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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
So does that make Cole MacGrath the "Goku" of Street Fighter X Tekken?
No, what i mean is that the Capcom VS. games only consists of the two sides they are representing (SNK, Marvel, Tatsunoko, heck even that Sega crossover without Sonic) and nothing more. In that case, should be MvC considered a "Celebration of Comic Book's history" and should include Batman, Asterix, or Sam & Max, or TvC a celebration of japanese TV animation?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2020
My boy Crash got his multiplayer game announced just in case anyone hasn't seen or heard about it yet. Hell yeah.

One small step for Crash, one giant leap for Crash4Smash.

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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
No, what i mean is that the Capcom VS. games only consists of the two sides they are representing (SNK, Marvel, Tatsunoko, heck even that Sega crossover without Sonic) and nothing more. In that case, should be MvC considered a "Celebration of Comic Book's history" and should include Batman, Asterix, or Sam & Max, or TvC a celebration of japanese TV animation?
The idea of asterix being in a game with ryu and batman is rather amusing

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
So a Youtuber i watched posted this Video based on Smash:
Whats Your Opinion on it? i even came up with a quick roster based on that concept its here:

So this is my FIRST Reboot roster Blue Characters are base Roster, Yellow is DLC, Green are base costumes and Reds are dlc Costumes!
Just from a: I Like Character X Standpoint how is it? Also The Characters are Overhauled that should be obvious sou Mario/ Luigi has No Fludd and Cape and instead hads maybe Groundpound and Tanooki/ Kitsune Twirl!
These are like 60 Characters which seems reasonable for a Casual Fighting Game With DLC!
Try To Come Up with Your Own Rosters with the same Basic Concepts and argue well and i might change it!


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Seeing Crash getting alot of love after his revival makes me wonder why Spyro hasn’t gotten this kind of love
Don't worry, Spyro 4 may come...eventually. It's more work intensive to make Spyro than Crash and likely will end up on next gen systems.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
My boy Crash got his multiplayer game announced just in case anyone hasn't seen or heard about it yet. Hell yeah.

One small step for Crash, one giant leap for Crash4Smash.

I just hope people don't just pretend the ActiBlizz stuff never happened when this comes out. It's bad enough that happened with Overwatch 2...


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Personally, I've always just kind of figured that "Retro" picks are, to some extent, a sort of sub-category to "surprise" picks. I mean, are there really any retro characters who wouldn't be at least a little surprising?
No. But only because the Smash community uses the term "retro" wrong.

This notion that a retro character has to be from a franchise that's dead is erroneous, yet endures.

There are plenty of characters that are ACTUAL retro characters that wouldn't be considered surprises at all.

Clones aren't even the issue. It's that every newcomer but Peach, Bowser, Mewtwo and Marth was a weird one. And could've easily been Nintendo fundamental character as Diddy, Wario, Dedede or anyone of the likes.

Just replace ICs, G&W and Sheik with these characters and the roster looks a million times better even with the clones.
This is something I've thought about before...(Note: I wrote the below before the DLC passes came out)

I go back in time to when Melee was being made:
I stop Dr. Mario, Pichu, Young Link, Roy, Ice Climbers, Game & Watch and Sheik from being playable characters.
I make it so Ganondorf and Falco have completely unique, non-cloned movesets.

I travel forward in time to when Brawl was being made:
I stop R.O.B, Zero Suit Samus and Pokemon Trainer from being playable characters and add Charizard instead.
I make it so Lucas, Wolf and Toon Link have completely unique, non-clone movesets.
I replace Galleom, Duon and Tabuu as bosses with Metal Gear REX, Mother Brain and Medusa.
I make R.O.B., Ice Climbers and Game & Watch assist trophies.

I travel forward in time to when Smash 4 was being made:
I stop Wii Fit Trainer, Duck Hunt, Lucina and Dark Pit from being playable characters.
I make Wii Fit Trainer and Duck Hunt assist trophies.
I replace Master Core as a boss with Andross(64).

I travel forward in time to when Ultimate was being made:
I stop Piranha Plant, Chrom and Incineroar from being a playable characters and add Decidueye instead.
I make Isabelle have a completely unique, non-clone moveset.
I make Piranha Plant, King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard assist trophies.
I add Dr. Mario, Sheik and Zero Suit Samus as alt costumes.
I add Pichu, Lucina, Dark Pit, Dark Shadow, Bass and Shadow as echo fighters.
I replace Galeem and Dharkon as bosses with Safer Sephiroth and Giygas and make sure all of Brawl's bosses return.

