The thing is, getting new consoles nowadays requires very significant convincing out of me. The only reason why I bought a Wii U was because Mega Man showed up as a character in Smash 3DS & Wii U. While there are some great titles on the Wii U, none of them necessitates me experiencing them to be satisfied with gaming. Getting a console means having a game that I absolutely must have and Smash Wii U with Mega Man was that game for the Wii U. It is also why I want a PS4 now because The Last Guardian is a game I feel I simply must experience. Shenmue III, The Witcher III, and the Final Fantasy VII remake (assuming they keep the traditional RPG play style) I also want but they aren't "essential" titles for me.
I won't have that for the NX. I'm sure there will be some great titles on it as well but like I said before, I need games that I absolutely must have before I purchase a console. But there's not going to be anything like that. I don't need another Smash now that Mega Man is in so Smash is out. F-Zero would be great but aside from me doubt we'll ever get one again, the only one I feel I need is F-Zero GX and I expect that to satisfy me for F-Zero games. Mother 3 is the only title that could do that but I expect a Virtual Console release on the Wii U later on anyway once enough time has spanned from EarthBound Beginnings. Plus it's disheartening to see Nintendo commit PR suicide when they're in a position where they could very well go third-party and/or mobile-only in the next 5-10 years. I didn't expect Sony E3's level, but the turnout of the Digital Event is unacceptable.
I got burnt pretty badly by the PlayStation 3 when Gran Turismo 5 turned out to be a huge disappointment and Gran Turismo 6 walked into micro-transaction territory (which offended me to the point of not buying it). I'm not making that mistake again.I will believe it when I see it.