We weren't having a go at you for having 'an unpopular opinion' but because you had an unhealthy obsession with ZeRo's sex life and called people who didn't want to **** eachother silly messed up in the head. How did you not get that? Not to mention if you lurked, you'd have seen sex talk on this thread before. There's being censored, and there's having a victim complex. I think it's clear which one of the two you have as other 'unpopular opinions' weren't 'censored' i.e. when I show distaste for Splatoon
Well, if you wanna discuss asexuality in a cordial manner, we can take it to PM. Not in a mood for a ****storm right now, I already had my fun already making judgmental orbiters on 4chan feel insecure.
2nd, actually, I spoke with a bunch of asexuals after our discussion, and I asked them a lot of questions because I was genuinely curious. I also did a bunch of research. Turns out I was right, asexuality is in fact considered to be a mental illness by the scientific community and psychologists, as is transexuality too, and many people who identify as these things, the more rational ones at least, will admit what is and what isn't fact.
However, it being considered a mental illness is NO REASON, to disriminate against people who identify as either one of those things, because in fact, you shouldn't be discriminating against the mentally ill in the first place.
Suggesting that it's wrong to label those two as mental illnesses because it's discriminatory implies that it's ok to discriminate against people with mental illness because they're "messed up in the head."
I could claim offense to that because I have plenty of people dear to me who are SERIOUSLY "messed up in the head" and they have to live a life of constant prejudice because society still says it's ok to discriminate against those sorts of people. But I know you meant no harm by it and simply weren't fully aware of that, but you get the idea.
Now, there are more nuances to this that I'd be more than glad to elaborate and explain over PM, since these topics tend to cause problems around here
And no, what I stated above isn't "unpopular opinion" it's scientific fact, see Hypocrates. Unpopular opinion would be my "Steve and Chad" analogy. It's correct, but it IS a different value system with exceptions.
As for ZeRo, I actually don't care. Those who know me better knew I was just using that as a means to start ranting about Pick Up like I always do. I have an unhealthy obsession with talking about sex in general.
I'm just a horny guy, but I make up for it by being cute, charming, and funny.
Ahh, and for the victim complex, I come and go from this place all the time. My departures are usually dramatic too, ask everyone else. Actually, the reason I'm up in a tissy about censorship isn't so much about this place, which has always been more "family friendly."
Actually, the reason I'm really bothered by it is because I preordered both Project Zero, and Xenoblade X, and recently discovered that I'm getting cucked by the SJWs over at NoA and their puritan values, because they deemed a bikini "problematic" on an M FOR MATURE GAME. Censorship is never ok. It wasn't ok when 4kids butchered One Piece, and it's not ok when Nintendo starts telling me what I'm allowed to view or not. People imposing their values on others is literally draconian. Even if I didn't initially care about that content, it actually really bothers me now on a matter of principle. If I ever decide I want to watch the jiggle physics on the girl's ass while playing Project Zero, I guess I have to import the Japanese version, oh but wait, I can't, Nintendo consoles are region locked.... Thhhhanks SJWs. And don't even get me started on FE Fates.
I guess I can't enjoy sexy things these days because that's problematic. Oh but violence is ok. We live in a world where it's wrong to show sex an act of love, but perfectly fine to depite acts of brutal violence and war. Yeah.
Anyway, /rant
And what's with not liking Splatoon, that and Monster Hunter are the only good games on the WiiU, everything else in incredibly mediocre. Maybe YOU'RE the one messed up in the head.