At this point, I have removed a grand total of 12 unique movesets from the game. And added a total of 7 unique movesets back into the game. So with my last 5 surplus movesets, I just add 5 characters from my wishlist: Ryu Hayabusa, Bill Rizer/Lance Bean, Arthur, and Erdrick.
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Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
So a Youtuber i watched posted this Video based on Smash:
Whats Your Opinion on it? i even came up with a quick roster based on that concept its here:
View attachment 365102
So this is my FIRST Reboot roster Blue Characters are base Roster, Yellow is DLC, Green are base costumes and Reds are dlc Costumes!
Just from a: I Like Character X Standpoint how is it? Also The Characters are Overhauled that should be obvious sou Mario/ Luigi has No Fludd and Cape and instead hads maybe Groundpound and Tanooki/ Kitsune Twirl!
These are like 60 Characters which seems reasonable for a Casual Fighting Game With DLC!
Try To Come Up with Your Own Rosters with the same Basic Concepts and argue well and i might change it!
Everytime someone mentions "make existing character A an alt for existing character B" I lose ten years off my life


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2021
Everytime someone mentions "make existing character A an alt for existing character B" I lose ten years off my life
Hey at least it is accurate to the design of fire emblem! Kazuya showed us that sticking to source material will totally work out 100% of the time!


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Hey at least it is accurate to the design of fire emblem! Kazuya showed us that sticking to source material will totally work out 100% of the time!
Bit ironic coming from someone with an avatar who doesn’t stick to the source material. No offence


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
The fact that this thread complains about roster decisions made years ago rather than discussing interesting new potential things is disheartening. Melee is old enough now to get a beer. But Smash players love to imagine that some clone character took their most wanted character's rightful spot. Even if in the case of Melee most of the big Nintendo names from that era were added to Smash eventually. Heck, go through the first party characters on this 1999 poll. Most of the big names did end up in Smash or are represented in some way shape or form. But speculation loves to let perfect be the enemy of good. Melee's roster is fine, honestly unless you are a Toad fan you do not have much to complain about from Melee's roster.

Or we can have another 2000 pages and two threads where people complain about Sheik until the next game comes out and odds are Sheik returns or trying to fit square pegs into round holes by thinking somehow if we cut X character we get Y character instead.


Anywho, here's something I think is interesting to talk about.


Genshin Impact is huge. Like, getting the New York Times to talk about how a third of their marketshare is in Japan huge. And Japan tends to be apprehensive towards foreign made games. Or getting the Demon Slayer studio to make an anime for it. And Demon Slayer prints money in Japan. It even is getting its switch port...eventually, do not be shocked if it becomes a direct headliner. At this point, unless Genshin Impact spontaneously combusts and dies within the next three years (which I doubt, its still going strong), I think it has a very solid shot of coming in the next game. Its huge in Japan, its huge everywhere. So long as the game is going strong, it will be in a very strong position for when the next game's roster is being decided. I also do not doubt that it would be an active consideration for Nintendo: the game is massive in Japan, Nintendo knows Genshin is big. It just has a solid track record to make it in as a huge new face.

If we got a rep, it would probably be the Traveler, aka Aether/Lumine. You could easily do a moveset based around using Earth, Electric, Wind, or Plant based magic mixed with swordplay. Water, Fire, and Ice magic also will be in the game eventually for the traveler. A big part of Genshin also is Elemental Reactions. Incorpertating that into Smash where using certain Elemental moves together leads to a different reaction in the long run sounds like it would fit right in. Maybe the Traveller would only have a certain number of elements at their disposal at a time that they could swap between, offering some leeway in terms of design. Maybe the different elemental attacks will be mixed into their moveset. You have plenty of flexibility to put them in Smash.

