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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
F. I. N. A. L. L. Y!!!

My wife is gone for the whole day leaving me in charge of our daughter and she finally, after being awake since 7 this morning, took a nap. She’s usually two naps a day but not today. A short one in the late morning and a longer one in the afternoon but she skipped her morning nap. And she was particular grumpy since mom was gone.

She also didn’t like the pancakes I made her apparently.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
F. I. N. A. L. L. Y!!!

My wife is gone for the whole day leaving me in charge of our daughter and she finally took a nap. She’s usually two naps a day. A short one in the late morning and a longer one in the afternoon but she skipped her morning nap. And she was particular grumpy since mom was gone so...

She also didn’t like the pancakes I made her apparently.
Of course she didn't.

Waffles are the superior breakfast.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Of course she didn't.

Waffles are the superior breakfast.
They are considered afternoon sweets here in Japan. Tell a Japanese that we eat pancakes and waffles for breakfast and they lose thier ****. Or a comment like “so we (the Japanese) eat rice, salmon, and miso soup every day for breakfast. And Americans eat waffles and pancakes for breakfast...so that’s why they are are so fat.”
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
They are considered afternoon sweets here in Japan. Tell a Japanese that we eat pancakes and waffles for breakfast and they lose thier ****. Or a comment like “so we (the Japanese) eat rice, salmon, and miso soup every day for breakfast. And Americans eat waffles and pancakes for breakfast...so that’s why they are are so fat.”
Fat, but veeeery happy.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I thought it was an unwritten rule that KI gets a new game every 20-25 years lol.
That’s why we need to trick Nintendo and Sakurai into thinking 25 years have passed

Deleted member

Man, I love this guy's vids. Of course he picks up my favorite DLC character for so far. Cooler's awesome in this game.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
It's a crossover, like the big events in the comics where all the characters all get together for a huge thing, or television shows overlapping and joining together for a story arc.

Smooth Criminal


The Surreal Deal
Oct 6, 2018
Flat Zone X
Switch FC
Penroze Penroze Didn't take you long to get Premium :yoshi:
It certainly did not! I mainly did it for the title change and the character post background, but these other quirks are also pretty nice!

And only fifteen dollars a year! What a bargain!

Buy Premium now! It will change your life! I am not an actor or an advertiser! I promise! Buy Premium now!

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
It's a crossover, like the big events in the comics where all the characters all get together for a huge thing, or television shows overlapping and joining together for a story arc.

Smooth Criminal
Comic characters meet and connect with each other so much, to the point where it's usually just a regular story within the universe. Maybe it can be a "crossover", but not on the same level as, say, The Simpsons Guy.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Ironically, I don't even consider Infinity War a crossover.
Then I guess Justice League and Smash Bros aren't crossover either.:troll:

To be real, it is a crossover but just within the MCU, but yeah crossover in a more narrow definition should be two media franchise that have no connection whatsoever intertwined.

This is actually an interesting thing to discuss actually... does two or more different franchises/series that shares the same universe intertwined counts as a crossover?

Now time for some video game rant, before anyone tagging me as a Nintendo fanboy, claiming me white knighting Nintendo, I just want to say... please watch this entire video and give me your thoughts before saying that. Also, I mostly follow the facts rather than just speculations.

Second, Reviewtechusa is one of the Gaming related Youtuber that I enjoy his content, yet I do found some of his opinions I disagree with.

Third, while this is a rant I will try to make it not like an essay, but sorry if it is too long to some people.

Last but not least, any two cents on this video and especially my rant is welcome.

Now, the title of this video can be looked in two ways, one is that Nintendo is trying to be different thus they don't consider MS and Sony their competitors, other, it seems that Nintendo isn't trying to improve their hardware spec wise, which I can see why Reviewtechusa snapped when he heard this from Reggie.

So what are the points that I disagree with Reviewtechusa? Nothing really, I am just mind boggling how Reviewtechusa treats Reggie's quotes way out of context, not to mention Nintendo has never really follow Reviewtechusa's vison for years. Yet, he doesn't seems to understand that... Nintendo never officially consider MS and Sony their competitors, if they are all we get are just three powerful boxy consoles.

Before anyone shares the same opinion with him, we have to see the past Nintendo consoles, you can really say that GC and Wii U proved that a more powerful console and more western third party support doesn't work for Nintendo. GC was powerful console, yet PS2 was selling way better because it had a DVD player and new IPs from third parties like Kingdom Hearts made it sell well.

Moreover, Reviewtechusa doesn't understand that third parties don't give a damn with Wii U BECAUSE it wasn't selling well, thus no matter how hard Nintendo tries to get them back, they just won't care, and with Wii U having droughts and first party games that are just mostly meh... Wii U just failed due to many factors. As for Switch, we basically see the total opposite, it was because Switch came out with strong first and second party games month by month last year (Except November), when it comes to third party games, we only see games like Mario + Rabbid, Skyrim, and DOOM, and only M+R seems the be the only third party game to sell over a million within 2017 and again, that's with Mario on it.

Hell, even Bandai Namco tries to want Switch users to port beg DBFZ back in 2017 summer, but in late 2017 to early 2018, they admit they regret that they didn't foresee Switch's success and then we eventually have DBFZ on Switch this year fall (And the Switch version was actually developed first).

