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Niagara Thread



Aren't you supposed to be studying and doing homework?o_O ;)
Augh, I know, I know, but it's so hard! I've been working for hours! Man, all this work is such a drag. I guess I'll go continue doing it.

P.S. Jebote Dzenane lol.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
LOL i ja volim tebe ;) hahaha. Samose zebavam ^_^.

Nahh studying is for idiots....<_<....>_>

P.S ako oces da dodes imace nas 10 i samo cemo igrat. samo nas 3 ima dobri svi drugi ti mos pobjedit. Dodi?


LOL i ja volim tebe ;) hahaha. Samose zebavam ^_^.

Nahh studying is for idiots....<_<....>_>

P.S ako oces da dodes imace nas 10 i samo cemo igrat. samo nas 3 ima dobri svi drugi ti mos pobjedit. Dodi?
Ahhhh, zasto si mi to spomenio! Sada mi se stvarno ide.. Hajde dobro, probacu, ali stvarno ne mislim da cu moci doci. I koga ti to zoves idiot? Nemoj da te izudaram =P
Gah! You guys sound so cryptic. It's pretty cool actually.
Hehehe, hvala.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
I can't help with this because you guys are a different area and I can't really say much. I can say if anyone steals something from gta they get a beating.... and I mean that literally.


Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2007
hey, just posting with my buddys account (say4ct here) my account got banned... The reason why, I'll never know. Anyway, Corey, your just mad because no one would give you mikes email. Koka and me didn't want to give it because it's weird to give someone elses personal email. I told you that you could come, no one was keeping you from showing up at nikos. I told you, show up at 9 with like 5 bucks and you could come. You didn't need his email. And you freak out on me, even though I told you it was ok to come? Your like a child. You whine and complain when you don't get everything your way. Oh yeah, I didn't take anything and you know it. Cody knows it. Julian knows it. The only reason your saying that is because you have nothing else on me and to get other people to dislike me because you don't like me BECAUSE I wouldn't give you an email address? Do You really have nothing better to do? Come on now. Grow up.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
Alright...both sides of the story seem nice.... Settle it with a MM or something... easiest way <__<. As long as you don't spam the boards with arguements or settle it on msn.


Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2007
Alright...both sides of the story seem nice.... Settle it with a MM or something... easiest way <__<. As long as you don't spam the boards with arguements or settle it on msn.
I never had a problem with him. He just got mad because I didn't want to give him mikes email. Whatever. Oh, I would. I would love to settle it. But I kinda can't since he won't unblock me and is being a child about it.

(BTW any idea why my account was banned? And will i get it back? What's the 6 points thing next to my name? O_o)


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Aye, I think your account is gone in general. What the **** did you do? Post up links to some hot porn? LOLLLL.

Guys, throw away the drama. Take this from me. Less blabbering of nonsense, and more practicing/researching your characters. ]: I love you guys way too much to see you fall apart to some silly drama.

Work it out like mature people, and **** at the game. If you cant do that, then hate each other to the point that you want to get better than them and ****in' 4 stock them. If you're a Falcon main you 4 stock them and Sacred Combo them, if you're like a... Peach main you can like, pick up a bomb, whip it at them. If they survive, pick up another bomb and whip it at them.

Wait.. whats that? Only I can get 2 straight bombs? Oh..

Work it out boys. Work it out.


Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2007
I didn't do anything! It just got banned! I never posted anything innapropriate >_> Am I gonna get it back? What does the 6 points thing stand for? And I'd like to meet him half way but he kinda has to meet me half way too. Going on MSN would help a bunch.

Anyway, practice today anyone? (im free all day cuz im stuck at home lol)


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
John, Your a fukken moron, I'll never be your friend again, the whole mike's email thing is a blatent lie, I never really got mad over that, I knew you wouldnt give it to me, thats why i asked for it. Frankly, it be ******** to delete you off of msn for no apparent reason, I just found a fun way to do it that made myself amused ;)

But yea, john, you have no friends

EDIT : This is my last post on this matter as i am not risking a ban.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
It's actually depressing to have to read everyone elses problems in a Regional Smash Thread...Take it to the PM box or MSN. This is just not the place for it and it warrants temp bans. You guys better come to some neutrality or I can't host people who are going to argue with eachother. I like you guys both as my friends and I will continue to hang out with the both of ya, just don't clutter our boards with arguments. It is a privelage to post here so lets keep it.


Edit: Problem seems to be solved so I'm just deleting this. There's no point in bringing it up if you guys are getting along.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Koka, I didnt break your promise, Before i promosed you, I did not read this thread, so when i read his post, yea, it provoked me. I said that was my last post, I deleted him off msn, and yes, I cant take his personality any more, I have enough stuff to deal with, and when he enters it, it just makes it 100x worse because every time i hang out with him, i just cant stand him, and about how he wont return the items. No more posts about this matter.

C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER(broke the arguement, shall not be discussed anymore)
Back on topic

Peach Tree

Smash Cadet
Jan 6, 2008
Niagara Fails
*change subject

How's everyone doing??? ARE WE NAILING THOSE SHORT HOP LAZ0RS????

Are we getting haxed stich faces???

So far i'm doing pretty good sitll trying to master FC neutral air so i can pillar 8D.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Keep up with teh pilzaringz ^_^
I just gotta master L-Canceling, Sometimes I dont hit it. Gunna pracitce the Sacred combo later on today, its gunna be pro


Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2007
Wow...You honestly think you can get away with saying that stuff about me? Whatever. I won't blame you for not liking me. It's no ones fault that we don't get along. We can always be neutral and just not talk. We don't have to be fighting all the time like idiotic children. You can always say "Hey, we just don't get along and I don't want to be friends" That's not an issue with me. I have people that are dying to take your place anyway. But when you start insulting me, calling me a thief and telling me I have no friends, then we have a problem. I should give you one good shot in the face just for that. But whatever. We don't need to be friends but we don't need to argue either. I say we should have a truce.
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