Full disclosure, I do not care strongly if Genshin gets in or doesn't. I think the traveler could be fun, Genshin has a dope soundtrack. But I do think that people should very seriously entertain the possibility that Genshin Impact shows up in the next smash. If there was one word I could think that would sum up the sentiment here for Genshin in Smash here, it would probably be dread. I think we all have seen how this section of the fandom in particular can react towards anime swordsmen. Genshin also has an...intense fanbase, to say the least. Knowing the Smash community, especially the Smash community here, Aether/Lumine would be met with a lot of ire. All I can say is, be mentally prepared for the possibility it happens. I personally am lukewarm at best in terms of wanting it, but I can very easily see it happening.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Discussion about diverging choices with Melee isn't surprising in the least. What If questions are big topics in numerous big game franchises, and especially with something like Smash where "everyone is here" is a lasting legacy to development decisions made 20 years ago? The roads not taken are going to a be talking point for a long time to come; doubly so if Smash effectively reboots in its next iteration.

As far as Genshin Impact, color me indifferent. I suspect the lack of an actual Switch release has hampered some of its potential discussion and the combination of art style and gacha elements don't leave me that interested. In all honesty I feel the same way about it as I would Jonesy getting into SSB, understandable given the popularity but something I would not at all care about unless the actual fighter mechanics would be interesting.
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Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
I just came up with another idea for Ultimat: what if characters had alternate outfits that you could earn in game either with in-game currency or by completing certain challenges? Here are the costumes I came up with:
  • Mario: Fire Mario
  • Donkey Kong: Funky’s tank top, shorts and glasses
  • Link: Hero’s Shade
  • Samus: Classic Power Suit
  • Dark Samus: Final form from Echoes
  • Yoshi: Yarn Yoshi (color 8 is black Yoshi)
  • Kirby: Classic Kirby
  • Fox: Assault outfit
  • Pikachu: Pikachu Libre (color 8 is Ash’s hat)
  • Luigi: Mr. L
  • Ness: Pajamas
  • Captain Falcon: SNES instruction booklet
  • Jigglypuff: Igglybuff
  • Peach: Wedding Dress
  • Daisy: Classic dress
  • Bowser: Wedding outfit
  • Ice Climbers: Mr. & Mrs. Blizzard
  • Sheik: Yiga disguise
  • Zelda; Casual outfit
  • Dr. Mario: E. Gadd’s glasses
  • Pichu: Spiky-eared Pichu (color 6 is based on Plusle & Minun)
  • Falco: Assault outfit
  • Marth: Classic outfit
  • Lucina: Masked Lucina
  • Young Link: Majora’s Mask
  • Ganondorf: Hyrule Warriors design
  • Mewtwo: Armor from Mewtwo Strikes Back
  • Roy: Eliwood’s outfit
  • Chrom: Risen King
  • Mr. Game & Watch: Outlines
  • Meta Knight: Morpho Knight
  • Pit: Classic Pit
  • Dark Pit: Three Sacred Treasure armor
  • Zero Suit Samus: Justin Bailey
  • Wario: Wario Deluxe
  • Snake: Old Snake
  • Ike: Vanguard
  • Pokémon Trainer (Male): Battle Legend Red
  • Pokémon Trainer (Female): Manga Green
  • Diddy Kong: Donkey Kong Jr.’s shirt
  • Lucas: Pigmask outfit
  • Sonic: Link outfit
  • King Dedede: Shadow Dedede
  • Olimar: Pink Pikmin costume
  • Alph: Rock Pikmin costume
  • Lucario: Sir Aaron outfit
  • R.O.B.: Ancient Minister
  • Toon Link: Royal Engineer
  • Wolf: Assault outfit
  • Villager (Male): New Leaf Villager
  • Villager (Female): New Leaf Villager
  • Mega Man: Casual outfit
  • Wii Fit Trainer: Wireframe
  • Rosalina & Luma: Beta design
  • Little Mac: SNES haircut
  • Greninja: Ash-Greninja
  • Palutena: Classic Palutena
  • PAC-MAN: Heihachi wig
  • Robin: Hooded Robin
  • Shulk: Underwear (color 8 is based on Mumkhar)
  • Bowser Jr.: Shadow Mario’s blue goop
  • Duck Hunt: Cowboy outfit
  • Ryu: Hot Ryu
  • Ken: SFV Ken
  • Cloud: Kingdom Hearts outfit
  • Corrin (Male): Hoshido Noble
  • Corrin (Female): Nohr Noble
  • Bayonetta: Nun disguise
  • Inkling: Octoling outfit
  • Ridley: Omega Ridley
  • Simon: Chronicles outfit
  • Richter: Symphony of the Night outfit
  • King K. Rool: Baron K. Roolenstein
  • Isabelle: Kyary Pyamu Pyamu x New Nintendo 3DS commerical dress
  • Incineroar: Maske Royal
  • Piranha Plant: Petey Piranha
  • Joker: Dancing All Night outfit
  • Hero: Erdrick’s armor
  • Banjo & Kazooie: Dragon Kazooie
  • Terry: Garou outfit
  • Byleth: Enlightened One outfit
  • Min-Min: Waitress outfit
  • Steve: Wireframe
  • Sephiroth: Kingdom Hearts outfit
  • Pyra / Mythra: Gormotti disguise
  • Kazuya: Tekken 1 P2 outfit
  • Sora: Timeless River (color 5 is based on Riku)