About that Switch rumor, he should know it's just a rumor, and whether it is a more powerful Switch, or just a Switch revision, I don't think it will greatly affect the third party support since Switch already has that in general, I don't think western third party studios like Ubisoft and Activision will suddenly have games on Switch either, but fingers crossed that they will.

So, to sum it up, his last conclusion how Nintendo should get those third parties to put their "AAA" game on the new Switch, I just want to say: Dream on. And I just don't think that not only just Reviewtech, but also anyone goes rampage mode when Nintendo said they don't consider MS and Sony their competitors, because just look at how Switch is being marketed... they never did....

That being said, I want some discussions here, what are your thoughts when Reggie said Nintendo doesn't consider MS and Sony competitors? Should Nintendo be more willingly when it comes to third party support? Especially western third party support?
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
They are considered afternoon sweets here in Japan. Tell a Japanese that we eat pancakes and waffles for breakfast and they lose thier ****. Or a comment like “so we (the Japanese) eat rice, salmon, and miso soup every day for breakfast. And Americans eat waffles and pancakes for breakfast...so that’s why they are are so fat.”
I only really eat Waffle for breakfest is I cant be assed to make eggs

but I will scarf down for fish and rice 100%

im fact" fish is all my sister can eat sometimes


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
They are considered afternoon sweets here in Japan. Tell a Japanese that we eat pancakes and waffles for breakfast and they lose thier ****. Or a comment like “so we (the Japanese) eat rice, salmon, and miso soup every day for breakfast. And Americans eat waffles and pancakes for breakfast...so that’s why they are are so fat.”
In my defense, the last time I had pancakes, it was not for breakfast.

It was for lunch.


And had sausage, bacon, eggs, and gravy-smothered hash browns.

I know I'm just digging that hole but I'm beginning to like it down here.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Man I was gonna say something but I sit down, get on Smashboards and then I forgot what I was gonna say!

Deleted member

My dream was a weird mixture.

School, Stranger Things and Vaanrose's Phantom Mafia.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Have you ever meet a person that, when they eat a salad, they dont eat the salad, they eat the MEAT in the salad and thats it?

that makes as much sense as taking the lettace off of a burger as in no sense at all
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Jun 14, 2015
Unbeknownst to men
Have you ever meet a person that, when they eat a salad, they dont eat the salad, they eat the MEAT in the salad and thats it?

that makes as much sense as taking the lettace off of a burger as in no sense at all
I also see people that just eat the croutons. I sure love eating the bread from my big mac and nothing else.

Deleted member

(note, I just wake up a hour or two, so if some thing don't make as muc sense or lack focus, this is why)

-That's actually a good option, but the problem is that I don't know who I can share those info since that, well, nobody care about what I write since I don't show it.

Still, keeping this point for later.

-Oh no, you don't sound harsh at all (in fact, you pretty chill honestly haha), you are in the right, a writter need criticism to improve as a, well, writter. That's something I understand deeply no matter my fear about it. Plus, tbh, what I did share on this forum was generally meet with positif reaction, which I appreciate, it's just that I don't know how I react when I one day post something stupid or that doesn't make sense and someone get really critical about it, not eating his words to sound nice and just sounding really harsh in the process, to clearify, I don't think it's always a bad thing to be "harsh" about someone else work, especially if it's needed, it's just when it come me, I'm a pretty shy person in general who take insult or even jokes sometime too much to heart instead of to the brain, which is what I writter should get at the end of the day: take it to the brain, not the heart.

So yeah, I agree on that too

-Yet another really good point you made, motivation is really something I lack sometime, since my primar source of it is me just wanting to do something, which usually doesn't help very much.

I don't think writting contest or take a course would help me much tho, mainly for:

1: I write my story in English while I live in a country who primary languageare French & Deutsch, soooo it really couldn't mash well.

2: My ideas are sometime just too weird or complicate , I wouldn't know how to describe them without like a book filled with notes or somethin' while making sure to not get stress out while explaining said ideas, especially if I had to explain to a stranger in front of me.

3: Again, I'm a very emotional person who sometime get offended for pity things that I KNOW I shouldn't get offended, yet, I still do. I try to hide it as best as I can, but sometime, it just cause me long period of feeling depress and just not doing anything at all or worse. I say that because I got a breakdown at my previous work/school, which caused me to quit both due to how bad it was getting at my end.

(btw, I don't know if taking a course would be much better or worse, considering I never went to college due to my problems)

Those 3 points being said, I be much, much more welcoming to share my work on the internet with peoples that are interested. In fact, I be happy to share a draft of my new story with you in private if you have the time or if you want it at all, 'cuz if you say yes, it could make me more motived to advance my project, but the choice is yours, I don't force you anything.
I'd love to read them and help in any way I can, though I'll say I don't have much time for longer stories that are 20 pages or longer. Though I'd be willing to do those as well if they're divided into shorter chapters.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I'd love to read them and help in any way I can, though I'll say I don't have much time for longer stories that are 20 pages or longer. Though I'd be willing to do those as well if they're divided into shorter chapters.
It be like something that describe the plot and it's character in general, the idea for this reboot is still reallyyyyyy vague in general (I did come up with the idea like yesterday after all), so right now, I need to get things like character names, setting, plot point, and all that jazz.

I say that because, since it's really early, they are definitly going to be change once I get more clear ideas, but right now, I feel much more confortable sharing, getting feedback and changing stuff on story I'm still in the dark than say, stories I builded on for years.
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