That never really crossed my mind up until this point, but I definitely agree. It's pretty obvious they're padding out the wait for Zelda Wii U, and this includes Triforce Heroes.They should remake Sunshine instead. It would look all purty and shiny with the Wii U graphics, the system could use another 3D Platformer, Sunshine needs more love, Mario hasn't been remade nearly as much as Zelda as of late, there are a lot more Mario amiibos for potential compatibility (unless they make more Zelda amiibos... which they probably will eventually) and they can tie in Sunshine stuff with Splatoon promotion cause everyone already wants that.
Sunshine definitely could use an HD re-release, beyond Splatoon content though, I think it'd be a great chance to fix some of the glitches and camera issues that made the game unbearable at times (though not as much as 64 IMO).
I'd also like to give a shout out to F-Zero GX getting a HD re-release. If Miyamoto is out of ideas anyway just update the graphics, add online play, and allow Amiibo support (Falcon unlocks the AX tracks?).
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