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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Anywho, here's something I think is interesting to talk about.

View attachment 365110

Genshin Impact is huge. Like, getting the New York Times to talk about how a third of their marketshare is in Japan huge. And Japan tends to be apprehensive towards foreign made games. Or getting the Demon Slayer studio to make an anime for it. And Demon Slayer prints money in Japan. It even is getting its switch port...eventually, do not be shocked if it becomes a direct headliner. At this point, unless Genshin Impact spontaneously combusts and dies within the next three years (which I doubt, its still going strong), I think it has a very solid shot of coming in the next game. Its huge in Japan, its huge everywhere. So long as the game is going strong, it will be in a very strong position for when the next game's roster is being decided. I also do not doubt that it would be an active consideration for Nintendo: the game is massive in Japan, Nintendo knows Genshin is big. It just has a solid track record to make it in as a huge new face.

If we got a rep, it would probably be the Traveler, aka Aether/Lumine. You could easily do a moveset based around using Earth, Electric, Wind, or Plant based magic mixed with swordplay. Water, Fire, and Ice magic also will be in the game eventually for the traveler. A big part of Genshin also is Elemental Reactions. Incorpertating that into Smash where using certain Elemental moves together leads to a different reaction in the long run sounds like it would fit right in. Maybe the Traveller would only have a certain number of elements at their disposal at a time that they could swap between, offering some leeway in terms of design. Maybe the different elemental attacks will be mixed into their moveset. You have plenty of flexibility to put them in Smash.

Full disclosure, I do not care strongly if Genshin gets in or doesn't. I think the traveler could be fun, Genshin has a dope soundtrack. But I do think that people should very seriously entertain the possibility that Genshin Impact shows up in the next smash. If there was one word I could think that would sum up the sentiment here for Genshin in Smash here, it would probably be dread. I think we all have seen how this section of the fandom in particular can react towards anime swordsmen. Genshin also has an...intense fanbase, to say the least. Knowing the Smash community, especially the Smash community here, Aether/Lumine would be met with a lot of ire. All I can say is, be mentally prepared for the possibility it happens. I personally am lukewarm at best in terms of wanting it, but I can very easily see it happening.
My thoughts on Genshin Impact in Smash are very similar to my thoughts on Fortnite in Smash; I think both franchises need more time to prove their IPs have long-term staying power and to lose some of the stigma associated with their fanbases before they will start getting serious support for Smash (although that's definitely more of an issue for Fortnite than Genshin).

Genshin is undeniably one of the "in" games right now, but it's also only been two years since its initial release. That may not be the case a year from now, with much of the player base potentially jumping to a new gacha game that fills Genshin's niche. Sakurai does seem to be concerned with making sure third-party choices in Smash have a lot of legacy behind them and won't age poorly, seeing how the only third party franchises that weren't 20+ years old when they got a character in Smash were Bayonetta, which Nintendo has a direct hand, and Minecraft, which is gaming's undeniable success story of the 2010s.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
True still Her Smash Ultimate version doesnt have one although yeah shes definitly better than most i guess a OOT Ganondorf would be more needed!
100% I would've bought characters that got a serious visual update. It's not like there were that many.

  • Sheik
  • Zelda
  • Ganondorf
  • Ike
  • Mii Fighters (Maybe?)

I'd also pay for fighters with alternate character and gender alternates:
  • Koopalings
  • Alph
  • Male Wii Fit
  • Female Villager
  • Male Inkling
  • Female Robin
  • Arusu
  • Solo
  • Eight
  • Female Byleth
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Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2019
I mean, it wouldn't be a Chinese game if it didn't have the usual China drama involving the CCP, whether it'd be pandering to them or the CCP breathing down their necks on some scenarios or characters, like Venti.

