Ugh can we just talk about Avatar now? So many good things. LikeMelon LordToph. One of my favorite characters ever. Plenty of character development for pretty much everyone. "The Beach" and Sokka the swordsman. Hell even the animals got development like in appa's lost days.
Also Tales of Ba Sing Se. All of it.
♪~Leaves from the Vine~♪
Am I the only one here whose favorite character was the great and all mighty Iroh?All. My. Respect. Period.
Toph was, and still is my favorite character of that show.
And for Legend of Korra, the show was good for a sequel to the greatest thing ever with to much emphasis on love and negligence from Nick. That Varrick thought...
Also, M.Night Shaymalan want to do a sequel to an unexisting Avatar movie. This can only go wrong.
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