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Sep 12, 2014
Am I the only one that's ok with the idea of MvCI having less characters than MvC3?

They've said repeatedly that the roster is story-based and the game itself feels more like a reboot of the whole Marvel vs. Capcom concept than a "sequel".
I don't mind the roster having less, it's just that the current roster is bland as **** and there's only a handful of newcomers while the rest are just reused assets from 3.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
My main issue with MvC:I's leaked roster is that it feels completely lacking because outside of Gamora and Ant-Man? It doesn't reflect that times have changed for EITHER company.

Where are the newcomers who were created since UMVC3?

I'm talking the Jack Bakers, the Rashids, the Kamala Khans, the Gwenpools.

Where are they?

This just feels incomplete.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
My main issue with MvC:I's leaked roster is that it feels completely lacking because outside of Gamora and Ant-Man? It doesn't reflect that times have changed for EITHER company.

Where are the newcomers who were created since UMVC3?

I'm talking the Jack Bakers, the Rashids, the Kamala Khans, the Gwenpools.

Where are they?

This just feels incomplete.
Well I mean...

Monster Hunter's huge success is being reflected as it becomes bigger in the west.

And uh....

****, you're right.

Deleted member

The fact people are even using MvC3 as a comparison means they are missing the point on what this game is supposed to be.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I do believe they mean somewhat emulate the relationship system that has made FE what it has become, even if the two wouldn't be identical.

Once they figure out how to make COs hook up we'll probs get another AW. :3

Because only Miyamoto is allowed to pet Peach's face. Not us troglodytes.
We can pet Peach's face in 3D World though.

And in sort of in Super Princess Peach.

Forsyth ended up pretty decent for me as well, actually. Not a crit machine or anything, but for what he is, an armour knight, he did that job well. He outdid Lukas in everything except defence, but he was only two points behind, which is easily fixed with a shield. Actually being able to double the occasional enemy while taking only 1 damage came in pretty handy. All my knights did well, actually; Celica was never getting anywhere near the tower of Duma without Valbar on her side.

Not sure if it counts exactly, but I never see anyone recommend to make Tobin a mercenary, and Gray an archer, and yet for me, that combination just about broke the game in half. I never do any grinding at all, and yet Tobin still fought enough battles to be able to do the Dread Fighter > Villager loop by about halfway through Act 4. Gray with the Parthia was excellent, as well.

Clive, Python, and Atlas remained terrible, though. Clair had a rough time, too; even in her traditional strong suit of speed, she lost pretty badly to Catria and Est.

As for the opposite question, of units everyone says are great but turned out bad for me? Not a single mercenary on Celica's party proved to be worth a damn for me. Even the mighty Saber was reduced to a mere bench-warmer by Act 4. He got exactly 0 strength growths in the entire game; even trying to feed him kills just to drag him up to Dread Fighter just wasn't working. Kamui fared a little better, but still not good enough. Ultimately I didn't really mind, units like Leon and Mae were more than able to carry the extra weight, so I still ended up finding the game relatively easy even without a Dread Fighter to handle all the mages Celica has to face later on.
I actually got really unlucky with Saber in the latter part of the game as well. He got nothing but HP growths for a good while.

I did manage to make a man out of Python and Atlas though. Just forged my Killer Bow for Atlas today.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC

This is also why a port is preferred over a new game; I don't understand why people would favor a new game as is when Smash 4 is in a good spot.
Smash 4 could do a lot more tbh.

I really wouldn't mind the next game slashing the roster in half if it lead to more interesting gameplay. They could add more characters after.

Deleted member

Smash 4 could do a lot more tbh.

I really wouldn't mind the next game slashing the roster in half if it lead to more interesting gameplay. They could add more characters after.
The thing is though that Smash is a franchise that thrives off simplicity, there's no point in cutting the roster for the sake of "more interesting gameplay".

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
The thing is though that Smash is a franchise that thrives off simplicity, there's no point in cutting the roster for the sake of "more interesting gameplay".
The game could still be "simple" while being more interesting. Project M/Melee does that just fine.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I'm just glad I'm not the only one who had their Saber turn out horrible in Echoes. :p

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
The only complaint I have with my Saber is that he could use more strength. Seems to have invested all of his stat points in speed, kind of reliant on crits to do damage.

Deleted member

Lol, my Saber is literally the best unit on Celica's side
Tank and dodge for days, he got more lucky with levels after promotion
He really doesn't need to trigger any Spd growths thanks to Myrmidon bases, just hope for Atk and Def and he's good to go
Seriously, I think he could solo most maps from now on, I know he could have had dome it in the Desert Fortress

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Deleted member

The game could still be "simple" while being more interesting. Project M/Melee does that just fine.
You don't really need to cut most of the roster to change the physics of the game. That's something you're going to work on and tweak regardless of whether or not the roster is cut.(Otherwise they wouldn't change game to game.) Melee especially isn't that great of an example as it's not all that balanced and it was a big jump from the original in roster size.

One of the only reasons why I'd think they'd need to cut the roster by so much is if they were to give characters much greater detail.


Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
Well, consindering its been beaten to death that its fake, it's still nice to definitively say the leak is fake just to let most people know.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
You don't really need to cut most of the roster to change the physics of the game. That's something you're going to work on and tweak regardless of whether or not the roster is cut.(Otherwise they wouldn't change game to game.) Melee especially isn't that great of an example as it's not all that balanced and it was a big jump from the original in roster size.

One of the only reasons why I'd think they'd need to cut the roster by so much is if they were to give characters much greater detail.
I'm saying I wouldn't mind it, not that I want them to.

Cutting the roster isn't even guaranteed to make for more interesting gameplay. I'm saying that if it did though, I wouldn't mind.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
i always get confused when people refer to project m as a gae as oppsoed to what it is a mod, a very extensive mod mind you but a mod none the less

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
i always get confused when people refer to project m as a gae as oppsoed to what it is a mod, a very extensive mod mind you but a mod none the less
Because it's differentiates itself so much from the source, that it may as well be a different game. There's been sequels that had less changes than PM did from Brawl

edit: one could argue that all games are mods
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Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2015
So it turns out there is good news today, there's a new Miracle Of Sound song:

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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
Because it's differentiates itself so much from the source, that it may as well be a different game. There's been sequels that had less changes than PM did from Brawl
still a mod and not a game by the very definition of what it is calling it a game no matter what you feel is wrong


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
What makes a game different from a mod?
you mean aside from the fact they litteraly MODDED brawl to make project M? becaus if i have to explain further why a MODDED version of brawl is infact not its own game but infact a mod then im just going to end this convo right here
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
The whole roster (bar one Capcom character) leaked.


RIP Venom and Wesker

He's not sure on Frank West but he's included anyway

I was definitely not expecting a big roster, especially with the 2v2 system and the fact that they wanted to reboot the gameplay. That being said, I feel pretty okay with this roster. And no, it's not just because Monster Hunter in on there.

-Looking at this Capcom roster and MvC3's starting Capcom roster, both their starting rosters have 10 franchises represented. However, MvC3's starting Capcom roster has 18 characters. MvCI's starting Capcom roster has 13 characters revealed. Even with less characters, MvCI has just as many Capcom franchises represented as vanilla Marvel vs Capcom 3.
Heck, if that 14th Capcom character is Frank West as hinted by the guy, then there are actually 11 franchises that are represented. 11 franchises represented with 14 characters while vanilla MvC3 only had 10 franchises with 18 characters. Despite the smaller roster, there is a lot of diversity among the franchises. And if there's one thing I like about crossover games, it's diversity.

-Now, let's look at the 3 newcomers. X, Jedah and Monster Hunter:
1: X is already one of the biggest highlights because of MvC3 and UMvC3 having no Megaman. And this Megaman was the most wanted character on the MvC3 polls. So X's appearance is certainly not small or unwanted.
2: Monster Hunter is another big one. After the rising popularity of Monster Hunter in the West after Freedom and 3 and with it's already huge pedestal in Japan, Monster Hunter was definitely asking for a rep in a later vs.Capcom title. So just like X, Monster Hunter is no small fry choice. Not to mention that Monster Hunter's appearance continues the trend of a new Vs. Capcom game adding at least one new franchise to the series.
3: I applaud Jedah if he's in. I applaud once if they actually found a way to make him work in a friendly way compared to his gory moves in Darkstalkers. Than I applaud them again for bringing a male Darkstalker after choosing only female Darkstalkers for MvC3 and not bringing even the most wanted Darkstalker, Jon Talbain, to it. Than I applaud them a third time as Jedah has an incredible and unique design. He's definitely diverse in terms of character designs and aesthetics.

-The last thing is the diversity in character designs. MvC3 and UMvC3 had alot, ALOT, of realistic human designs. Even with oddballs like Viewtiful Joe, the Megaman characters, the Ghost'n'Goblins characters and Amaterasu. In MvCI, this is not as prevalent. I'm not against realistic human characters, but I felt that there was a lack of artistic style in the characters besides the likes of Arthur, Phoenix Wright, the Megaman characters, Amaterasu, etc.

I don't know what exactly is the true reason, but I think this roster seems rather okay. That being said, I do want to wait on the DLC characters before making a full judgement.
So I just beat the new Paralogue maps in FE: Heroes.

Remember when y'all were talking about Bride!Cordelia's Level 40 quote last night? Well, if you enjoyed that, wait until you see what Bride!Caeda said at the very end of the Paralogue:

Caeda, I thought you have Marth!
Didn't she talk to Anna about the bouquet, about needing somebody, than mention that quote? I don't know how fast I skipped it, but I thought Caeda said something about Anna needing the bouquet for somebody and that she was talking about partnering Anna with Kiran or something to that degree. :confused:
Well, either way, still good material for taking quotes out of context. Not to mention the best part was finding out "Commander" Anna is not so different from her siblings.
The Capcom side is weeeaaaak. Too many characters from the same franchise, and even then, were Firebrand and Nemesis REALLY the best picks? At least do Wesker instead.