But that aside, it had a very lackluster Anniversary event that resulted in alot of review bombs(to the point where the angry people review bombed other games when they were eventually prevented from review bombing Genshin), it's known for re-using alot of assets, including the same couple character models for almost all of their characters, and because different cultures, pandering and whatnot, they get alot of flack for their handling of dark-skinned characters or characters being based on an African or middle-eastern culture being white as a diamond.
It's been awhile since I played Genshin, but isn't asset reuse kinda old story? I don't hear that issue often nowaday. And fans are happy how the developers are pumping tons of contents. Hence why they ran against Sonic fans because Genshin fans are happy with their game.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
It's been awhile since I played Genshin, but isn't asset reuse kinda old story? I don't hear that issue often nowaday. And fans are happy how the developers are pumping tons of contents. Hence why they ran against Sonic fans because Genshin fans are happy with their game.
Re-using assets isn't old news in regards to video games in general, but Genshin has gotten alot of flack for the fact that they re-use the same models for all of their characters with very few edits here and there, with a good bunch of characters practically having the same eyes, ears, mouths, and even body features, despite their artwork often portraying them with more different features.

Also, in regards to the Sonic & Genshin stuff, last time I checked, it was because a few bad apples from the Sonic fanbase said some nasty things about them or to the Genshin fanbase and that erupted them into mass-voting for Genshin.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
Fun Fact: There was an unused model from the Transformers movies in the files of Genshin. It was removed some time later.

The only way that fakeout could work is if we were still getting Smash characters as DLC, the actual Smash trailer followed shortly afterward, and such a swerve was for a game a bit more popular than the one that actually turned off some fans from both series it was crossing over. Super Mario Odyssey 2 would be a huge game to announce and even then I still wouldn't disguise its reveal with a faux Smash trailer, let alone trying it with TMS2.
Very late, but i already can hear the whimper from billions of Smash fans who wanted the return of Ultimate, but instead they get J-Pop.
Edit: Darn It, Double post again


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
So, a new Pokemon anime series will begin in April and before that we're getting a small series with Ash and his old companions. Are they finally retiring Ash?

Anyway, the new girl seems to be picking Sprigatito so we can already tell who the spotlight starter will be haha.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
So, a new Pokemon anime series will begin in April and before that we're getting a small series with Ash and his old companions. Are they finally retiring Ash?

Anyway, the new girl seems to be picking Sprigatito so we can already tell who the spotlight starter will be haha.
Oh the bitter cruelty of it all


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
So, a new Pokemon anime series will begin in April and before that we're getting a small series with Ash and his old companions. Are they finally retiring Ash?

Anyway, the new girl seems to be picking Sprigatito so we can already tell who the spotlight starter will be haha.
Yep, Ash is being retired after one final mini arc to give him a final conclusion. New anime series wit new characters. It’s the end of an era.

Also more Meowscarada propaganda, I’m fine with that haha.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Is Pikachu still going to have a big role?
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
So, a new Pokemon anime series will begin in April and before that we're getting a small series with Ash and his old companions. Are they finally retiring Ash?

Anyway, the new girl seems to be picking Sprigatito so we can already tell who the spotlight starter will be haha.
Dang, we all wanted it to happen, but it's still bittersweet all the same...

At least Ash managed to get into Pokemon Masters before the end. Maybe if we're lucky, he'll show up as an NPC in later games.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Well, Ash's history should have ended at some point years ago... but it feels weird finally retiring the character after like 15 years.

A lot of people grew up their entire childhood with Ash as part of it.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I mean, I haven't watched the anime since the Gold/Silver era, but I never liked Ash.

In fact, I'll never like any Pokemon protagonist that doesn't catch every new Pokemon they encounter.

You're supposed to be Catching 'em All, Ash!


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I mean, I haven't watched the anime since the Gold/Silver era, but I never liked Ash.

In fact, I'll never like any Pokemon protagonist that doesn't catch every new Pokemon they encounter.

You're supposed to be Catching 'em All, Ash!
Hey, don't give the new protag unneeded pressure, they're at a disadvantage!

Also, wasn't that Goh's whole schtick? He just threw a Poke Ball and caught whatever?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Well, Ash's history should have ended at some point years ago... but it feels weird finally retiring the character after like 15 years.

