The big problem with Federation Force is the timing. Compare it to Metroid Prime Pinball, an even more off-the-wall spin-off that no one really cared about. Why? Because that one came out when the main series was still kicking. FF is happening when fans are unsure of the series future due to a hiatus after the series' worst game.
To add on to this, they actually did plan a 3DS
Metroid game, but it was cancelled.
So the fact this game is on the 3DS makes it even more jarring for
Metroid fans. Kinda like how
AC fans were let down that the filler
Animal Crossing party game was the "Wii U
Animal Crossing" they were waiting on.
My issue with Federation Force is that it uses the
Metroid Prime name. Why not just
IMO, it's kinda like having a game called
Twilight Princess 2 look like
The Wind Waker.
If it's going to have that name, it should at least look the part.
Metroid Prime is as far from cartoony as you could get. Which leads me to believe that this wasn't always a
Metroid game.
Whether or not it's a good game, that's not a bright idea consider where
Metroid was left off. (the baby...)
EDIT: Please nobody berate me for siding with the popular opinion of not wanting this game to be.