I whole heartery approve of Monster Hunter though. And besides the lack of non Cinematic universe characters the Marvel side is okay.
I will miss Wolverine, Doctor Doom and Magneto. But I thought Firebrand and Nemesis were good choices in terms of diversity. But that aside, I also approve of the Monster Hunter. Now that s/he's in, now I just need a Breath of Fire character in.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
you mean aside from the fact they litteraly MODDED brawl to make project M? becaus if i have to explain further why a MODDED version of brawl is infact not its own game but infact a mod then im just going to end this convo right here
People treat it as its own game because it plays like its own. Technically it's not. Not that it matters. Plays differently, has a different roster, all that matters really.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
you mean aside from the fact they litteraly MODDED brawl to make project M? becaus if i have to explain further why a MODDED version of brawl is infact not its own game but infact a mod then im just going to end this convo right here
So, using your logic, a game like Fallout New Vegas is just a mod of Fallout 3, or DayZ is just a mod of ARMA2. After all, they're just taking the base game and making something out of it. Sure they don't need the base game to still run, but without the previous game they wouldn't have a basis.

It's not wrong to treat Project M as a game even if it required modification of Brawl to exist. The fact that it differentiates so much from the original is why people deem it a separate entity.

No one calls Call of Duty a mod, and that's been running off of the Quake 3 engine for over a decade


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
All this talk of a Smash reboot reminds me of when Smash 4's base roster was revealed and people were saying they wanted Sakurai to step down as director.

I felt the risk wasn't worth the potential reward back then, and I stand by that opinion. I'd also rather they just port Smash 4 to Switch instead of making a new one. I wouldn't even mind a straight-up port with no additional content (Just all the DLC included).

Whatever you say, Combofiend cmonBruh

Given that Marvel's comic book sales are in the gutter, I can't say I blame them for going for safe picks from the movies instead of the highly polarizing new/legacy characters that have popped up.

Not that I'm defending the game's roster, because good lord is it bad.

you mean aside from the fact they litteraly MODDED brawl to make project M? becaus if i have to explain further why a MODDED version of brawl is infact not its own game but infact a mod then im just going to end this convo right here
PM is a mod, yes.

But the drastic changes in mechanics, moves, and properties are drastic enough to that it might as well be considered its own thing.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Man I just rewatched Kirby vs Buu I can't believe that sparked such a big controversy in the DBZ fanbase
Give it two weeks.
They'll be ******** about Captain Marvel vs Android 18.

Because they're mad that lost to Kirby and Superman.
Throw in Doomsday as well.

The roster won't be disappointing guys, we can add X-Men and FF characters with no problem.
"The roster won't be disappointingly low in number"


Deleted member

It's not wrong to treat Project M as a game even if it required modification of Brawl to exist. The fact that it differentiates so much from the original is why people deem it a separate entity.
And yet most of the aspects and content are directly from brawl. The games you listed aren't good comparisons, they may use the same system, but they change most of their aspects and content to where it's a completely different game.

It does make sense to treat Project M like a separate entity from Brawl due to how differently it plays. But it makes more sense to call it what it is, a mod of brawl, rather than a completely different game.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I just caught up with Steven Universe after missing the special last night.

I did not see that reveal about Pink Diamond coming.

Also, we basically learned how Lion came to be....well, Lion. It's sweet yet frightening to think about it at the same time. Lars is growing as a character at long last, too, which is great.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
So, using your logic, a game like Fallout New Vegas is just a mod of Fallout 3, or DayZ is just a mod of ARMA2. After all, they're just taking the base game and making something out of it. Sure they don't need the base game to still run, but without the previous game they wouldn't have a basis.

It's not wrong to treat Project M as a game even if it required modification of Brawl to exist. The fact that it differentiates so much from the original is why people deem it a separate entity.

No one calls Call of Duty a mod, and that's been running off of the Quake 3 engine for over a decade
1 having seen skyrim mods that basically add in enough content that couldwarrant be sold as a"new vegas" to skyrim, ya kinda (falskar if your itnrested in looking into ti its a pretty rad mod)
2 Dayz is actually an arma2 mod that was later made into a game but the mod still gets updates, not gonna lie it was a bad move using this when your example actually is a proven thing that exists
3 you lost the plot here completely with call of duty the reason no one calls call of duty a quake 3 mod is because its actually a diffrent game because game engines are re uesed for multiple games example the new assasins creed and the Mario+rabbis game both on the same engine


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Smash Reboot idea is the stupidest thing ever.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
1 having seen skyrim mods that basically add in enough content that couldwarrant be sold as a"new vegas" to skyrim, ya kinda (falskar if your itnrested in looking into ti its a pretty rad mod)
2 Dayz is actually an arma2 mod that was later made into a game but the mod still gets updates, not gonna lie it was a bad move using this when your example actually is a proven thing that exists
3 you lost the plot here completely with call of duty the reason no one calls call of duty a quake 3 mod is because its actually a diffrent game because game engines are re uesed for multiple games example the new assasins creed and the Mario+rabbis game both on the same engine
There's nothing wrong with people treating Project M as its own thing, accuracy be damned. It's not worth going crazy over.

Well, consindering its been beaten to death that its fake, it's still nice to definitively say the leak is fake just to let most people know.
Post it in the Smash Speculation forum too, please. :)
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