A lot of people grew up their entire childhood with Ash as part of it.
24 years

I mean, I haven't watched the anime since the Gold/Silver era, but I never liked Ash.

In fact, I'll never like any Pokemon protagonist that doesn't catch every new Pokemon they encounter.

You're supposed to be Catching 'em All, Ash!
Try goh, he does that


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
It's surprising, but in a way it makes sense as after DP it did seem like they were struggling with trying to find a way to continue Ash's story after years of sticking to a formula. With Journeys they must've figured this would be a good spot to give him a send-off since Leon was a Top trainer he had to beat and it gave an opportunityto showcase what the rest of the cast was up to.

I do wonder how it'll affect things going forward. Ash has been around for years so starting fresh with a new protagonist is going to be rough, especially without his Pikachu. It's going to be interesting to see how they adapt the games going forward and what it means for new Pokemon and characters.

Also, wasn't that Goh's whole schtick? He just threw a Poke Ball and caught whatever?
It was, and ironically people hated him for it. It was even present over in Japan.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
I haven't seen the Pokemon anime since checking out a handful of episodes of Sun and Moon, which was my return to the series after dropping it in the middle of Diamond and Pearl as a kid. However, it is definitely bittersweet that they're retiring Ash after all these years. It's nice to see the character actually complete his arc and go out on a high note rather than being stuck as a perpetual failure in the interest of marketing, but I'll definitely miss the guy.

On an unrelated note, how do people feel about the idea of a second Mega Man character? The first 5 Mega Man X games are some of my favourites of all time and I really like X8, so I'd be ecstatic to see either X or Zero become playable. X is one of my favourite fictional characters of all time and I had how dirty he was done in the Marvel vs. Capcom series, so he's definitely my preferred option, but I think having both X and Zero as a transforming character is the best possible outcome. Being able to swap characters mid-stage is a semi-common mechanic in the X series, X and Zero's friendship is a major theme across multiple entries in the series, and we haven't had a transforming character based around alternating between close and long-range combat before, so I think this idea could work relatively well.
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Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
The fact that they’re retiring Ash is genuinely surprising to me. Not in a million years did I expect them to actually go through with it. Anyways if the Weed Cat is prominent enough to the Anime, even after Paldea like Pikachu was, I could see them getting into Smash very easily.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
Is "Sonic For Project × Zone III" the tactical JRPG equivalent of "Goku For Smash"? Granted, there will never be a new P×Z. Keep dreaming boys.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2014
I started watching the Pokémon anime from the first episode of the first season, Ash and his Pikachu faced the members of Team Rocket Jessie, James, Meowth and Wobbuffet. But in general Ash and his Pikachu will be taken from me, it's kind of sad for me, I don't know how you see it, but I grew up with their adventures all these 25 years and it will be hard for me to think that we will not see them again.
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Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
I started watching the Pokémon anime from the first episode of the first season, Ash and his Pikachu faced the members of Team Rocket Jessie, James, Meowth and Wobbuffet. But in general Ash and his Pikachu will be taken from me, it's kind of sad for me, I don't know how you see it, but I grew up with their adventures all these 25 years and it will be hard for me to think that we will not see them again.
Or well……. probably not as Main Characters, but I could see Ash getting Reintroduced later as a Champion Battle.

Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
I stopped watching Pokemon somewhere around the Johto Leagues, so this doesn't bother me.

But I do think if they were going to move on from Ash, they probably should have done it years ago.
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
FWIW, there may be a chance we'll still see Ash in the anime:

It's just a theory, but I figured it was worth sharing.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
FWIW, there may be a chance we'll still see Ash in the anime:

It's just a theory, but I figured it was worth sharing.
Oh lord not serena


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2014
I like thinking about the relationship between Ash and Serena, but I also like his relationship with Misty. In other words I like both PokéShipping and AmourShipping.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I honestly don't know if they would ever show who married Ash if he does turn out to be married. Cause like, if I know anything about the other anime series that revealed who their main protagonist married, it's the storm that comes from the fanbases whose ship didn't come true. And Ash has some very notable ships that are heavily supported.

