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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Erureido Erureido @Shishœ

So would you believe I managed to win the Challenge Quest in Grand Order? It took a good number of tries, but I managed to do it. With Berserker Vlad III, Waver and Tamamo.

And all I can say....the Dantes battle at the end is probably the most tense I ever felt doing a battle in Grand Order. If not for the fact that Dantes gets that NP bar quickly due to Golden Rule, then due to the fact of dealing with Dantes' high damage and hoping he doesn't take down a Servant in one go. Combined with the fact that 2 Command Seals were used to fully heal Vlad and Waver at one point so there was certainly no 3 Command Seal revive to use.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
with the release of shiny meltan in go, it makes me think gen 8 us getting announced soon now that every gen 7 mon can be shiny.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
My school district has to be forced to closed down for at least 3 days to quarantine if 15% of the county school population is absent because of sickness

we reached 14% and they say theyre gonna still be open

i could use the rest of the week

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Despite watching it a couple weeks ago, I'm having urges to watch The LEGO Movie one more time.

I just love that movie and I'm stoked for the sequel.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Erureido Erureido @Shishœ

So would you believe I managed to win the Challenge Quest in Grand Order? It took a good number of tries, but I managed to do it. With Berserker Vlad III, Waver and Tamamo.

And all I can say....the Dantes battle at the end is probably the most tense I ever felt doing a battle in Grand Order. If not for the fact that Dantes gets that NP bar quickly due to Golden Rule, then due to the fact of dealing with Dantes' high damage and hoping he doesn't take down a Servant in one go. Combined with the fact that 2 Command Seals were used to fully heal Vlad and Waver at one point so there was certainly no 3 Command Seal revive to use.
I managed to beat the Challenge Quest too about a week ago! I used a team of Jalter and two Merlins (one was my own with the Prismas Cosmos CE, the other was a friend's Merlin with the 2030 CE), and I managed to not lose a single servant! The most nail-biting part for me was the second round with Fergus and the Chimera because Fergus kept going after my Jalter (and she ALMOST died to him too) along with the Chimera being a pesky Berserker.

Other than part, I didn't have much trouble. By the last three rounds, I kept spamming Merlin's NPs over and over again to the point that I had a good supply of HP and NP regeneration every turn to keep both Merlins and my Jalter alive, and Jalter even performed some quick shocking kills thanks to the added Critical Stars from the 2030 CE on my friend's Merlin.

Edmond Dantes didn't give me too much trouble, mainly because I played things safe by using Merlin's Invincibility skills on turns where I predicted Dantes would use his NP.

Yeah, double Merlin is just too good!


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Man I wanna talk about another video game I’ve been thinking up for like 15 years off and on.

So I’ll put it in spoilers.

It’s called Demon Bond.

It’s a metroidvania styled game (with lots of body horror ****) that takes place in real world 1999. The protagonists are 3 high school students. 2 girls(one native, 1 indian) and 1 male(white)((I haven’t been able to stick to a name for them yet lol)). One afternoon mid-May they get pulled into an alternate dimension filled with demons, but they all get separated. They each get different powers. Native girl becomes a witch. Indian girl becomes a necromancer. White boy becomes a blacksmith. They find out through the course of their stories that the demons found a way to earth and plan to overthrow it since there world is dying.

Each character has their own playable story (like Claire and Leon in RE2) that is interconnected. They all have a timer to beat the game(similar to Persona games) the game begins around May 17th and has to be beaten by December 31st. Being that they’re high school students they still have to do that stuff(again like Persona games). There are certain areas that only open up at certain dates so you can’t just beat the whole game in an ingame month.

The whole name of the game “Demon Bond” is an in game mechanic. Certain bosses through each play through when you kill them they fuse with the protagonist and gives them in human abilities (like the native girl has a fast travel ability where she explodes into a bunch of crows and goes to a different safe area). All 3 characters get mostly unique abilities. There’s also other humans you meet in the demon world who bond with demons they kill but the bonding fails and they mutate into grotesque figures.

