Smash Lord
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- Dec 23, 2013
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I bolded/underlined my responses
And as stated, if you find it justfiable, why bring it up as an example of a "unnecessary nerf"?
Because it wasnt necessary. Example: I may ubnderstand why the price of something is raised, but it doesnt mean that it was necessary to raise
Except the very lenient shieldstun was one of the most criticized aspects of the game. While I do think people exaggerated the strengths of Smash 4 shields and people get information flatout wrong about them (I've lost count of how many times I seen people say Smash 4 shields regenerate too fast when they regenerate slower than Melee and Brawl shields), they were still really powerful and made most moves unsafe. An increase to shieldstun improves move safety across the board and help tune the game towards more offensive, which is ultimately better for Smash 4's competitive health. We'll have yet to see how it truly affects balance and we can only theorycraft that for now (I personally think it'll be better overall as the slower heavier-hitting characters will get a bigger net benefit, than the already faster more mobile characters who were generally safe already), but the engine change will be for the better regardless.
Thanks. This is much more or less what I was looking for. I actually didnt know so many people were complaining about shield stun. I remember people saying that normal stun didnt last long enough, but not shield stun. Now that change makes much more sense. That said, it never bothered me, but I play Ness so having low shield stun means I can throw you faster. Theoretically it's also a nerf to shield throws, but like you said, it's all theory fighter.
While most of the stuff is on there, the patch notes won't be entirely completed on there after just a day, there are things that get overlooked or isn't shown/apparent in the datamined data. Keep that in mind for future reference (though anyone claiming a non-easily measurable claim not corroborated in the patch notes without hard evidence is 99% likely to be bull****).
Fair enough. I did assume that they did enough testing or at least a more thorough job of compiling information. I'll take that L
Except you didn't say anything about the shield stun in the first place, but just the shield damage reductions, so I addressed those. But moot point now, as I just explained the shield stun increase previously in this post.
My question was why so many changes were made. You answered by saying that the changes were due to a change. :\ But, yeah, you did address it further up.
Explained shield stun and why it's a very positive change, and the slight air dodge/back roll nerfs tie into the greater offensive-tuning point (air dodge especially, as they're the biggest reason offstage is so safe most of the time), while the shield damage changes are completely negligible and won't make any real practical difference compared to last version, so there's nothing there to care about with them.
Personally, I dont think air-dodges were as bad as people made it out to be. They can and will be baited by good players. And since most of the characters I play have terrible recovery (Ness, Mac) I generally stayed closer to the stage and didnt worry much about off stage. That may be one of the reasons I never saw it as a problem.
Arguing about post intent is useless, but that is how your post came off, just like how you may find my posts rude but I have no such intent with them. Regardless, if it was just a "passing thought", it's not any less viable to being questioned.
Arguing intent isnt useless as it sometimes helps people understand the purpose and tone of posts more quickly. If you hadnt said that you never meant to be rude I would never have known and if I hadnt brought up rudeness you'd never know that you came off that way (at least to me). And I do apologize if rudeness wasnt your intent, but some of the phrases you used can easily come off as rude. That said, I never said I couldnt be questioned. Everything and everyone can be questioned. I just want to be questioned politely. If I'm wrong I'm wrong and I'll admit it. If I'm right I don't rub it in.
Annndddd I brought up Luigi there as the only example of a direct nerf in the patch, to show why I found the claims of "unnecessary nerfs" to be unfounded to begin with.
Well I never said that ALL of the changes were unnecessary, just that there were some, so I dont see how you came to that conclusion. I mean I hate Burger King because I think most of their sandwiches suck. Them having one good burger wont change that lol
So YCG is still making arguably ambiguous tweets and people are making stage predictions. Is it safe to assume nothing off note happened