It's got firearms (regardless of whether they're handheld or attached to her shoe), it's every bit as gory as they are, and it has suggestive themes.

It just smells like bias and hypocrisy to me.

Yes, let's make me a bad guy all of a sudden. How nice of you guys to throw me under the bus for no reason. I love you guys too.

RE has as little or less chance than Bayo of being in Smash. I'm aware they're a similar situation, but one's concept is a touch more sillier than the other.

And I'm not being hypocritical when I say that. I'm aware both have a big battle to even be considered for Smash.

Ya'll trying to paint me in a negative light right now and I'm not here for that or having it.
Nobody's painting you in a bad light. All we're doing is commenting on a double-standard of yours that we've noticed.

No, it's not fair to say that Resident Evil doesn't work in Smash and has no chance, but then flip out on us when we say the same thing about Bayonetta.
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
It wasn't even necessary to bring it up.

You legit threw me under the bus for hypocritical-ness for no reason, Burb.

I knew that both franchises have similar themes. I'm not dumb. I'm aware. I know both have a lot going against them.

And yes I love both franchises, but would like one in Smash more than the other. There's nothing wrong with that.

But don't try to tell me you didn't seek to bring negative attention my way by even bringing that up.

You wanted me to look bad and that's okay. Thanks for that.

Thanks for bringing up something that wasn't necessary.

It was so sweet of you. :)
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