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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Quick question for those who don't use the US currency: Do you use the word "buck" for money too?

No reason, just curious.

Deleted member

Quick question for those who don't use the US currency: Do you use the word "buck" for money too?

No reason, just curious.
Never in my life. I always use "dollars".

I do not like saying "bucks". It just slightly annoys me.

And I am an American.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Didn't think Mario Party would get match-ups like they are now. Mario Party Tournaments would be the dumbest thing ever and I'm willing to watch it for the salt.
Mario Party meta.....you know, it was only a matter of time when games entirely based on luck got a Meta. What's next? Tier lists based on the heads of coins?


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
The sky is up.

Also Up is a movie about a an old man and a child who want to get to Paradise Falls.
I still really need to see that, especially when I told myself this years ago to see the movie.

Nice to hear. I'm pretty content with what my day turned out; catching up on a few shows in Netflix, picking up an anime today, getting recommendations on which manga to go hit up and currently chilling with the Terra fans on Discord.

Deleted member

I still really need to see that, especially when I told myself this years ago to see the movie.

Nice to hear. I'm pretty content with what my day turned out; catching up on a few shows in Netflix, picking up an anime today, getting recommendations on which manga to go hit up and currently chilling with the Terra fans on Discord.
That sounds fun!
I did not do much besides some Minecraft stuff and Stranger Things.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
We have silhouettes my dudes

We have a witch and Camilla dabbing
I wouldn't call Camilla just yet, even if she did have a Halloween costume in Fates. Just because the horn silhouettes looks like Camilla's headpiece doesn't mean it's Camilla, especially as we had Dracula Henry and Frankenstein Jakob last year, so we can easily have somebody with the classic devil horns.


Sep 12, 2014
I wouldn't call Camilla just yet, even if she did have a Halloween costume in Fates. Just because the horn silhouettes looks like Camilla's headpiece doesn't mean it's Camilla, especially as we had Dracula Henry and Frankenstein Jakob last year, so we can easily have somebody with the classic devil horns.
Camilla prints the money tho.

Deleted member

I am really excited for the next Legendary Banner, because that means I hopefully have another shot of Legendary Tiki and Legendary Hector.

In before unit is more broken.

Deleted member

There was a problem fetching the tweet
I thought "Curious Kids" said "Chorus Kids".

Also I found this in my folder.
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If I can be more precise, I'm more a "character building" (if that term even exist) kind og guy than "world building", in both cases tho, while I have the big lines more or less on paper, the more precise details are really up whatever if I like can expand or not on the idea or if I see something that catch my eyes and make me want to incorpate in my work. (Which, due to me being waaaaaaay too easy to fall into this trap of adding more, it cause me to play/watch less media so that I get less ideas)

Really tho, I'm scare of three things:

1) if me sharing my work here is a good idea or not since it could reveal some major plot details about my work that, if found later in the future, could ruin the surprise and will of the audiance to read my story.

2) The feedback I got, don't get me wrong, I believe a writter need to get feedback and critisicsm to improve it's story, but as someone who is really easy to "trigger" and already question himself alot day to day basis, I don't know if I could handle what some peopels who are pretty strict could say about my work. (if they are interested at all)

and the best for last:

3) If all the thing I say right now about my behavior and way of writting is me knowing my brain limits and thus not breaking them? Or I am being a lazy piece of **** who is just trying to find excuse to not write a full more or less long story and instead would prefer to write notes for said story for the rest of his life?

The third point is what really make me question everything about what I do, I wouldn't say it make me loss night or somethin'. but it certainly doesn't help my already low self-esteem.
Apologies for late replies.

1-I can understand that, it's a personal concern of mine actually, but you can either: share it privately, or share it in a Doc and delete it later so the only ones who'd have access to it are the ones who were here at the time.

2-I know this may sound harsh but as my professor said: "a writer needs to know how to take criticism". You really can't move forward as one without receiving it. I also share the same issue and get really anxious when someone reads my stuff but most of time, as it turns out, people usually have more good things to say about a story than bad things.

