Its time for: Rate their chances!
King K.Rool
Shovel Knight
I think we will get 4 OR 6 more characters. And these 5 characters have the most chances in my opinion. What do you think? Please tell me how high do you think their chances are.
Their chances to get in depend a lot in the number of DLC characters we'll get in the end, but right off the bat, I'd say:
King K.Rool - 30% Quite possibly the ballot winner, and DK is a really big series. Him or Dixie seem very likely to me.
Inklings - 40% Powerful new IP, the last rumor really suits them. They'll get in eventually, if not in this game in Smash 5.
Wolf - 30% I agree almost 100% with PushDustin's article in Source Gaming. His options decrease as each day passes. But still a solid option, he could come as the same time SF Zero gets released.
Shovel Knight - Without taking into account the rumor that has been haunting us for the last months, I'd say almost no chance at all (0-5%). If the rumor finally turns out to be true, then he'll make it xD
Isaac - 15% I'd love to play him, but gotta keep things realistic, his chance depends a lot on the number of characters that get in. From 4 characters onwards he should make it. If we're talking about 3 characters or less, he has it quite rough.
Those are my 50 cents