The native girl is basically the easy mode since she has the most bonds and innate abilities, indian girl is the normal difficulty and white boy is hard mode cause he gets only a couple abilities and doesn’t acquire any magical abilities like the girls do.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I managed to beat the Challenge Quest too about a week ago! I used a team of Jalter and two Merlins (one was my own with the Prismas Cosmos CE, the other was a friend's Merlin with the 2030 CE), and I managed to not lose a single servant! The most nail-biting part for me was the second round with Fergus and the Chimera because Fergus kept going after my Jalter (and she ALMOST died to him too) along with the Chimera being a pesky Berserker.

Other than part, I didn't have much trouble. By the last three rounds, I kept spamming Merlin's NPs over and over again to the point that I had a good supply of HP and NP regeneration every turn to keep both Merlins and my Jalter alive, and Jalter even performed some quick shocking kills thanks to the added Critical Stars from the 2030 CE on my friend's Merlin.

Edmond Dantes didn't give me too much trouble, mainly because I played things safe by using Merlin's Invincibility skills on turns where I predicted Dantes would use his NP.

Yeah, double Merlin is just too good!
The hardest one for me was actually the Amakusa + Jeanne tag-team. I expected Fergus and Caligula to be the hardest parts, due to Fergus with his NP Charge plus the Chimera and Caligula with his Criticals. Thankfully, each time I felt he would attack, I managed to stun Caligula each time with Waver's NP and I managed to take down both the Chimera and Fergus down quickly before they did some real damage.
As for the 2 Rulers, Amakusa wasn't hard, as I defeated him quickly. It was Jeanne who kept giving me trouble due to the fact that she would go after Vlad III the most with her attacks and it was hard to keep him healed. Dantes was just tense because:
1: I knew he could potentially wipe out one member, especially Vlad, if he focused on them.
2: My skills wouldn't keep his NP down for long and I didn't have a skill to give invincibility and even then, he had the potential to use his Invinci-pierce followed by Golden Rule followed by his NP.
3: The most tense part was having to make the risky choice of putting Evade on Vlad III in case I didn't stun him with Waver's NP and risked him using his Invinci-pierce. I didn't stun him, luckily he didn't use his skill beforehand, but he almost took out Tamamo with a Crit and would've taken out Vlad III had I not put evade on him.
Either way, thankfully, Vlad III was able to use his NP enough times to get the lucky Crits and defeat him.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Man I wanna talk about another video game I’ve been thinking up for like 15 years off and on.

So I’ll put it in spoilers.

It’s called Demon Bond.

It’s a metroidvania styled game (with lots of body horror ****) that takes place in real world 1999. The protagonists are 3 high school students. 2 girls(one native, 1 indian) and 1 male(white)((I haven’t been able to stick to a name for them yet lol)). One afternoon mid-May they get pulled into an alternate dimension filled with demons, but they all get separated. They each get different powers. Native girl becomes a witch. Indian girl becomes a necromancer. White boy becomes a blacksmith. They find out through the course of their stories that the demons found a way to earth and plan to overthrow it since there world is dying.

Each character has their own playable story (like Claire and Leon in RE2) that is interconnected. They all have a timer to beat the game(similar to Persona games) the game begins around May 17th and has to be beaten by December 31st. Being that they’re high school students they still have to do that stuff(again like Persona games). There are certain areas that only open up at certain dates so you can’t just beat the whole game in an ingame month.

The whole name of the game “Demon Bond” is an in game mechanic. Certain bosses through each play through when you kill them they fuse with the protagonist and gives them in human abilities (like the native girl has a fast travel ability where she explodes into a bunch of crows and goes to a different safe area). All 3 characters get mostly unique abilities. There’s also other humans you meet in the demon world who bond with demons they kill but the bonding fails and they mutate into grotesque figures.

The native girl is basically the easy mode since she has the most bonds and innate abilities, indian girl is the normal difficulty and white boy is hard mode cause he gets only a couple abilities and doesn’t acquire any magical abilities like the girls do.

Castlevania x Persona


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Bought Minecraft, now I just gotta wait an eternity for it to download.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Somehow that game was added to my Xbox One's game library a while back without buying it.

But I have zero desires to play it.
but my man its minecraft

survival mode is killer to waste time with

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
I found the treasure chest I needed to spawn in order to hookshot up to the room that I needed to reach in order to get to the boss room.

And all I bloody needed to do was turn left in the room right before the boss key room to go into another room to press a single switch....


Anyway, at Twinmold finally. About time.
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