3-All writers are lazy, we'd all just rather have a machine implanted onto our brains that can transcribe our thoughts into paper. I think what you need to get onto writing it is some sort of motivation, I didn't actually write until I started having classes despite always wanting to. Get into a writing contest or take a course, if you have something that MAKES you write, then you WILL write and that will help with the motivation you need to write longer things and that "dream project" everyone has.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Inb4 the right is witch Clair/Sonya
I've actually been thinking the next non Fateswakening game that will be featured for seasonal alts is SoV, as SoV is one of the few Fateswakening games in which it didn't get featured in a seasonal banner yet (the others being the Jugdral games and Path of Radiance). Considering one of the Tellius games just got the Seasonal treatment in the Hoshidan summer, I think it'll be narrowed down to either one of the Judgral games or SoV, and I have a strong feeling it'll be the latter considering SoV's popularity.

Clair and Sonya seem like very reasonable picks for this banner consider how popular they are from the game. In fact, I think they're the most likely to get seasonals for this banner. As for the dudes should IS decide on them instead? Saber is popular, and I think he'd look fitting in a pirate costume.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
What the **** lol UFC turned into a Monday Night RAW main event.
****! I forgot tonight was Khabib vs McMeme

brb checking ****show

EDIT: Im sports entretained now
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Apologies for late replies.

1-I can understand that, it's a personal concern of mine actually, but you can either: share it privately, or share it in a Doc and delete it later so the only ones who'd have access to it are the ones who were here at the time.

2-I know this may sound harsh but as my professor said: "a writer needs to know how to take criticism". You really can't move forward as one without receiving it. I also share the same issue and get really anxious when someone reads my stuff but most of time, as it turns out, people usually have more good things to say about a story than bad things.

3-All writers are lazy, we'd all just rather have a machine implanted onto our brains that can transcribe our thoughts into paper. I think what you need to get onto writing it is some sort of motivation, I didn't actually write until I started having classes despite always wanting to. Get into a writing contest or take a course, if you have something that MAKES you write, then you WILL write and that will help with the motivation you need to write longer things and that "dream project" everyone has.
(note, I just wake up a hour or two, so if some thing don't make as muc sense or lack focus, this is why)

-That's actually a good option, but the problem is that I don't know who I can share those info since that, well, nobody care about what I write since I don't show it.

Still, keeping this point for later.

-Oh no, you don't sound harsh at all (in fact, you pretty chill honestly haha), you are in the right, a writter need criticism to improve as a, well, writter. That's something I understand deeply no matter my fear about it. Plus, tbh, what I did share on this forum was generally meet with positif reaction, which I appreciate, it's just that I don't know how I react when I one day post something stupid or that doesn't make sense and someone get really critical about it, not eating his words to sound nice and just sounding really harsh in the process, to clearify, I don't think it's always a bad thing to be "harsh" about someone else work, especially if it's needed, it's just when it come me, I'm a pretty shy person in general who take insult or even jokes sometime too much to heart instead of to the brain, which is what I writter should get at the end of the day: take it to the brain, not the heart.

So yeah, I agree on that too

-Yet another really good point you made, motivation is really something I lack sometime, since my primar source of it is me just wanting to do something, which usually doesn't help very much.

I don't think writting contest or take a course would help me much tho, mainly for:

1: I write my story in English while I live in a country who primary languageare French & Deutsch, soooo it really couldn't mash well.

2: My ideas are sometime just too weird or complicate , I wouldn't know how to describe them without like a book filled with notes or somethin' while making sure to not get stress out while explaining said ideas, especially if I had to explain to a stranger in front of me.

3: Again, I'm a very emotional person who sometime get offended for pity things that I KNOW I shouldn't get offended, yet, I still do. I try to hide it as best as I can, but sometime, it just cause me long period of feeling depress and just not doing anything at all or worse. I say that because I got a breakdown at my previous work/school, which caused me to quit both due to how bad it was getting at my end.

(btw, I don't know if taking a course would be much better or worse, considering I never went to college due to my problems)

Those 3 points being said, I be much, much more welcoming to share my work on the internet with peoples that are interested. In fact, I be happy to share a draft of my new story with you in private if you have the time or if you want it at all, 'cuz if you say yes, it could make me more motived to advance my project, but the choice is yours, I don't force you anything.
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