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
The fact that this thread complains about roster decisions made years ago rather than discussing interesting new potential things is disheartening. Melee is old enough now to get a beer. But Smash players love to imagine that some clone character took their most wanted character's rightful spot. Even if in the case of Melee most of the big Nintendo names from that era were added to Smash eventually. Heck, go through the first party characters on this 1999 poll. Most of the big names did end up in Smash or are represented in some way shape or form. But speculation loves to let perfect be the enemy of good. Melee's roster is fine, honestly unless you are a Toad fan you do not have much to complain about from Melee's roster.

Or we can have another 2000 pages and two threads where people complain about Sheik until the next game comes out and odds are Sheik returns or trying to fit square pegs into round holes by thinking somehow if we cut X character we get Y character instead.


Anywho, here's something I think is interesting to talk about.

View attachment 365110

Genshin Impact is huge. Like, getting the New York Times to talk about how a third of their marketshare is in Japan huge. And Japan tends to be apprehensive towards foreign made games. Or getting the Demon Slayer studio to make an anime for it. And Demon Slayer prints money in Japan. It even is getting its switch port...eventually, do not be shocked if it becomes a direct headliner. At this point, unless Genshin Impact spontaneously combusts and dies within the next three years (which I doubt, its still going strong), I think it has a very solid shot of coming in the next game. Its huge in Japan, its huge everywhere. So long as the game is going strong, it will be in a very strong position for when the next game's roster is being decided. I also do not doubt that it would be an active consideration for Nintendo: the game is massive in Japan, Nintendo knows Genshin is big. It just has a solid track record to make it in as a huge new face.

If we got a rep, it would probably be the Traveler, aka Aether/Lumine. You could easily do a moveset based around using Earth, Electric, Wind, or Plant based magic mixed with swordplay. Water, Fire, and Ice magic also will be in the game eventually for the traveler. A big part of Genshin also is Elemental Reactions. Incorpertating that into Smash where using certain Elemental moves together leads to a different reaction in the long run sounds like it would fit right in. Maybe the Traveller would only have a certain number of elements at their disposal at a time that they could swap between, offering some leeway in terms of design. Maybe the different elemental attacks will be mixed into their moveset. You have plenty of flexibility to put them in Smash.

Full disclosure, I do not care strongly if Genshin gets in or doesn't. I think the traveler could be fun, Genshin has a dope soundtrack. But I do think that people should very seriously entertain the possibility that Genshin Impact shows up in the next smash. If there was one word I could think that would sum up the sentiment here for Genshin in Smash here, it would probably be dread. I think we all have seen how this section of the fandom in particular can react towards anime swordsmen. Genshin also has an...intense fanbase, to say the least. Knowing the Smash community, especially the Smash community here, Aether/Lumine would be met with a lot of ire. All I can say is, be mentally prepared for the possibility it happens. I personally am lukewarm at best in terms of wanting it, but I can very easily see it happening.
TBH, I kinda want to give Genshin Impact a try for myself, if only so I could have my own opinion on it. I mean, I gave Fortnite a try after awhile, and now I'm fully invested in it (the lore is SURPRISINGLY complex).


Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2018
The fact that this thread complains about roster decisions made years ago rather than discussing interesting new potential things is disheartening. Melee is old enough now to get a beer. But Smash players love to imagine that some clone character took their most wanted character's rightful spot. Even if in the case of Melee most of the big Nintendo names from that era were added to Smash eventually. Heck, go through the first party characters on this 1999 poll. Most of the big names did end up in Smash or are represented in some way shape or form. But speculation loves to let perfect be the enemy of good. Melee's roster is fine, honestly unless you are a Toad fan you do not have much to complain about from Melee's roster.
Part of the point: we ideally shouldn't have to put so much emphasis on scrutinizing decisions from 20+ years ago, but those decisions have had such a big impact on future games, Ult included, that it doesn't really make any sense not to talk about them. The fact that we keep taking those decisions and pushing them forward to the new rosters keeps those decisions relevant to the discussion of the future of Smash. Melee's roster undoubtedly set Smash on a certain trajectory, given the long-term implications of things like clonemania, traditional roster roles like the "surprise" pick, etc.
If EiH wasn't a thing and past rosters weren't having such a big effect on future rosters, then it would make way less sense to emphasize the failings of Melee. But the quirky circumstances of that rushjob are still affecting us now.

Edit: and especially if we follow the claim that vets are easier to make than newcomers, saying "we got those characters later" ignores the benefits of getting those characters earlier. And ignores the fact that a lot of the criticized items from Melee, if not added to Melee, likely would not have been added later, thus indeed easing the resource strain in future iterations of the roster.
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Dan Quixote

Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2020
The fact that this thread complains about roster decisions made years ago rather than discussing interesting new potential things is disheartening. Melee is old enough now to get a beer. But Smash players love to imagine that some clone character took their most wanted character's rightful spot. Even if in the case of Melee most of the big Nintendo names from that era were added to Smash eventually. Heck, go through the first party characters on this 1999 poll. Most of the big names did end up in Smash or are represented in some way shape or form. But speculation loves to let perfect be the enemy of good. Melee's roster is fine, honestly unless you are a Toad fan you do not have much to complain about from Melee's roster.

Or we can have another 2000 pages and two threads where people complain about Sheik until the next game comes out and odds are Sheik returns or trying to fit square pegs into round holes by thinking somehow if we cut X character we get Y character instead.


Anywho, here's something I think is interesting to talk about.

View attachment 365110

Genshin Impact is huge. Like, getting the New York Times to talk about how a third of their marketshare is in Japan huge. And Japan tends to be apprehensive towards foreign made games. Or getting the Demon Slayer studio to make an anime for it. And Demon Slayer prints money in Japan. It even is getting its switch port...eventually, do not be shocked if it becomes a direct headliner. At this point, unless Genshin Impact spontaneously combusts and dies within the next three years (which I doubt, its still going strong), I think it has a very solid shot of coming in the next game. Its huge in Japan, its huge everywhere. So long as the game is going strong, it will be in a very strong position for when the next game's roster is being decided. I also do not doubt that it would be an active consideration for Nintendo: the game is massive in Japan, Nintendo knows Genshin is big. It just has a solid track record to make it in as a huge new face.

If we got a rep, it would probably be the Traveler, aka Aether/Lumine. You could easily do a moveset based around using Earth, Electric, Wind, or Plant based magic mixed with swordplay. Water, Fire, and Ice magic also will be in the game eventually for the traveler. A big part of Genshin also is Elemental Reactions. Incorpertating that into Smash where using certain Elemental moves together leads to a different reaction in the long run sounds like it would fit right in. Maybe the Traveller would only have a certain number of elements at their disposal at a time that they could swap between, offering some leeway in terms of design. Maybe the different elemental attacks will be mixed into their moveset. You have plenty of flexibility to put them in Smash.

Full disclosure, I do not care strongly if Genshin gets in or doesn't. I think the traveler could be fun, Genshin has a dope soundtrack. But I do think that people should very seriously entertain the possibility that Genshin Impact shows up in the next smash. If there was one word I could think that would sum up the sentiment here for Genshin in Smash here, it would probably be dread. I think we all have seen how this section of the fandom in particular can react towards anime swordsmen. Genshin also has an...intense fanbase, to say the least. Knowing the Smash community, especially the Smash community here, Aether/Lumine would be met with a lot of ire. All I can say is, be mentally prepared for the possibility it happens. I personally am lukewarm at best in terms of wanting it, but I can very easily see it happening.
If that Switch port of the game that's been talked about for ages ever actually comes to fruition, it's all over. There would be no reason NOT to include them.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I'm honestly indifferent to Genshin Impact. I was originally interested, but when I learned of the Gacha elements, I skipped it for the time, since I already had a bunch of Gacha games already. The controversy hasn't helped either.