On the other hand, they could have the balls to confirm multiple ships. Certainly worked for one of Nintendo's series.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
On an unrelated note, how do people feel about the idea of a second Mega Man character? The first 5 Mega Man X games are some of my favourites of all time and I really like X8, so I'd be ecstatic to see either X or Zero become playable. X is one of my favourite fictional characters of all time and I had how dirty he was done in the Marvel vs. Capcom series, so he's definitely my preferred option, but I think having both X and Zero as a transforming character is the best possible outcome. Being able to swap characters mid-stage is a semi-common mechanic in the X series, X and Zero's friendship is a major theme across multiple entries in the series, and we haven't had a transforming character based around alternating between close and long-range combat before, so I think this idea could work relatively well.
I would 1000% be on board with Zero making it in and imo he is head and shoulders the pick. Represents the X series, Zero series, and even the ZX series to an extent. I think what helps Megaman is that there is a "hole" in the Megaman representation. Broadly speaking, Megaman in Smash is still very much Classic Megaman the series in Smash. Zero does a great job of filling that hole, even better than X does at least to me. It also helps for me that Zero was such a cool character in UMVC3.

Only reason I would push the breaks on Zero is just Capcom has a dozen or so solid candidates to choose from. Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Dante, Phoenix Wright, you name it. Would I love Zero? Absolutely though, especially with the music he would bring with him. I just don't know whether I would love him more than getting Resident Evil or Dante in Smash.

FWIW, there may be a chance we'll still see Ash in the anime:

It's just a theory, but I figured it was worth sharing.
Honestly I feel safe betting she will be revealed to be Ash's kid. It feels like with that backstory its such a layup.

Also means if she is starting with Sprigatito, I know which horse to bet in a hypothetical Gen 9 horse race. Though with how Gen 9 seems to be this fresh start that is doing exceedingly well for Pokemon, it would not shock me if we got a Gen 9 rep even if we get a Gen 10 in time for the next smash.
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Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2018
tbh I feel secondary reps for existing 3P series are more likely to be held off for DLC, unless there is another Echo situation. With such limited spots for base game 3P newcomers I feel it is more likely they would prioritize a new series.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
Honestly Ash is probably Asexual, so I think Ash won’t have any kids by default. Rika seems cool, and I hope a lot of her depth comes from her potentially being abused and a runaway. I think that would be interesting to see Pokémon of all series take on.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
So, a new Pokemon anime series will begin in April and before that we're getting a small series with Ash and his old companions. Are they finally retiring Ash?

Anyway, the new girl seems to be picking Sprigatito so we can already tell who the spotlight starter will be haha.
There are people playing Pokémon games who were born when X and Y were still new.

Just, you know. Food for thought.

...god I miss Ash already


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
As someone more into American and European animation, the long running anime standard is something I'm always a little curious about. I know Pokemon will often play it safe, and Ash is basically iconic as the series protagonist, but realistically what new stories can you really tell with him at this point? I mean even Spider-Man reboots and gets new canon series and movies after a while or gives the spotlight to Miles Morales when it can.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I mean I get to some degree that the anime is a bit like Silver Age comics where realistically they can recycle stories because the younger audience that would be familiar with reused elements would have already aged out of the reading them by that point, but at least that came about from the limitations of the sequential art industry at the time. Pokemon feels big and safe enough to the point where having a new protagonist (or even a new canon version of Ash) every 7-8 years doesn't feel like it would kill the show.
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Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
Does the 11-episode miniseries will re-enact some of the show's most "controversial" episodes?
I just want to see a gun-less remake of the Dratini episode.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
...you're joking, right?
Those who don’t like to talk about their Past or Family tend to usually be those from troubled lives. I feel like, if it doesn’t link to Ash, something that I don’t see happening, then this may be the reason she doesn’t like talking about her Past or Family. Who knows, but if handled right we could have a really great show on our hands. If my hunch is correct.
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