I think it's more of this:
"We want to wipe the taste of crap out of our mouth after Other M and we want it now"
It's was never about being patient it's about the fact that Metroid fans never experienced a bad game like Other M before and don't want to believe their Franchise is dead.
Fans have even a worst situation of waiting on a good game. Silent Hill fans are gonna keep waiting for their good game they haven't experienced since SH3 (or in some cases 4), Star Fox fans are worst considering majority of them haven't gotten their good game since 64 and even other franchises went through worst (hint hint
Metroid act like victims so much that they forget they're spoiled as ****. Nintendo cares so much that they would rather TAKE THEIR TIME AND MAKE BETTER GAMES than push out bull**** like its Mario and Pokemon. That franchise still gets a lot of recognition, merchandise and support.
I love Metroid but I don't want the series to become the equivalent of *** Creed where games get pumped out the wazoo because they wanna forget Other M that badly.