If it got a character, I don't have a problem with it. Probably because by the time the next Smash comes, it'll have been out for a while. And I don't mind the artstyle for Genshin. My issue with Fortnite back then was both the art style and how it felt too early to get a character. Probably won't feel any different from my opinion on Genshin by the time next Smash comes.

I guess my only wish is the next Smash still having some focus on older characters and having a good mix of new and old character newcomers.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
We'll see about Genshin Impact. As of right now, even with the Switch port being announced, I wouldn't be too sure about how high its chances are. Unlike the other companies, miHoYo is not known for making games for home consoles (therefore, not Nintendo consoles), any kind of past collaborations with Nintendo, influences on Nintendo games, or for their games being talked about that much among the Smash Bros fanbase.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
We'll see about Genshin Impact. As of right now, even with the Switch port being announced, I wouldn't be too sure about how high its chances are. Unlike the other companies, miHoYo is not known for making games for home consoles (therefore, not Nintendo consoles), any kind of past collaborations with Nintendo, influences on Nintendo games, or for their games being talked about that much among the Smash Bros fanbase.
I mean to counterpoint, being talked about much by Smash fans is kind of not really a big factor. Outside of some people in RTC (including myself) saying SNK was a dark horse it had slim to none discussion for Smash. If games got in just because of discussion for smash, we would have gotten Geno a decade ago.

What will help Genshin get in Smash is if it keeps growing and if that switch port happens. Should one or both occur I’d be willing to wager Genshin is extremely likely for better and for worse.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
I mean to counterpoint, being talked about much by Smash fans is kind of not really a big factor. Outside of some people in RTC (including myself) saying SNK was a dark horse it had slim to none discussion for Smash. If games got in just because of discussion for smash, we would have gotten Geno a decade ago.

What will help Genshin get in Smash is if it keeps growing and if that switch port happens. Should one or both occur I’d be willing to wager Genshin is extremely likely for better and for worse.
Discussions by Smash fans could help in bringing more attention to these characters. After all, Sakurai even said that the Mii costumes act more like consolation prizes for characters, pretty much showing that he's well aware that these are characters that fans wanted.

As for the SNK part, while I admit that I wasn't expecting a playable representation, I didn't rule out the possibility that was going to get some kind of representation in Smash. I was thinking a spirit event at best.
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Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2018
Idk but "Switch port" does not equal "Smash character." I wouldn't really be worried about Genshin Impact, for now at least. I think they're more likely to prioritize stuff more well-known for console releases. Plus it is from a non-JP, non-Western company and we have like no precedent for that being seriously considered as far as I'm aware.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Discussions by Smash fans could help in bringing more attention to these characters. After all, Sakurai even said that the Mii costumes act more like consolation prizes for characters, pretty much showing that he's well aware that these are characters that fans wanted.
For some of them, yeah. The ones he makes notable mentions about their inclusions I feel are the ones he's very aware are wanted, like Geno, Sans, Doom Slayer, Lloyd, Shantae, Dragonborn and Dante.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2021
Bit ironic coming from someone with an avatar who doesn’t stick to the source material. No offence
Soz I forgot the sarcastic pacman. Hard to show sarcasm through text alone. Game accurate Aegis would be absolutely horrible to play against, acting as a fg swordie based on the mechanics of XC2 (cancels for days). Sometimes liberties need to be taken to ensure a smooth transition to the platform fighter format.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
I'm honestly indifferent to Genshin Impact. I was originally interested, but when I learned of the Gacha elements, I skipped it for the time, since I already had a bunch of Gacha games already. The controversy hasn't helped either.

If it got a character, I don't have a problem with it. Probably because by the time the next Smash comes, it'll have been out for a while. And I don't mind the artstyle for Genshin. My issue with Fortnite back then was both the art style and how it felt too early to get a character. Probably won't feel any different from my opinion on Genshin by the time next Smash comes.

