Obviously, the Gary Stus are the ones who don't ask to be one. Asking or expecting to be a Gary Stu is already a flaw in itself, thus breaking the whole Gary Stu deal.
My preferred RPG class: I always liked Rogue-like characters/classes, although IRL, I'd be bad for the job. IRL, I'd probably work as a Tank or Healer class. In terms of video games, it's always been varied depending on the ones I enjoy playing, like:
-I enjoyed playing Necromancers on Guild Wars 1 & 2.
-I enjoy using Sword & Shield, Dual Swords and Insect Glaives in Monster Hunter.
-In Phantasy Star Portable 2, I enjoyed using Dual Sabers and Spears.
-In Balder's Gate, my main class that I chose alot for my main story character was Paladin.
-In Final Fantasy Tactics, I loved Monks. In Tactics Advance, it was Blue Mage, Sniper and Assassin. And once again, I'd play an Final Fantasy MMO if they make one based in Ivalice.
-In Fire Emblem Awakening, besides Grandmaster, the class I used alot for Robin was Mercenary/Hero. In Fates, it was Spear Fighter or Ninja.
That's mostly what I can remember for now.