I guess my only wish is the next Smash still having some focus on older characters and having a good mix of new and old character newcomers.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
All that’s left is Sora.
That Sephiroth amiibo is about to have the bendiest sword on the planet

Also I am of the opinion that Sora is gonna get multiple amiibo based on all his alts


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I mean, it wouldn't be a Chinese game if it didn't have the usual China drama involving the CCP, whether it'd be pandering to them or the CCP breathing down their necks on some scenarios or characters, like Venti.

But that aside, it had a very lackluster Anniversary event that resulted in alot of review bombs(to the point where the angry people review bombed other games when they were eventually prevented from review bombing Genshin), it's known for re-using alot of assets, including the same couple character models for almost all of their characters, and because different cultures, pandering and whatnot, they get alot of flack for their handling of dark-skinned characters or characters being based on an African or middle-eastern culture being white as a diamond.

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
The fact that this thread complains about roster decisions made years ago rather than discussing interesting new potential things is disheartening. Melee is old enough now to get a beer. But Smash players love to imagine that some clone character took their most wanted character's rightful spot. Even if in the case of Melee most of the big Nintendo names from that era were added to Smash eventually. Heck, go through the first party characters on this 1999 poll. Most of the big names did end up in Smash or are represented in some way shape or form. But speculation loves to let perfect be the enemy of good. Melee's roster is fine, honestly unless you are a Toad fan you do not have much to complain about from Melee's roster.

Or we can have another 2000 pages and two threads where people complain about Sheik until the next game comes out and odds are Sheik returns or trying to fit square pegs into round holes by thinking somehow if we cut X character we get Y character instead.


Anywho, here's something I think is interesting to talk about.

View attachment 365110

Genshin Impact is huge. Like, getting the New York Times to talk about how a third of their marketshare is in Japan huge. And Japan tends to be apprehensive towards foreign made games. Or getting the Demon Slayer studio to make an anime for it. And Demon Slayer prints money in Japan. It even is getting its switch port...eventually, do not be shocked if it becomes a direct headliner. At this point, unless Genshin Impact spontaneously combusts and dies within the next three years (which I doubt, its still going strong), I think it has a very solid shot of coming in the next game. Its huge in Japan, its huge everywhere. So long as the game is going strong, it will be in a very strong position for when the next game's roster is being decided. I also do not doubt that it would be an active consideration for Nintendo: the game is massive in Japan, Nintendo knows Genshin is big. It just has a solid track record to make it in as a huge new face.

If we got a rep, it would probably be the Traveler, aka Aether/Lumine. You could easily do a moveset based around using Earth, Electric, Wind, or Plant based magic mixed with swordplay. Water, Fire, and Ice magic also will be in the game eventually for the traveler. A big part of Genshin also is Elemental Reactions. Incorpertating that into Smash where using certain Elemental moves together leads to a different reaction in the long run sounds like it would fit right in. Maybe the Traveller would only have a certain number of elements at their disposal at a time that they could swap between, offering some leeway in terms of design. Maybe the different elemental attacks will be mixed into their moveset. You have plenty of flexibility to put them in Smash.

Full disclosure, I do not care strongly if Genshin gets in or doesn't. I think the traveler could be fun, Genshin has a dope soundtrack. But I do think that people should very seriously entertain the possibility that Genshin Impact shows up in the next smash. If there was one word I could think that would sum up the sentiment here for Genshin in Smash here, it would probably be dread. I think we all have seen how this section of the fandom in particular can react towards anime swordsmen. Genshin also has an...intense fanbase, to say the least. Knowing the Smash community, especially the Smash community here, Aether/Lumine would be met with a lot of ire. All I can say is, be mentally prepared for the possibility it happens. I personally am lukewarm at best in terms of wanting it, but I can very easily see it happening.
I mean Dedede Shouldve been in Meele! I get mnot having Meta Knight as he was pretty much unused at that time!


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
That Sephiroth amiibo is about to have the bendiest sword on the planet

Also I am of the opinion that Sora is gonna get multiple amiibo based on all his alts
I mean up to now Characters at most got like 2 Figures based on 2 of thier Alts! And heck Smash Ultimate Zelda has no Amiibo!


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
All that’s left is Sora.
I wonder if Pyra and Mythra will be one fig, or 2.

That's pretty impressive, I didn't know there were that many.
To be fair, most of them are not Smash amiibos. Though they do still work in Smash.
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